Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Fighting for Ameican Manhood
Omar Perez-Velazco Hist. 460 Dr. McDonough February 18, 2013 Since the beginning of time the topic of human gender its differences has been a controversial subject that always attracts attention. After the Spanish-American War, many men were seen as heroes, some even put into important positions in our nations’ government. Men like McKinley and Roosevelt, for example, used such praise and recognition to reinforce their positions of President and, later on, Vice President, respectively. One of the men who benefited from this line of thought was President McKinley, who no doubt was delighted to find that being a commander in chief during a war restored his image as a capable leader†(110). Roosevelt was a man with power, being the assistant secretary of the navy, but he gave it up to join 1st United Stated Volunteer Cavalry, more commonly known as the Rough Riders. He received nationwide praise and everyone knew him as a hero. â€Å"Two years later, Roosevelt’s mil itary record helped him win the vice presidential slot on the Republican ticket†(112).Women held many important roles during this war, such as nurses. While women were vital to the war effort, many people did little to spread the news. â€Å"In magazines and newspapers of the time, stories glorifying soldiers and sailors are hard to miss. In contrast, stories covering women’s wartime contributions are difficult to find†(128). How does considering gender change our views of the Spanish-American and Philippine-American wars? This is the argument that Kristin Hoganson makes in Fighting for American Manhood.I believe that without the aid of women in the camps, the wars would have gone much differently. â€Å"This book shows how international relations affected ideas about gender, how gendered ideas about political authority affected American democracy in an imperial era, and how high politics served as a vibrant locus of cultural struggle†(14). I can agree with the author on all these points and I believe that women and also minorities during the wars had a great impact from their local factories and towns. Fighting for American Manhood collects its information from a wide variety f sources, some being magazines and journal articles, and others being more in depth, like family letters. There is also a large quantity of political cartoons from the time, depicting such people as President McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, and the iconic Uncle Sam. Some of the primary sources, the letters, come from places like the Alabama Department of Archives and History, or the Cincinnati Historical Society, which provided information in the form of the Wheeler Family Papers, and the Joseph Benson Foraker Papers, respectively.While a lot of these family accounts were safely in the hands of the state, many other accounts from the day were residing in university libraries, such as the Harvard University Houghton Library, and the University of North Carolin a Wilson Library: Southern Historical Collection, from which Hoganson uses the Theodore Roosevelt Collection, from the Charles Eliot Norton Papers, and the Edward Ward Carmack Papers, respectively. The secondary sources that the author compiled were mostly magazine entries and newspaper articles, like those from the New York Times, or the Washington Post.The chapter that I found most interesting was Chapter 6 – The Problem of Male Degeneracy and the Allure of the Philippines. I was just amazed with the United States when our government, using the power of the Treaty of Paris, decided for the Philippines that they wanted to be ceded into the United States. †The peace treaty with Spain, signed on December 10, ceded the Philippines along with Guam and Puerto Rico to the United States. The treaty, known as the Treaty of Paris, then went to the U. S Senate for ratification.But the Filipinos who had been fighting for independence from Spain did not want to be ceded†(13 3). This angered the Filipino nationalists and almost brought an all out war. The reasons that the U. S government officials gave to try and justify their takeover of these territories also surprised me and showed me just how far some countries will go to expand, both physically and mentally. â€Å"Imperialists based their assertions that the Filipinos were unfit for independence on three stereotypes that gave meaning to racial prejudices by drawing on ideas about gender.All three presented the Filipinos as lacking the manly character seen as necessary for self-government†(134). These men were considered less than human, along with Native and African Americans. I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter because of all the different aspects it covers related to gender and the ceding of the Filipino territories. The chapter that I found least interesting was Chapter 2 – Cuba and the Restoration of American Chivalry. While the information in the chapter was important to get the m ain argument across, it just didn’t appeal to me, and it didn’t get any better in my opinion as I kept reading.American citizens fantasized about the Cuban rebels, about how chivalrous the men were and how responsible and loyal wives the Cuban women are. â€Å"In contrast to American men, who seemed to be losing sight of knightly values in their single-minded pursuit of riches, Cuban men appeared to exemplify chivalric character†(47). American men drew inspiration from these fantasies, often showing how Cuban men drew their inspiration from women in illustrations and cartoons. â€Å"Their images as acquiescent, traditional women made Cuban women seem to be perfect feminine foils for assertive American women.In addition to appearing well worth defending, Cuban women appeared eager for rescue†(46). This chapter was important to getting the point across but I felt like it was sort of out of place. Fighting for American Manhood is a very interesting read an d it really makes me think. When did anyone every really stop and think so deeply about how gender can affect wars? The book is unique and I recommend it to anyone who wants to study the topic of gender affecting war.
Explaining legal and ethical tensions between maintaining confidentiality and sharing information
Explain how to support effective communication within your own job role. Communication is constantly happening within the day care center and in my job role I have a responsibility to communicate with staff, service users and other professionals. I use various forms of communication but I also seek to make sure that it is understood. Communication has got to be understood before it can be effective and so I try to ensure comprehension when I am verbally speaking by getting staff to repeat what I have asked them to do. I also write simply worded memos and emails to ensure ease of comprehension.When communicating with other professionals I speak clearly and seek affirmation when organizing meetings or planning events. I also seek to write in a legible manner if writing to professionals. Each service user has a communication book for reporting and informing families and carers of activities on a daily basis, these are written in a legible way also. Primarily when communicating with each individual service user I seek to communicate in an understandable way and at a level each individual will understand. The methods I employ are verbal, pictorial, object-based, physical prompts and signing.Analyse the barriers and challenges to communication within own job role. Propose improvements to communication systems and practices to address any shortcomings. Lead the implementation of revised communication systems and practices. Barrier/Challenge. Explaination. How could it be improved? How have I improved it Deafness? Some of our service users have hearing loss and on occasions forget to bring their hearing aids to day care. This presents a severe communication challenge and barrier on these occasions.Bring hearing aid in daily. I have written a request in service user’s communication book requesting that hearing aids are sent in daily and suggesting that a spare is obtained in the event that his current hearing aid is broken. Visual impairments mean that visual cue s and prompts are meaningless and this includes signing. Glasses could be worn. I have requested that service users wear their glasses to aid with communication. I have adapted general approach to service users to compensate for blindness. No Speech/Speech Impediments. Some of our service users have poor speech or no speech at all. With these service users an alternative form of communication is required or an ability to listen intently and comprehend what they are saying. Picture/objects of reference.A jotter and pen to spell difficult words.For some of our service users I have drawn together objects and photographs of reference and each one acts as a word of vocabulary and provides an ability to communicate effectively. For one of my service users I have encouraged him to spell out difficult words to understand. Comprehension. Some of our service users have profound learning disabilities and their level of comprehension and understanding is very limited, however they communicat e constantly.Alternative methods could be sought.One individual has been taught to â€Å"eye-point†at what she wants. Another gets quite restless and verbal when he is upset and smiles and giggles when happy. Staff have been informed of how this service user communicates. Time Another challenge to effective communication in the day care center is time. We are all busy and we don’t always have the time to listen and to communicate the way we should.Better time management.Managing our workload allows us to take time with our service users. However on many occasions there is no solution as we are all busy and things need to be completed. Noise. One of the biggest preventatives and barriers to effective communication is noise. Is the music too loud? Is the television on? Is there too many people in the room talking? Turn music/TV volume down, close doors, ensure staff have a relevant reason for being in the day care room.I have ensured volume of music etc. is at an accept able level.I have told staff to leave the day care room or to stop talking so loudly to enable the preservation of an environment conducive to effective communication. Distance. When communicating with service users or staff members at the other side of the room or down the corridor distance and space apart can become a barrier and a challenge to effective communication. Go to the individual you are communicating with. Although it is not always possible it is advisable to go to the individual and I seek to do this as much as possible. Computer System/E-mail. When sending or receiving e-mails it is necessary to have access to a working computer which is ‘online’.Have various ‘backups’ when communicating via email. I have sent emails and to ensure that the information has been forwarded I have sent hard copies too.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Reading Philosophies Essay
Is the student| |Constructivist |and cultural belief can influence the |along with the teacher a book. |responding or actively participating in class | | |learning along with interactions of other |Teacher will give the student a project on a topic|discussions | | |students in the classroom. and then will present it in front of the class |Mind mapping will have the students list and | | |In a classroom that utilizes the theory of |Have the students watch a clip or a movie and then|categorize new concepts | | |constructivism, there would be: |the teacher will conduct a discussion afterwards |Pre-assessments allows the teacher to know what | | |Vigorous participation |Teacher can take the students on a field trip to |the students know and what topics they will need | | | Small group interactions |relate real world experiences to the concepts |to be taught | | |New concepts shown within context |learned in class |Hands on activities assess how the students can | | |Previous knowledge used to create new | |utilize a particular learning tool | | |knowledge | | | |Questions or activities to lead to new | | | | |concepts | | | | |This theory is based on the teacher defines |Teacher can have the students underline a portion |Assessments though individual work. Is the | |Explicit or Direct |and model the concept, guides the students |of the text on an overhead or on the board to |student completing and doing individual | |Instruction |through application, and creates guided |depict whatever topic is being discussed, like |assignments? | | |practice until there is mastery of the |naming the nouns, proper nouns, prepositions, etc. |Assessment through a test or quiz with an essay | | |concept. Ask the students to check the text on the overhead|writing or proje ct report | | |In this model, the classroom will consists |because you need to prove whatever topic is being |An informal assessment through having the | | |of: |discussed |children do â€Å"thumbs up or thumbs down†| | |Direct instruction of phonemic awareness |Ask the students to read a passage to see if it | | | |Decoding skills |sounds right and makes sense, then ask if there | | | |Rules of language |should be any revisions | | | | |Skill based worksheets, flash cards, or game | | | | |relating to the new concept | | Reading Philosophies It is important to know what type of effective teaching strategies you want to have when you step inside the classroom doors. Although there are many different teaching styles, the two most common philosophies are direct/explicit instruction and constructivist. Choosing either method is a matter of preference and what will work best for the teacher and the students. No matter what, the information that is given to the students must be informative and related to their needs as well as their particular grade level. This essay will discuss both approaches and what method I would like to utilize when I become a teacher. â€Å"Teachers can give students ladders that lead to higher understanding, yet the students themselves must climb these ladders†(Slavin, 2009, p. 231) emphasizes the view of a constructivist in which the students are vital roles in their own learning and development. A traditional idea about teaching is comparable to the constructivist method of teaching. This method commonly has the teacher identifying learning objectives, planning learning activities, and creating assessments. However this theory relies on the student’s knowledge and more hands on activities. The teacher’s role is to facilitate personal learning by establishing a community of learners, and by making it clear to the student that he or she is part of the community (Baines & Stanley, 2000). Jean Piaget is well known for generally attributing to the formalization of constructivism. Piaget felt that accommodation and assimilation will help students construct new knowledge from their past experiences. When students assimilate, they will digest their new experience into a pre-existing context without altering the new context. It is also important to know that constructivism is not a specific pedagogy. In short, this theory describes how learning happens, despite of whether students are using their past experiences to comprehend the lesson. In a constructivist classroom, there would be (1) vigorous participation (2) small group discussions (3) concepts introduced within context, and (4) authentic literature, (GCU, 2013). Truthfully, many aspects of constructivism are commendable (Baines & Stanley, 2000). One component of this theory is small group discussions. The next theory is direct or explicit instruction. This model (1) sets the stage for learning (2) teacher provides clear explanation of what to do (3) modeling the process (4) guided practice, and (4) independent practice. Throughout explicit instruction, teachers are responsible for monitoring the students’ needs and providing them a kind of scaffolding that is appropriate throughout their learning process. Modeling is a key component of scaffolded instruction (Truscott & Truscott, 2004). When this strategy is used there will be gradual withdrawal of supportive learning structures to eventually become the sole responsibility of the student (Truscott & Truscott, 2004). This concept has been known to improve learning however it may take a long time for the student to master. However once it is mastered, the student feels a sense of accomplishment and self-sufficient. Explicit instructions make the student responsible as well in a different way that constructivism is administered. Students will know and understand what they are expected to perform by themselves and what goals that they will work towards. In the content of reading, studies have shown that direct teaching of word meanings in a reading passage is more effective than an uninstructed vocabulary learning approach (Sanbul & Schmitt (2010). There is an allowance for student engagement as well. Learning is an active process. Teachers of this model will maintain the classroom with proper behavior; however students should stay actively involved in the lesson in order to have the greatest impact on their learning. While they are being taught, students will be focused on the lesson as well as try to make sense of the new material. I feel that either theory is the not better than the other. I feel that both theories can work together in a classroom if they are balanced out. A study was conducted at the University of Kansas of 83 students who were targeted in the winter of kindergarten as being high risk for reading failure. Interventions were conducted in small groups of one to six students for thirty minute sessions, three times per week, for a two year period (Kamps, Abbot, Greenwood, Wills, Verrkamp, Kaufman, 2008). Reading comprehension is a very complex skill to teach. In this study, the students worked on comprehension strategies including decoding words, phonological awareness, alphabet knowledge and rapid letter naming. As a result, the findings from this study proved that small group instruction improved in critical early literacy skills. Some students even advanced to grade level performance (Kamps, Abbot, Greenwood, Wills, Verrkamp, Kaufman, 2008). I feel this is a great example of both theories placed into one. The teacher was incorporated by working directly with the students; however the students were placed in smaller groups like in the constructivism theory. In my classroom, I would use constructivism to create a print-rich environment with student’s work posted and a time that students are free and able to discuss classroom topics. I would also relate the content that is being taught to a life experience so the students can understand that specific content area. I would also create high levels of interaction with lots of group work. However there will be a time for explicit instruction. I will monitor the students for understanding to make sure that they are deriving meaning from the instruction. I also think it is important that I model the assignment before I give it, especially for kindergarten because their understanding for directions is still very new. All teaching strategies or theories require some form of assessment to make sure the student understands the given concept. Although both theories are quite different, the assessments are the same. The assessments are either formative or summative. Teachers will use formative assessments through class observations of participation, questioning strategies, and peer or self assessment. Through summative strategies, it is usually benchmark exams or state mandated standardized testing. In conclusion, both theories have been proven to be very successful. Researchers agree that teachers need to be adaptive to meet students’ diverse and individual needs (Parsons, Davis, Scales, Williams, Kear, 2010). No one can clearly state which theory works better. I have observed both theories inside classrooms of today and the students were successful in their learning. I feel that whatever works best for you and your students, then just go for it. Bottom line, we need the students to become successful and proper citizens once they graduate so I hope to do my best when I am teaching and use both theories to make it happen. References Baines, L. A. , & Stanley, G. (2000). ‘We Want to See the Teacher. ‘. Phi Delta Kappan, 82(4), 327. Kamps, D. , Abbott, M. , Greenwood, C. , Wills, H. , Veerkamp, M. , & Kaufman, J. (2008). Effects of Small-Group Reading Instruction and Curriculum Differences for Students Most at Risk in Kindergarten. Journal Of Learning Disabilities, 41(2), 101-114. Parsons, S. A. , Davis, S. G. , Scales, R. Q. Williams, B. , & Kear, K. A. (2010). How AND WHY TEACHERS ADAPT THEIR LITERACY INSTRUCTION. College Reading Association Yearbook, (31), 221-236. Slavin, R. E. (2009). Educational Psychology. In R. E. Slavin, Educational Psychology (pp. 30-44). Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, Inc. Sonbul, S. , & Schmitt, N. (20 10). Direct teaching of vocabulary after reading: is it worth the effort?. ELT Journal: English Language Teachers Journal, 64(3), 253-260. doi:10. 1093/elt/ccp059 Truscott, D. M. , & Truscott, S. D. (2004). A professional development model for the positive practice of school-based reading consultation. Psychology In The Schools, 41(1), 51-65.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Finacal Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Finacal Analysis - Essay Example and the sixth biggest metro area in the Southeastern part of the United States. In addition, when these figures totaled up, the Greater Orlando municipal is the 3rd largest metro expanse in the state of Florida. Orlando is ranked fifth among the population sizes in the state, and it is the state’s largest inland municipal area. The geography or layout of the city is mostly wetlands, comprising of many swamps and lakes such as Lake Apopka (Loschiavo, 2012). The landscape is generally flat and low lying making it fairly wet. The city seats on 101 sq miles (261.6 km?) land terrain. The city has the biggest population of Puerto Ricans within its states, Florida. Orlando houses the fastest growing Puerto Rican community in the United States. From 1980 to 2010, Hispanic populace share rose by nearly 20% from 4.1 to 25.4%. Orlando also has the largest growing Caribbean populace in the U.S. In 2000, the area’s population became more open with 22.0% below the age of 18, 10.7% fr om 18 years to 24 years, and 55.9% from 25 years to 64 years and 11.3% who were 65 years of age and above (U.S. Department of Commerce, 2013). In the past, the unemployment rate in Greater Orlando region was deprived, which resulted in population growth that brought about urban sprawl in the neighboring area and, in together with the U.S. housing bubble, a huge increase in house prices. Orlando's joblessness rate in June 2010 was 11.1%, a 0.3% drop from April the same year. However, the unemployment rate was roughly 10% in the same time of year back in 2009 (Diana, 2012). As of June 2012, Orlando’s jobless rate was 8.6%. Home prices in the Greater Orlando region increased to 40.1% in one fiscal year, from a medium of $182,300 in June 2004 to $249,900 in June 2005, and finally peaked at $264,436 in June 2007. After that, with the financial crisis, prices plunged, with the medium dropping below $200,000 in November 2008, at one time falling at a yearly rate of 42.02%. The mediu m dropped below $100,000, in 2010, but later stabilised to $110,000, in 2011. As of April 2012, the median housing price was $116,000. High or secondary school graduates or higher in the city of Orlando fall at 86.7% People with a Bachelor's degree or higher, on the other hand, in the city of Orlando fall at 31.9%. This numbers act as a proof of how the city highly regards education. As of October 2011, Orlando area had an enrollment of almost 175,000 students in public schools, which made the city the 12th largest with regards to public school enrollment in the United States (Loschiavo, 2012). According to rankings by various studies dealing with criminal activities among major towns, which use the most up-to-date, as well as wholly vetted data with total national coverage that is attainable, Orlando is ranked 67th among the list of top 100 most unsafe municipal centers in the United States. Orlando is identified around the globe for its major entertainment attractions, particularl y Walt Disney World, the film studios and Epcot. Representing a 4.7% growth from the earlier year, almost 45 million conventioneers and tourists visited Orlando in 2010, pumping almost $24.9 billion into the city’s economy. Major employers in the region include the aviation industry, the military service and the public schools. Orlando is governed and administered through the mayor-council system. The mayor is chosen from a citywide vote. The six members of the
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Production Eng Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Production Eng - Assignment Example In the first six years, Oil fields experienced a continued increase in their production cycle, and then they experienced a stand still production for a total number of four years. This could have been because due to a recovery plan. In the next years, the company’s oil production increases reaching at its peak probably a success in the recovery plan caused this increase. However, continued rise is experienced for only two years and the production begins falling, first, a reasonable decline, which becomes more significant for two years. There are many reasons that can be associated with the decline. For instance, the oil fields management and/or drying up of wells. Question 2: what happens to the hydrocarbon quantity that is not recovered as oil? Except for Benzene and a few other hydrocarbons that are aromatic, hydrocarbons are slightly soluble. However, these mentioned are removable with the help of combining separators or even any other physically initiated methods. This is advantageous as long as they are removed as fast as possible to ensure dissolution occurence does not occur. In addition, it happens in the case where they appear to be more than the solubility concentrations. These hydrocarbons have not been covered in the clean water act causing them to be just under speaking. This is attributed to their ability of not causing sheen in water. Many jurisdictions have lately been concerned about dissolved hydrocarbons and the different effects they cause when dissolved or not dissolved. For this reasons, it is essential for oil production firms always to treat for them to avoid bleaching of the laws governing hydrocarbon dissolution. In the case of absorbed hydrocarbons, the use of the above stated physical methods is discouraged. Instead, methods like absorbent treatments or biological treatments can be used There are four stages associated with recovering
Saturday, July 27, 2019
The Philosophy of Interpersonal Relations Essay
The Philosophy of Interpersonal Relations - Essay Example It would also comprise of the enormous tasks which are being handled through these resources, which I believe are these employees themselves. I opine that management is all about doing things right and that too in a quantifiable manner. It would not happen overnight, and thus I shall find ways and means to get the tasks reach the finished stage with acumen and intellect, shown by the employees themselves. The management part derives its basis from a number of factors, most significant of which remain the controlling, organizing and leading tenets. The management domains depend a great deal on how leaders are able to re-collect themselves after they had had a difficult time coping up with the employees which have not produced results. What this means is the fact that management comes of age and tells the employees what exactly is required of them, and how they shall go about delivering results with a sense of purpose and hard work on their part. Hence an understanding of the managemen t premise is all the more significant in the time and age of today because employees are giving in their best and producing results that are based on the long term, and finding solutions which bring value towards the business realms. It is always a wise proposition to make sure that business entity remains supreme so that success is managed easily by the employers and the employees in the long term scheme of things. It would settle quite a few scores as far as management’s competition levels are concerned. My philosophy of interpersonal relations are such that these depend a great deal on how the human resources management and the top management in combination with one another depict the aspect of bringing in a change which is for the betterment of the organizational environment in the long range scheme of things. Interpersonal relations always come to the fore whenever a prospective employee wishes to join an organization. He would like to know what kind of environment exist s within the organization’s realms and what the organization is doing to make sure that the employees remain cordial and jovial in each other’s company. This is important because interpersonal relations always seem to bring a positive or a negative connotation for the sake of the organization in the long range scheme of things, and is the marked difference between how prospective employees would like to come to terms with such companies in the future. It also speaks highly of the business entities which are renowned for their working conditions and the ones that are not so famous for having the best possible relations amongst its employees (Hayes, 2002). The need is to have the best possible interpersonal relations within an organization’s realms so that people become attracted in joining it within the future. The interpersonal relations are always deemed as significant for any business enterprise because it sets the basis for organizational growth and harmony a cross the ranks. It makes things easier within an organization because the employers know that their employees would not start fighting with each other, instead they will remain calm and contented with what they have and how they will achieve success for not only their own selves but also for the end goals and objectives that the organization has set for its own self. This is a very quintessential aspect because it is being spoken about more and more in this day and age.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Summary of Pontoon A novel of Lake Wobegon Assignment
Summary of Pontoon A novel of Lake Wobegon - Assignment Example This summary assists the author bring out his intention to the reader about how to live and enjoy life. It was after the death of a woman in the community that the plot thickens. Her family is thrown into turmoil as they do not want to go against her death wishes. At the same time, they do not want to anger the community members by carrying out her wishes. Many lessons are brought forth at the woman’s burial. Her best kept secrets are also brought out during the death ceremony. It is through the story that individuals in society are taught the value of living and enjoying life. Also, they are shown the importance grabbing opportunities once they come one’s way (Keillor, 2008). In conclusion, the story has lifelong teachings that can assist any individual identify what they want in life, and how they can set out to achieve their dreams. The author’s character and mannerism of bringing out these lessons makes the book stimulating and riveting. It is critical not to live in fear or regret (Keillor, 2008). This is one vital lesson the author brought out in the novel, making it a must-read for
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Gulf Regional Legal Environment of Business Essay - 2
Gulf Regional Legal Environment of Business - Essay Example For example, Sadah (2010) has pointed out those countries like Oman lacks in proper legal framework which can not only protect domestic players but also attract foreign investors. Hence, it can be said that providing a stable legal framework to domestic and foreign companies is related to Oman’s growth and prosperity. McConnaughay (2001) has defined law as a structure and combination of principles which provide guidance to companies on how to do business and also takes care of the interest of investors. In Oman, Commercial Companies Law under the Royal Decree No. 4/1974 takes care of most of the business entities such as Joint-stock Companies, Limited Liability Companies (LLC), joint venture between partners etc (Morison Muscat, 2010). However, such an old prescription is not helpful for Oman to solve the entire pertinent and current day business problem. For example, the age old Royal Decree No. 4/1974 is not helpful to guide business operation of commercial companies which m ight or might not have principal operation in Oman. Another important thing is that, in last 20 years, rapid industrialization in Oman has increased interest of foreign investors to invest money in order to expand business in the country (Morison Muscat, 2010). ... Part 2 Research scholars such as Siviglia (1993), Fox (2009) and Christou (2009) have pointed out that, commercial agreement between countries is important facet of international trade policy for government of any country. Careful analysis of the work done by Fox (2009) shows that commercial agreement between Sultanate of Oman and any foreign Country is exposed to both advantages and disadvantages. Commercial agreement between Sultanate of Oman and international countries comes under the Royal Decree No. 102/94- FCIL and foreign capital investment policy (Morison Muscat, 2010). According to the law, foreign companies need to get license from Omani government in order to commence business in the country. Investors of foreign countries are allowed to invest in tourism, construction, infrastructure, technology or own share of Omani company. Commercial agreement between foreign countries and Oman also includes the clause that, foreign investors will be eligible for tax holidays if their service is found to be necessary to economic growth of Oman by the Council of Ministers (Morison Muscat, 2010). There are plenty of advantages associated with signing commercial agreement by Sultanate of Oman with international countries such as, foreign partners will invest additional fund to the Oman economy which will positively impact the gross domestic product growth of Oman, technological partnership between foreign companies and domestic players will ultimately increase the overall technological capacity of the Oman, foreign investors will create job opportunity by investing money in Oman which will significantly improve the labour market condition
Use of Ethanol as a Fuel Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Use of Ethanol as a Fuel - Research Paper Example Unfortunately, inside an automobile engine, fuel undergoes incomplete combustion and as a result unburned hydrocarbons, oxides of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and compounds of sulphur are released, which are extremely dangerous to mankind (Rao, 1989). Many organizations all over the world are participating in developing awareness and making such standards that are environment friendly. Among them is U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPA which is constantly trying to make such standards and regulations which can lessen the effects of the exhaust of the automobiles on the environment. An Energy Policy Act has been passed by EPA which is considered to be an attempt in fighting energy problems. It contains a national renewable fuel standard program RFS, developed to make use of a certain amount of renewable fuel within transportation fuels. Ethanol is one of the environment friendly gas or liquid recommended in EPA and RFS programs. It is, in actual, the ethyl alcohol found in drinking beverages and it is being used as a transportation fuel too for decades. It is termed as an oxygenating factor for gasoline and is used purposely for oxygenating fuel in many parts of the country. It is blended as an alternative fuel to the gasoline of about 5-10% concentration initially, but now it is mostly in the form of E85 and E100 which contains 85-100% concentration of ethanol alcohol (Renewable Fuel Standard Program. 2011). Using Ethanol as E85 has quantitatively replaced the gasoline in flexible fuel vehicles, which have engines designed for this special purpose so that they are compatible with the high concentration of ethanol. It has a high octane rate than gasoline and thus provides good performance and engine efficiency, but at the same time it has lower energy content and thus it gives less mileage as compared to gasoline of the same amount. United States was the world’s top producer of ethanol with 50 billion liters out of 86.9 billion liters all over the world in the year 2010. Every other car or automobile in US uses a blend of gasoline ethanol up to 10% as it is considered mandatory by the RFS program. There are also a great number of flexible fuel vehicles which use E85 and E100 as a fuel, but it can b e affirmed that more energy is consumed as compared to gasoline (Lichts. 2010). As ethanol is a biofuel, it is mostly seen to be produced from the natural sources and products. Agricultural feed stocks such as sugar cane or corn which are considered renewable are being processed into ethanol by fermentation, distillation and dehydration, when after they undergo the process of photosynthesis for their growth. Petroleum is also a source of ethanol production in the world. About 5% of world’s ethanol is produced by the catalytic hydration of ethylene which is obtained from oil, gas, coal and other petroleum resources. Apart from sugar cane and corn, other feed stocks can also be used for the production of bio-ethanol, which include bagasse, miscanthus, sugar beet, sorghum, grain, switch grass, barley, hemp, kenaf, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava, sunflower, molasses, stover, grain, wheat, straw, cotton and other biomass and cellulose harvestings. The only condition is that the process of photosynthesis should completely occur, i.e., plants absorb sunlight for their growth and all the minerals they produce like phosphorus etc should return to the land (Ethanol. 2012). Apart from its
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Head On and Tylenol Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Head On and Tylenol - Annotated Bibliography Example 2011. The book provides a one-kind-consumer guide that provides solutions to over 500 over-the-counter medications. It provides symptoms for common problems followed by over-the-counter prescriptions to alleviate the conditions. 3. Maryanne, H., & AARP (2006). The AARP guide to pills: Essential information on more than 1200 prescription and nonprescription medicines, available through Medical Databases Online, General Databases, accessed 20th Oct. 2011. The book addresses the problems of adults over the age of 50 years. The book also simplifies the effort to find information about certain drugs by presenting generic drugs in a logical A-to Z organization. It also provides a close reference to related brand new drugs. This information has been vetted by a board of con tent specialists from the finest institutions in United States. 4. King, L., & Mary, C. (2009). Pharmacology for Women’s Health, available through Medical Databases Online, Nursing Databases, accessed 19th Oct. 2011. The article includes an insight into the basic pharmacodynamics principles that allows health professionals to understand and know hoe to prescribe drugs. It includes chapters that describe pharmacology of various drugs that are used in wide variety of illnesses. The arctle provides fundamentals of nursing, Introduction to Nursing and Critical Thinking. It contains concrete examples which allow studentds to understand and apply the five steps of nursing process in the expanding world of healthcare. The book provides a user friendly step by step work-book like approach to the five steps of nursing process. It also offers good solutions to the most difficult part of nursing, diagnosis. It also contains exercises that allow the reader to practice what he has learnt. The book focuses on the choices which have to be made while designing a drug for newly
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Content analysis of the #handsupdontshoot on Instagram Essay
Content analysis of the #handsupdontshoot on Instagram - Essay Example investigation of these research questions, this research uses cultivation theory to conduct a content analysis of #handsupdontshoot as it appears on Instagram and compares it intended message with the perceptions of Instagram users. Therefore four interviews are conducted. The results of the study reveal that African Americans and White Americans generally have different experiences with exposure to the criminal justice system and as such generally have different perspectives on the utility of #handsupdontshoot on Instagram. This research study uses cultivation theory in conducting a quantitative content analysis of #handsupdontshoot as portrayed on Instagram. The purpose of this research is to identify the messages conveyed by images posted to Instagram using #handsupdontshoot and how those images are received and interpreted by Instagram users. #handsupdontshoot began making its rounds on social media in the wake of the police fatal shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri on August 9th, 2014. Eyewitness reports claimed that after struggling for a gun with White police officer Darren Wilson, Brown threw his hands up as he ran away and shouted â€Å"don’t shoot†(Pearce, 2014). According to the eyewitness, â€Å"don’t shoot†were Brown’s final words (Pearce, 2014). Protesters took to the streets of Ferguson with their hands up chanting, defiantly â€Å"hands up don’t shoot†(Pearce, 2014). According to Reverend Al Sharpton, the hands up donâ€℠¢t shoot chant is meant to express the frustration the African American community experiences with the criminal justice system. (Pearce, 2014). Therefore controversy over whether or not Michael Brown was actually surrendering at the time of his fatal shooting is not as important as the underlying racial tension between the criminal justice system, especially law enforcement and the African American community in general. According to Kidane and Abbas (2014), the Michael Brown shooting death brings to the
Monday, July 22, 2019
Principles of Managing Information and Producing Documents Essay Example for Free
Principles of Managing Information and Producing Documents Essay Unit title: Principles of managing information and producing documents 1. Understand the purpose of information technology in a business environment 1. 1 Identify different types of information technology that may be used for work tasks Types of technology that could be used to do tasks at work are computer software like: Microsoft Word which is software used to create documents Excel is software that can be used for storing and organising data. Publisher is software which is used to create almost anything from documents to greeting cards. Could also use a fax machine, telephone and send emails. 1. 2 Outline the benefits of using information technology for work tasks The benefits of using technology for work tasks include: Speed – A computer can search through files and records quickly to find the information you require. It can also make it quicker and easier to change a mistake. Editing – If you hand write documents if there was a mistake you would have to retype from scratch, but on the computer documents can be easily amended. Quality – On the computer there are many tools that make the quality of a document better like spell and grammar check, templates, different fonts and emboldening, borders, bullet points or numbering and all them enable high quality documents to be produced. Access – On a computer you can control who gets access to the documents because you can just send it to certain people or if you have a password on the computer it restricts who can get on. 1. Understand how to manage electronic and paper based information 1. 1 Explain the purpose of agreeing objectives and deadline for researching information The purpose of agreeing objectives and deadlines is to ensure that you collect all the needed information to complete the task given and you will have a correct date to finish it by. You will also know what sort of resources to use to collect the data because depending on what you’re looking for something’s could be copy righted which you cannot use because it’s illegal. 1. 2 Identify different ways of researching, organising and reporting information Different sources of research are: Paper-based like libraries and newspapers. Technological which is internet, CD/DVDS and television. Asking people which is primary research and gathering research yourself is secondary. To organize information you could: Organise informations according to relevance. Put it in numeric or alphabetical order. Keep it in date order. Different ways of Filing information: Numeric order. Alphabetical Date To report information means keep a log of your information and its sources. First you should plan a report and know what the purpose is for it, then find the data you need to write a report, should then produce a draft and check everything you need is there and then finalise your report and checking it again. 1. 1 Describe procedures to be followed for archiving, retrieving and deleting information, including legal requirements, if required Electronic and paper-based methods: Out guide/Absent cards – Are used when someone removes a file from the shelf and they will insert an out guide in its place which will say which file has been taken and who has taken it. Cross Referencing – So if input onto the computer with a number you can find the original in the files. File retention polices – A company has to keep certain documents for a certain amount of time. Indexing – To keeping a list of names or subjects with references to the pages so able to find when needing the original copy from a file. You can store information on a hard drive inside your pc, you can save it onto a CD/DVD or a memory stick. You can keep data safe by having a password on everything that needs to be kept private, and could have locked away in a certain order in some unit cabinets so only certain people can get in and see the information. The best way to dispose important and personal data is to shred it. 1. 2 Explain why confidentiality is critical when managing information Confidential information could be someone’s personal details like their home address and bank details which must be kept secure under legislation requirements. It is important to keep details confidential to avoid identity theft, also makes clients feel more secure knowing there information is safe because they would not want anybody to find out there details. You can keep data secured manually which is held in a locked area or cabinet, or keep it electronically that is password controlled. 2. Understand the purpose of producing documents that are fit-for-purpose 2. 1 Identify reasons for producing documents that are fit-for-purpose Documents should be fit for purpose so that it is suitable for the audience it is intended for and so that it meets the company standards. To do this you need to make sure that the document is readable, is accurate on details and enhances the organisations reputation. 2. 2 Describe different types and styles of documents and when they are used Different types and styles of documents have different people to use for – Letters for clients and customers Emails with attachments for circulation information to colleagues Reports for providing information to colleagues Most companies have a certain house style template for documents which is formatted accordingly to the guidelines of the certain organisation. Having a template specific to the company has the benefit of promoting the company image and having consistency with documents. 1. Know the procedures to be followed when producing documents 1. 1 Identify reasons for agreeing the purpose, content, layout, quality standards and deadlines for the production of document Reasons may include ensuring the correct format is used for the type of document being produced, because if the purpose is unclear the document will not make sense as it needs to. Content – So you know how to write the document correctly for the audience. Style – Varies on the type of document, so if it was an agreement then a formal standard style would be used. Deadline – Makes the time frame clear for something to be complete, also gives the client a clear time when the project should be finished by. Efficiency Makes the company look more professional and organised. Repetition – Doing good quality work on time gives a good impression of the company which could mean more work because they will be recommended because of its good repetition. 1. 2 Describe ways of checking finished documents for accuracy and correctness, and the purpose of doing so Ways of checking finished documents are by using the spell and grammar checker to ensure there are no mistakes, or you could ask a colleague to check the document to make sure all the necessary information has been included. You should always check that money, date, name and address details are all correct because if the address or money are incorrect someone wrong could be getting a lot or not enough money they need which would have a negative impact on the business and could lead to lost custom. 1. 3 Explain the purpose of confidentiality and data protection procedures when preparing documents You will be observing the Data Protection Act (1998) and policies and procedures of the organisation, this covers, Secure storage of documents Who should have access This is to avoid, Loss of personal data Damage to the business Prosecution The most sensitive information is anything that belongs in a personnel file like: Forms relating to employee benefits. Complaints from customers/co-workers. Records of attendance Warnings or other disciplinary actions Medical/Insurance records Litigation documents Forms providing emergency contacts Wage forms The information in a personnel file should be private and should have log ins to get into if saved onto a computer or saved in locked files and the only people that need access to it for wages etc, will have a key or the password. 1. 1 Compare different types of documents that may be produced from notes and the formats to be followed Documents that can be produced from notes are: Memo – The format will include â€Å"To†¦From†¦Ref†¦Date†¦Ã¢â‚¬ and then the relevant information being communicated. Letter – Printed on company header paper, listing reference, date, name, address, and subject, letter content, from, signature, name and job title. Also if the letter is confidential this must be stated. Report – Title, Introduction, Body of report, a conclusion, consistency of format is essential i. e. using the same font size and style throughout. Minutes – Title of the meeting, date was held, who attended. Agenda – Include apologies for absence, minuets of previous meeting, what it’s about, date, and time. 1. 2 Explain the procedures to be followed when preparing text from notes Procedures to follow when preparing text from notes Purpose for the notes. Format for the document. Check the notes to confirm right and amend if needed. Check you have all correct notes to make a document. Produce document. Check document.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Underrepresentation of Women in Canadian Politics
Underrepresentation of Women in Canadian Politics In November 2015, new PM Justin Trudeau made headlines around the world when he chose a cabinet made up of 50% women. Yet this in fact constituted only 30% of the women Liberal MPs elected in 2015. In the 2015 federal election Canadians elected 88 female MPs, or 26% of all MPs in the House. But this represented only a 1% increase from 2011, when 25% of all MPs elected were women. As we can see from this analysis, although PM Trudeau seemed to have figured out a way to bridge the gender gap, it however is only a percentage better than that of women representation in parliament back in 2011. Till today the representation of women in politics is still quite low. Canada is currently ranked 62nd amongst the 193 countries included in the Inter-Parliamentary Unions classification (IPU, 2017). Around the globe there has been progress when it comes to the aspect of bridging the gender gap in politics but Canada has remained stagnant for a very long time even though there have been some period s of progress. The Trudeau government now currently holds the record for greatest percentage of women representation in Canada but this still isnt enough to make significant progress. In this paper, I will be looking at the underrepresentation of women in Canadian politics, as well as reasons for this gender inequality in Canadian politics and barriers to the election of females into politics. In addition to this I will also touch on reforms that could be made to the political system to encourage more women to enter politics. A useful guide to understanding how political candidates are chosen is the demand and supply framework outlined by Pippa Norris and Joni Lovenduski. The demand side being the demand for political candidates by political parties, and the supply side on the other hand is the supply of political candidates that is the result of individual decisions to stand for election. That is the supply of individuals willing and able to step forward to stand for office (Brenda ONeill, 2015). The demand side, which is the selected candidates, suggests that the selected candidate must be the candidate with the least risk, that is, the candidate most likely to win the seat. The electoral system practiced in Canada (the first-past-the-post system) is the cause of this mentality. The electoral system being a winner take all system ensures that political parties have to put forth their best candidates in order to challenge for the seat. Existing networks and past experiences have set a standard for the pe rception of the right candidate and this has influenced choices towards candidates who meet the perception of who is most likely to win. The masculinized environment of Canadian politics that privileges power and competition hinders women from getting into politics because politicians are seen to be assertive, active, and self-confident, all these being male stereotypes. Women would have to go against their stereotypes in order to be selected for seat. Women who go into politics tend to be seen as less feminine than other women but not as masculine as men. They are defined by what they lack, femininity and specific masculine traits (Melanee Thomas, 2013). There is no safe place for women who go into politics, they will be criticized one way or the other. Another reason for the under representation of women in Canadian politics is the concept of sacrificial lambs, women who are nominated to run in ridings where the party is not competitive (Melanee Thomas/Marc Andre Bodet, 2 013). The continuing competitiveness of Canadian politics helps notice the effect of the sacrificial lamb hypothesis. Parties are more likely to nominate men than women to run in districts that they believe can be won (Brenda ONeill, 2015). Another point to consider as to why women are under represented is the fact that party systems vary. Parties on the right side of the ideological spectrum have refused to make special opportunities to help enhance women representation. Some examples of these right winged parties with poor women representation; the Wildrose Party in the 2012 Alberta election had 13% female representation; in the 2014 Ontario election, the PC Party had 25% female representation (Brenda ONeill, 2015). The left side of the spectrum in contrast to the right has created sufficient opportunities to enhance female representation. The New Democratic Party in the 2012 Alberta election had 47% female representation and 48% back in 2009 (Brenda ONeill, 2015). The supply side ; an important factor affecting the supply of women is gender norms. In society, today, the expectations from women is quite different to that of men. They both have varying public and private roles. Men are seen to be the bread winners, that is, the person who brings income into the family, so they are brought up in a brute and disciplined manner, they are pressured to go to school in order to get a job in future which would help sustain their families. Females on the other hand are raised in a more pampered manner because they are seen to be more delicate than men and they have specific duties like taking care of their children which require extreme care and attention. Gender norms shape everything in society, from the education and occupations women and men choose to the level of political interest and knowledge that they exhibit (Brenda ONeill, 2015). Along with the existing societal norms comes the willingness of women to participate in politics. Women feel that since the socie ty doesnt deem them fit they shouldnt try to contest for candidacy if not theyll just attract unnecessary back lash from both society and the media. Another factor affecting the supply of women is time. As mentioned earlier, according to norms, women are meant to take care of their children and this eats up a huge amount of their leisure time, especially those women working full time. Research on leisure time availability shows some slight difference between women and men. Womens leisure time is eaten up by child care and unpaid domestic chores while men have theirs eaten up by extra working hours (Melanee Thomas, 2013). In addition to this, research shows that women are less interested in politics than men, so this low level of interest might hamper their willingness to run. And politics being a blood game causes for women to shy away from it. This low level of interest by women in political participation is quite problematic. It is problematic for three reasons. First, women are a historically underrepresented group (Melanee Thomas, 2013). In the past, they were blocked from access to political activities because it was seen as something women werent built for and therefore could not handle. Although these barriers affecting women representation have been removed over time, informal barriers such as media still hamper women representation. These informal barriers stop the Canadian political system from being just and fair. The second reason is that women are a heterogeneous group with a diversity of political opinions and preferences (Melanee Thomas, 2013). They view situations in a different light than men. However, due to the small number of representatives and activists, it is quite impossible for all these diverse political opinions to be represented. The final reason being the result of research. Research shows that in the legislature, womens and mens decision-making behaviour changes with the gender composition of that group (Melanee Thomas, 2013). So, men paired alongside women are more likely to have outcomes that represent both male and female perspectives towards the situation at hand unlike a team made up exclusively of men. Women are more likely to prioritize the wellbeing of the people first and this might affect the society as a whole while men who are more straightforward in making decisions, not looking at how the people would be affected but at how the society will benefit in the long run. This current low participation rate of women in Canadian politics makes us aware of the fact that there are still some barriers hindering women from participating. These barriers exist at the individual, social, and political levels (Melanee Thomas, 2013). Individual barriers include, education and income. Over time, women rights have been advocated for to bridge the existing inequality gap. The earliest studies of political behaviour argued that as womens level of education, income, and occupational status caught up to mens, so to should their levels of political participation and engagement (Melanee Thomas, 2013). This phenomenon is known as the pipeline theory of political representation. This theory assumes that once women take on the same occupations, have similar levels of education, and earn similar incomes to men, their numbers as legislators would naturally increase (Brenda ONeill, 2015). This has not been the case though. Women remain underrepresented and the education of w omen has sky rocketed compared to back in the days but women are pushed towards more feminine areas of study such as family studies, catering, social services, etc. Only a few go into areas of study which would then lead them into politics and this causes for the underrepresentation in the upper echelon of many professions despite the overall education gains. Women still earn lower than men in todays society. Women in comparison to men earn 80 cents to each dollar a man earns. The lack of campaign finance regulations makes income a barrier. Some provinces and municipalities lack regulation and this requires for candidates to rely on conventional sources of campaign finance, including personal income (Melanee Thomas, 2013). This reliance on personal income therefore affects women because they dont earn as much as men. Social barriers are raised from societal views. As mentioned earlier, womens progress in politics is hampered by the views of society. This view that well paying jobs and jobs that require critical thinking are more masculine. These societal views have pushed women away from these jobs because they do not see themselves as capable of handling those types of jobs. And these jobs are the jobs which most Members of Parliaments held before going into politics. The top occupation for Canadian Parliamentarians in 2011 was businessman. This job does not appear in top 10 for women parliamentarians. Instead, the women who enter politics are most likely to be teachers and consultants (Melanee Thomas, 2013). The media is a major social barrier. They perceive women politicians in a discriminatory light. They feel like they are not fit for the positions which they hold and so they (the press) tend to pick on these women politicians. Womens personal relationships and physical appearance receive fa r more scrutiny from the press and other politicians than do male colleagues, and the tone of the press coverage women politicians receive is disproportionately negative (Melanee Thomas, 2013). After exceeding individual and social barriers, women still have to face political barriers. These political barriers being nomination procedures. Political parties have varying nomination processes. The Conservative Party has very few formal nomination rules. The NDP on the other hand, has a very formal nomination process. Formal nomination processes help with the representation of women in politics, that is because these processes require to seek out qualified candidates from historically underrepresented groups. However, the right-wing parties are the ones in competition for the seat and they are also the majority so they choose to pick out the best possible candidate due to the winner take all nature of the electoral system. And the best possible candidate based on the standards set by history would be a male. The candidate would most likely be male as politics is a masculinized environment and males should be accustomed to such an environment as they were brought up for living i n such an environment (Melanee Thomas, 2013). So, there is a gender bias when it comes to nomination processes. Parties on the left wing of the ideological spectrum (NDP) assist in women representation but in some cases, the strength of women representation held by these parties still leave women underrepresented. provinces with electorally strong parties on the left of the ideological spectrum will often reveal greater gender equality. BC, Quebec, and Manitoba, for example, have enjoyed strong showings amongst parties on the left and rank among the top provinces for women representation in politics. However, Saskatchewan, despite the strength of the NDP in the province, does less well (Brenda ONeill, 2015). A lot of research has gone into figuring out how to deal with this continuing underrepresentation and some solutions have been brought up to help fill in the existing gender gap. A major solution that has been proposed is, the reform of the political system. This would help encourage more women to enter politics. A change to the current electoral system would be in favour of women representation. The current electoral system practiced in Canada is the first-past-the-post system and this being a winner takes all system is sort of masculinized therefore making sure that political parties view male candidates as the most suitable candidates in such an environment. This discourages women representation. Many of those advocating for reform seem to prefer the proportional representation system. Most countries where women occupy at least 30% of the parliamentary seats use the PR system (Julie Cool, 2011). However, the PR system might not benefit women representation. The PR system where the most widely used form is the list system may contain a lot of bias when these lists are being made. People use their own discretion to choose the names that appear on the list and nothing says that those selecting the names on the list would look to balancing gender inequality when there are more pressing issues, like the well being of the society, to focus on. PR systems need to be supplemented with more incentives in order to ensure impartiality on party lists. While some people believe electoral reform is an efficient means of bridging the inequality gap in parliament, others believe that slight electoral change would be better off. That is, Canada would function the same but with new additional rules that enable them better women representation. Some of these additional rules might include the introduction of quotas. Majority of the countries that reached the 30% mark for women representation in parliament used quotas (22 of 30 countries as at 2009). The core idea behind quota systems is to recruit women into political positions and to ensure that women are not only a few tokens in political life (Drude Dahlerup, 2009). These quotas can either be legislative or voluntary. Legal quotas are mandated in a countrys constitution or by law, usually in the electoral law. All political parties must abide by legal quotas, and may be subject to sanctions in case of non-compliance. Costa Rica, Belgium and Argentina have legislated quotas, which spec ify that a certain percentage of candidates for election must be women. There are firm legal sanctions in place if the provisions are not met (Julie Cool, 2011). Voluntary quotas on the other hand are developed at the discretion of political parties. Other additional rules proposed to help women representation were the introduction of spending limits on nomination campaigns, and tax credits for contributions to support prospective candidates seeking nomination. These rules were to aid women in the aspect of income. (Julie Cool, 2011). Lastly, the introduction of campaign schools for women and a change in political environment. Women should be encouraged to enrol into campaign schools. These campaign schools help women to be better prepared for the tough nature of the political realm. It teaches these women how to portray themselves and fight against the barriers which stand in their way. These campaign schools are developed mainly by women or equality organizations, based on consultation from academics, civil servants, and elected officials. Some organizations that host these campaign schools in Canada are, the Nova Scotia Advisory Council, Equal Voice Canadian Women Voters Congress, and the College of Continuing Education at Dalhousie University. Although a systematic study on full effects of these campaign schools has not been undertaken in Canada, we can see that they have made significant impact in bridging the inequality gap in places like America (Melanee Thomas, 2013). Alongside these campaign schools there should also be a change in political environment in Canada. It has to be more of a women-friendly environment. The political system being highly masculinized blocks women from freely participating in politics and this causes for the masses in Canada to question the democratic status of the country. Special attention to the values, norms, rules, procedures, and practices in parliament should ensure that, once they are elected, women can apply their unique and diverse perspectives (Julie Cool, 2011). Among other options, parliaments could consider reorganizing their work to become more gender-sensitive, for example, by instituting family-friendly hours, ending parliamentary business at a reasonable time; reorganizing work schedules to allow for family days; or spreading parliamentary business over a number of shorter days (Julie Cool, 2011). Canada has remained stagnant in women representation for a very long time and it is about time to move on from this stagnation. Canadas electoral system doesnt work in favor of women because it is very masculinized and at the same time a very difficult job. This however defies the status of democracy that Canada holds. In a democracy, everyone is equal but this is not so as women are discriminated against and stereotyped as not being suitable for politics, and those who manage to get into politics are criticized as not being feminine enough and at the same time not cutting the mark for masculinity. Media bashes women politicians for the littlest of reasons, and this is because there is this established view that women are more suited for the home and not jobs that require aggression and critical thinking. All these existing barriers have then led to women looking down on themselves feeling that they are not capable of handling the nature of such a difficult job. However, we need to r ealize that we cannot just bring women into politics just because we want to bridge the gender gap. They have to work for it, just as hard as their male counterparts did. So instead of trying to advocate for a womens agenda in parliament, we should work towards the development of workable, sustainable, dynamic strategies to increase women representation in politics. BIBLIOGRAPHY Facts and figures: Leadership and political participation. UN WOMEN, UN Women, Aug. 2016, Accessed 28 Feb. 2017. Woolf, Nicky. Canadas new parliament is most diverse ever. theguardian, 22 Oct. 2015, Accessed 28 Feb. 2017. Women in national parliaments. Inter-Parliamentary Union, IPU, 1 Jan. 2017, Accessed 28 Feb. 2017. Cool, Julie. Women in parliament. Parliament of Canada, Library of Parliament, 10 May 2011, Accessed 28 Feb. 2017. Brenda ONeill, Unpacking Genders Role in Political Representation in Canada, Canadian Parliamentary Review (Summer 2015), vol. 38:2, pp. 22-29 Melanee Thomas, Barriers to Womens Political Participation in Canada, UNB Law Journal (2013), vol. 64, pp. 218-233 Melanee Thomas and Marc Andrà © Bodet, Sacrificial lambs, women candidates, and district competitiveness in Canada, Electoral Studies (2013), vol. 32, pp. 153-166 Myrna Driedger, Is there such a thing as a Womens Agenda in Parliament?, Canadian Parliamentary Review (Spring 2013), vol. 36:1, pp. 11-12
A Comparison Between Pakistani And British Consumers On Buying Moblies Marketing Essay
A Comparison Between Pakistani And British Consumers On Buying Moblies Marketing Essay Mobile phone has become an important part of human life .With the invention of new technology, along with computers, this technology has ease the work of human being in communicating with each others. Before the invention of mobile phones, there were land line telephones which also help human being to communicate with each others but at a limited scale. To use land line, person should be at one place where that phone is installed. But mobile phones remove this barrier by allowing customers to communicate with each others from any place where it has signals. AS this system is connected with the satellite, person can communicate without any hurdle. This is the only technology on the globe which is sold at highest numbers than any other technology. Out of 6.8 billion people on the earth, 5 billion use mobile phones (international telecommunication union, 2010).Two countries Pakistan and UK have been chosen for this dissertation because these two countries are very much different in many prospective. Pakistan telecommunication authority (PTA, 2010) shows that mobile phone in Pakistan enjoy a tremendous annual growth of 119% during 2000 to 2007. It is also being observed that between fiscal year 2006-07, mobile phone penetration increased by 15.5%. Whereas between years 2007-08, it was 55.6% which is 34.9% higher than Indias for the same period. Pakistans telecommunications industry maintains its growth trend in the coming years as well with the penetration rate in 2009 was 61.8% and in September this penetration rate reaches to 70%.On the other hand UK mobile phone market is different than Pakistani market. According to report presented by Ofcom (2007), the mobile phone market in UK grew by 41.3% between 2003 to 2007.In 2010, the penetration rate in UK was 84% which stay same till 2011.Mobile phone market is very competitive these days as there are number of companies who are trying to compete in this market to become the best in the business. It is very essential for the companies to better understand the buying behaviour of the customers.It gives them an edge on the competitors in targeting the right segment and getting market share. The purchasing decisions of consumers are mostly affected by factors that have direct or indirect impact on how we live and what we consume. Culture is one of the factors that impact on buying behaviour of consumers. Culture represents the behaviour, beliefs and, in many cases, the way we act learned by interacting or observing other members of society. In this way much of what we do is shared behaviour, passed along from one member of society to another. Culture play an important role in breaking target market into different segments and then targets the right segment. Blackwell et al., (2001) demonstrated that culture has a profound influence on how and why consumers purchase a range of products and services. The selection of products by consumer affect by the culture and it can help companies to design their marketing plan. Culture shapes the lifestyle of the consumer which affect directly on the buying pattern of the consumer. The cultural comparison between Pakistan and UK about mobile phone purchasing behaviour will provide a complete picture which will help understand these two countries mobile phone market. Culture defines the lifestyle of the people so it is very important for the manager to understand this factor and design a marketing plan by considering culture as a back bone of marketing. Companies these days are operating globally, marketing manager should divide the targeting segment into small sub segments on the basis of culture to market their product efficiently. Pakistani culture represent the most part of Asias culture and British culture represent the most of European culture. This purpose of this study to find the cultural impact on consumer buying behaviour of these two countries so that marketers of telecommunication industry use it to generalise it for the whole Asia and Europe. Literature Review Culture is defined in many different ways that can be used here for the sake of this paper. Culture is defined as ways of life like language, arts science, thoughts, spirituality, social activity and interaction (Roshan).By Hofstede (1991, 2001), culture is an identity that is used to distinguish one group from another.Keegan and schlegemilch (2001) state that culture is formed by people those are living in a community for many years and has a life that pass on from one generation to another. This mean that culture has a starting point and finish point. So its all about the life style of a group of people whom code of life is represented by culture.Doney etal(1998) defined culture as a system of values and norms that are shared among a group of people and that when taken together constitute a design for living. So by Doney culture is the design of life. There are many different cultures exist and these cultures represents particular group of people who actually adapted that design. It also depend on the individuals whose life style effect on the culture.Doney Lowe (2008, 73) believe that culture is made up of three essentials components. Those are (1) Beliefs: refers to the mental and verbal processes that reflect peoples knowledge and assessments of things. (2) Values: used by people as guide for what is appropriate behaviour. (3) Customs: Overt modes of behaviour that constitute culturally approved or acceptable way of behaving in specific situations. To be very precise as far as this project is concerned, above definitions of culture are generalised. Actually theme of culture that is more suitable to this dissertation is that culture defined way of living, behaving, acting in a particular situation, dealing with others and organising oneself. That is way it is very important for the marketers who are dealing international business particularly should understand the importance of this phenomena. If they understand this concept and then target particularly segment on the basis of culture then it will be easy for them to launch the product in the right segment. So culture is the medium for communication for marketers that transmit these beliefs, values, behaviour and norms into shaping the attitude and behaviour of human. It help the members of such group in deciding what, why, where, how and when to do different things and how to act in a particular situation. So it means that culture is not a static concept. Its dynamic and it can change with the passage of time and influence ones own behaviour although they also contribute to the culture. Customer buying behaviour is another factor that affects consumer choices and trends. Recognizing consumer behaviours importance to business, marketers attempt to develop means on assessing or measuring how a customer behaves (Bailey and Schultz, 2000). Consumer buying behaviour is said to be different from one business to another in a way that consumer buying behaviour tends to have different attitudes about the needs and purpose of buying while the business-to-business approach is one which is more on supplier-company relationship. So consumer buying behaviour is the procedure which shows what, how, when and where people buy the product as they do. Thus this is an attempt to understand the decision making process in buying the products. The first thing is trying to understand the buying behaviour of the individual from the same group. Then generalise it to the whole group because all the individuals in the group have same characteristics. But decision making process is not easy. Th ere are different levels of decision making forms. Some are low-involvement decision making process , some are high involvement decision making process. So it all depends on the product itself as well. Mobile phones are not high involvement decisions making products. But these decisions are also depend on consumer perception, attitudes and understanding of the given product based on the educational background, societal background, financial situation and more importantly social and cultural environment. Culture here play an important role on the consumer buying pattern as individuals can not live alone. They are part on culture and the way they behave all depend on the cultural environment in which they live. So it is very important that to understand the cultural to study the buying behaviour of consumer and this dissertation is all about this. Pakistan and UK are two different cultures. Both these cultures have strong influence on the buying behaviour of its consumers. Hofstede (1991, 2001) divide culture into two different types. One is called individualistic and other one is collectivist. According to this dissertation UK is highly individualistic country in which people mostly decide individually about the buying of products. On the other hand, Pakistan scores highly as a collectivists country where family, friends or group influence the buying behaviour. Individualist and collectivist are two out of five cultural dimensions which Hofstede find out when he was trying to find an explanation for the motivation of IBM employees around the world. Hall (1960, 1981, 1990) presented culture as high and low context cultures. He explains that culture can be divided into two groups. One is called high context culture and other one is called low context culture. The theme of difference between these two cultures according to Hall is the individual relationship. He stated that high context culture is based on the close tie between individuals personals relationships such as family, friends and colleagues etc. and in this group information and knowledge is share exclusively. People in this group are social and they care each other, listen to each others, sometime depend each others and discuss information between each others. Hall (1960. 1981, 1990) stated that high context culture is more common in East. And as far as this project is concerned, it represents Pakistan. On the other hand, low context culture is belonging to outer group. In this culture, people live their individual life. They belong to their personal network. Family, f riends and colleagues are all separate to each others. All of them live their individual life. Things are share less exclusively. People are more independent and make their own decisions.UK is the one in this dissertation which represents low context culture. Here society in not social enough to influence the decisions of others. People live their own life and they rarely involve in the decisions making process of others. Industry Background Telecommunication industry is the fastest growing industry in the world. This is because of the fast growth in technology sector and increasingly becoming part of human lifestyle. With 73% of the world population is using mobile phones , the network covers the 90% of the world area (mob thinking, Oct2010).Mobile phone industry started way back in 1970s when first mobile phone launched in Japan.After that this industry never look back and continuously grow with different transition period. During the last 40 years it have undergone a transition from technology focused for professional business to a mass consumer market and become an integral part of lifestyle. With the passage of time, it is not only used as a communication tool but also it is helping consumers in other businesses like of internet , financial transaction , tracking device , video conferencing and many more. Pakistan and UK mobile phone market is very strong in the sense that Pakistani market is still growing and it need to know more about consumer buying behaviour.UK mobile phone market is also growing but more effort is needed to do business with the existing customers. Culture of an important role in consumer buying behaviour in both these market which is why this research is being done to let marketers understand the depth in the market. The comparison between these two segments will help marketers understand that how to target the existing segment and how to create new segments within the existing segment. Research Aim Literature Review
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Comparing Death of A Salesman and The Zoo Story :: comparison compare contrast essays
Death of A Salesman and The Zoo Story        Arthur Miller's Death of A Salesman , is considered a to be one of the great masterpieces of American Literature. Comparatively, Edward Albee's, The Zoo Story, is also an incredible work of art. Miller and Albee both depict a the struggles of man in relationships. Interestingly, both plays seem to parallel each other throughout both works of literature.       The Death of a Salesman tells a story of a distressed father, named Willy who struggles with his tenous relationship with his son, Biff. Willy's personal failures have led him to try an live vicariously through his son Biff. Willy Loman is an elderly salesmen lost in false hopes and illusions. The sales firm that he worked for no longer paid him salary. Working on straight commission, Willy could not bring home enough money to pay his bills. After many years with the firm, he was no a commodity to the company. They have spent his energy and discarded him like an old pair of shoes. Willy's sons, Biff and Hap, are both failures, however Willy refuses to come to terms with this bleak reality. He wants his sons, especially Biff, to succeed where he has not. He believes his boys are great and cannot understand why they are not successful. This is a major source of conflict throughout the play. As Willy has grown older, he has trouble distinguishing between the past and present, between illusion and reality, and is often lost in flashbacks where much of the story is told. These flashbacks are generally during the summer after Biff's senior year of high school when all of the family problems began. Willy has had an affair with a women he meets on sales trips and once caught by Biff. Now, Biff does not respect Willy and they do not get along. Willy eventually commits suicide so that Biff can have the insurance money to become successful. Ben is Willy's dead brother who appears to Willy during his flashbacks and times of trouble. Ben was a rich man who made it big in the diamond mines of Africa. Willy once was given the chance to become partners with Ben, but refused and instead choose the life that he currently lives.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Hamlet: The Wisdom of Polonius Essay -- GCSE Coursework Shakespeare Ha
Hamlet: The Wisdom of Polonius          The disadvantage of the practical man's world is that it breaks down, and refuses to work, and then he finds out, at the cost of enormous distress and suffering, that he has been working on a theory all the time, but a wrong theory; and he wishes he had done a little more thinking before it was too late. Gradually it is becoming plain to a world which has always scoffed at the philosophers that a society run on the lines of Polonius, every man being true to himself or to his own class, will not in the long run work, but will infallibly explode, with hideous ruin and combustion, into chaos, and make way for a society which shall be less selfish.  In the play, Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, Polonius proclaims: To thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.         This is often cited as a fine example of the noble wisdom of our sublime bard, and so forth; whereas any one who looks carefully at these lines can see that if our sublime bard had nothing wiser than this to say about the conduct of life, the less we talk about his wisdom the better. As a matter of fact, of course, the lines are nonsense, and Shakespeare was well aware that they are nonsense; he puts them in the mouth of a garrulous old gentleman who spends most of his time talking nonsense. Hamlet himself - who obviously comes nearer than anybody else to speaking Shakespeare's own mind - calls Polonius a "tedious old fool," and it is plain that a tedious old fool is exactly what Shakespeare is trying to portray. The rest of the speech, of which these famous lines are the conclusion, is made up partly of bits of cheap and shallow worldly... ...kind. To do that is to be a philosopher. There are not many philosophers;and the practical man is not sorry there are so few, for he is proud of belonging, as he says, to a world of practice, not of mere theory. The disadvantage of the practical man's world is that it breaks down, and refuses to work, and then he finds out, at the cost of enormous distress and suffering, that he has been working on a theory all the time, but a wrong theory; and he wishes he had done a little more thinking before it was too late. Gradually it is becoming plain to a world which has always scoffed at the philosophers that a society run on the lines of Polonius, every man being true to himself or to his own class, will not in the long run work, but will infallibly explode, with hideous ruin and combustion, into chaos, and make way for a society which shall be less selfish. Â
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Apache Indians :: essays research papers
Anthropology Paper                                                                 Apache Indians           In this paper you will read about the many ways that the Apache Indians used different ways of technology to survive in there environment. They used many different farming tools in which helped them to grow crops and gather berries. As the years went on the Apache hunters hunted with bows and arrows and as the years went on and how they trade with other tribes and people they had adopted guns. So in this reading you will be reading about different types of tools that the Apache Indians used.      The Apache Indians used many tools throughout the years as they got more involved with technology. When they wanted to plant or to crush the seeds that they have gathered they used a seed beater that was made of twined openwork baketry (Taylor 56). To store or to place any berries that they have gathered they had this coiled basket that they made in order to cook in or to store food. Since some Apache tribes lived in the forests and well-watered valleys the mainly depended on berries and hunting deer and antelope they had many ways that they could kill and gather the foods. To cut the berries from the branches the Apacheans used a knife the is in the center of a wooden stick which they would sharpen in with a smoothed groove stone. With the adoption of horses was a great discovery because it made hunting and carrying the goods much easier (Taylor 55).      Also the Apache Indians had many tools that the used when they were on the hunt for food. They had a war club with also was made for war and hunting was made out of a stone head which was wrapped in buckskin on a wooden handle. They also used the common bow and arrow to hunt with as well. To cook the food that they had gathered the made the rope twister which was made out of small pieces of wood that had small rope attached to them, and to start the fire they moved the rope back and forth so that the wood would get hot and start to burn. (Taylor 56). To separate the meat form the skin of the animal they had this small tool called the hide scraper which had a steel tip on the top of it and had a wooden handle.
Boewulf and Gilgamesh Similarities Essay
Beowulf and Gilgamesh were similar in many ways, even though they were written century’s apart from one another. These two stories (similar as they may be), also have their differences. The similarities, differences, character motivations, and use of symbolism make these great stories. A major similarity is that Beowulf and Gilgamesh want to be remembered as glorious heroes forever. They both feel as though they have to do great and daring things to achieve this. They were both in a position of high honor and power. Beowulf became king of the land he had defended against Grendel and his mother. Gilgamesh was one third human and two thirds god. Also, both heroes had won their battles in heroic and memorable ways. Beowulf rips Grendel’s arm off and had decapitated his mother, using a giant forged sword. Gilgamesh had chopped off Humbaba’s head with one mighty slash. There are also some major differences between these epic stories. For instance, Beowulf fought all his battles alone and unaided. Yet, Gilgamesh had a partner, one who acted as his voice of reason, by the name of Enkidu. As Gilgamesh went on into battle, he went in wearing full armor and wielding weapons, but Beowulf chose to enter his first fight wearing nothing at all and wielding no weapon. Each character had their motivations to fight, in some ways they were similar motives. Beowulf fought for nothing but fame and glory. All he wanted was to be remembered for eternity and to accumulate as much wealth as he could. Save us/ once more, and again twisted gold/ Heaped up ancient treasure, will reward you for the battle you win†(Beowulf 445-448). Gilgamesh also fought for fame and glory, but he had other motives too. One of his other motives was to fight to give hope to the youth, giving them something to strive for and model themselves after. â€Å"The youth of Uruk need this fight. They have grown soft and restless†(Gilgamesh 30-32). He was also motivated by wanting to push the limitations that the gods have set for everyone.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Marketing Mix and Branding
MARKETING mixture PRODUCT AND BRANDING STRATEGIES Abstract bell ringers allow now transcended their general definition of enti avow beingness a make water or logo that differentiates them from early(a) products in the market place to a more humane and characterized indication to which bulk dope relate to and ascend to depend on in their frequent lives. According to Fournier inciters create human relationship with customers. This make-up agrees with the statement in the goods still class for coca plant skunk however for the help sole(prenominal) it does not hold authoritative in this token case for Disneys Pixar Animation Studio.Lastly, it looks at the implications for autobuss and how they can gage their grime to outshine an opposite(prenominal)s in the market and garner a more dog homogeneous base resulting in profits. Marketing strut Products and vaneing Strategies The American Marketing connecter defines a strike off as a name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them intended to identify the goods and work of one seller or collection of sellers and to differentiate them from those of other sellers.However, in nows competitive and consumer driven population stigmas argon no longer exactly names to identify a reliable product or service they take forward taken the shape of a dungeon character that has the ability to be a part of ones self, family and chance(a) energy (Fournier, 1998) snitch Ambassadors Brands view evolved into people for consumers. When we talk about a brand we dont just dream up to consume a product or service. Repeated purchases and the satisfaction derived from them takes brands to a high level.Brand loyalists expect brands to not only cater to their immediate but overly psychological postulate such as provide comfort, buffertabulous quality or service. There is a sense of adhesiveness and relatedness to brands. Marketers and brand managers commence started envisageing of brands as not only a rich logo or a transmitted tag- flexure and attractive packaging but as well by characterizing it. Rolex has consistently presented its brand as a symbol of power and succeeder reinforcing it through advertising their watches through twain most favored players, Tiger wood and Roger Federer.Brand managers be looking for brand ambassadors to carry out the personalization of brands and the benefits they have to gallop to the consumer. throng expect brands to deliver their expectations like from human beings and not to disappoint them. winning brands alship canal stay ahead and think of their consumer needs and how they can be personalize more so the brand becomes an demand part of their everyday lives. Enterprise rent-a-car has personalized its brand through its superior customer service.They understood their consumers needs for immediate and convenient service and whenever a car breaks down or is out of stock(predicate) Enterprises name comes up the beginning thing in our heads. People have stimulateed a relationship with McDonalds Golden Arches and Ronald McDonald. Wherever they exit see a familiar, smiling Ronald McDonald theyll bonk the restaurant is present even if its in a foreign country. The recent Coke vs. Coke classic The shell example of customer- brand relationship is of coca plant- booby Classic and the spic-and-span Coke.Coca Cola has been in the maturity stage of the product life-time cycle for a long term as it continues to cater to millions of consumers worldwide crossways 200 countries everyday and continues to remain comfortably lucrative and ahead of its competitors. It has met with competition from Pepsi and other beverage makers yet it markets the top four-spot of five beverage brands in the world. In 1985, New Coke was revealed to the consumers amid much fan fare, TV commercials and promises of smoother but bolder taste.though product surveys had concluded that the taste of New Coke was pet however, the deep bail bond of consumers to the original Coca Cola recipe and their association with it was so strong that Coca Cola soon saw consumers sound off and hoarding of the old version of product. On July, 11 the New Coca Cola was taken off shelves. We did not agnize the deep emotions of so m both of our customers for Coca-Cola. (Keough, n. d) As mentioned earlier, successful brands keep their consumers needs in view however Coca Cola made the error of not petition their loyal consumers if they even wanted to reposition their favorite beverage (Craig, n. ) Thus, this clearly shows that consumers form a relationship with brands and come to rely on it. They reject changes that take away that personalization aspect from the product that makes it their favorite. Even by and by 20 years the original Coca Cola is still the most preferred brand of millions worldwide. Disney Pixar Animation Studios With the advent of computers, animation has become an integral part of exposures and they continue to entertain young and adults alike. Disneys Pixar is a name among many which has modernized outstanding movies like Wall-E, Ratatouille, Finding Nemo, etc.All these movies have fascinated viewers and pulled in billions of dollars cost of business. However, brand loyalty would not be the term for Pixar. Audiences enjoy movies that provide expectant entertainment and although Pixar provides excellent animates stories and characters and audiences expect them to do so yet they will basically focus more on the make rather than the movie studio producing it. Audiences are pulled in by the movie storylines, their characters and how they are portrayed. Even though big movie studios have better resources and greater dispersal networks yet it does not guarantee them smash hit movies every time.Animation studios like Pixar are in the maturity stage where other studios like Dream works SKG is likewise trying to make its marks and produce quality animated mo vies including Shrek, Kung Fu Panda and others which were likewise successful at the box office. whence what pulls in audiences is not the studio name itself rather its the story line and the entertainment provided by the movie. Implication for Brand Managers Fourniers customer-brand relationship holds true for the goods only category in this paper whereas for the studio example it does not hold true.Brand management is an strategic aspect for any company that wishes to succeed in the consumer market. To have an effective position in the minds of the consumers and the ways to attract them and make them loyal to their particular brand is what most marketers aim to do. A foundation of brand loyalists allows the organization to devolve on a higher price and fade less on advertising, free trials and other promotional costs, with final result being an increase in shareholder wealthiness and continued profits. The key to managing brand identity element is evolution, not revolution. Marketers are often tempted to radically change brands and products, which is a highly in sight activity. Totally changing the brand visuals can give rise to consumer concerns about changes of ownership, or possible changes in brand values, or even unjustified extravagance (cited in Bennett & Rundel-Thiele, 2005) Marketers must seek to be maximally different from competitors, and this requires more radical innovation. Brand managers must take risks. One successful launch involving a maximum difference will be very profitable and far more memorable for customers.Organizations pursuance to improve brand loyalty should first identify the level at which their brand is successfully operating (functional, emotional or symbolic), and then develop market programs designed to resonate with the consumer at that level in a way that differentiates the brand from the competition. The supreme goal for a brand manager would be a brand community, where consumers interact with other consumers around a brand (cited in Bennett & Rundel-Thiele, 2005). References Bennett, R. & Rundel-Thiele, S. (2005). The Brand loyalty life cycle implications for marketers. Journal of Brand Management, 12(4), Retrieved February 17, 2010 from http//web. ebscohost. com/bsi/pdf? vid=3&hid=106&emailprotected Craig, S. (n. d). New carbon and other marketing fiascoes. Retrieved February 17, 2010 from http//www. msnbc. msn. com/id/7209828/ Fournier, S. (1998). Consumers and their brands developing relationship theory in consumer research.Journal of Consumer Research, Retrieved February 17, 2010 from http//web. ebscohost. com/bsi/pdf? vid=3&hid=106&emailprotected Keough, D. R. (n. d). New coke and other marketing fiascoes. Retrieved from http//www. msnbc. msn. com/id/7209828/ Lake, L. (n. d. ). What is Branding and how important is it to your marketing strategy? Retrieved Fevruary 17, 2010 fromhttp//marketing. about. com/cs/brandmktg/a/whatisbranding. htm
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