Wednesday, November 27, 2019
A River Runs Through It Essays - A River Runs Through It, Films
A River Runs Through It A River Runs Though It The movie, A River Runs Through It, directed by Robert Redford, and starring Craig Sheffer as Norman and Brad Pitt as Paul the younger brother, is about two brothers that have a close relationship. As their growing up they both rebel against their stern minister father, each in their own way. This movie takes place in the entrancing mountains of Montana, with a magnificent river that runs through it. The bond between the boys starts to fall apart as they face their future both taking two very different roads. The director effectively uses shots, action and mise en scene to show the directions both boys have chosen to take. In the middle of the clip where the boys are carrying the boat to the river, shots are used to show which direction the brothers have chose to take. The close up shot of Paul smiling shows a very eager person. Paul is in the front of the boat showing the viewer that he is leading the way. Norman on the other hand, is becoming aggravated by Paul's anticipation for trying this brainless stunt. The close up of Norman portrays to the viewer that he is not sharing the same feeling as Paul and is wondering how he is going to get out of shooting the chutes. Later in the scene, there is a close up shot of Paul standing in front of the river and all the viewer can see behind Paul is the water. This symbolizes to the viewer that Paul has become one with the water. The viewer at this point knows that Paul is actually going to go through with this reckless idea. After, the McLain brothers go over the chutes and are safely on shore, the director shoots a close up shot of Norman siting on a hill a way from the water. In this close up of Norman the viewer can not see his face it is absent of light showing the viewer that Norman is very different than Paul. All the viewer can see behind this shot of Norman is the sky, symbolizing that Norman wants to go out in to the world and not to recklessly throw his life away. As with shots, action is directed in this clip to show the viewer the uniquely different directions in life the brothers choose. Norman's actions seem to be enjoying the boat ride, when Paul and Norman are in the boat and the water is calm. Norman's actions here show the viewer that he likes life at a calm and soothing flow. As the water becomes rougher Norman starts to pull back on his oar trying to slow the boat down. The viewer can see that he is trying to keep the boat from getting closer to the falls. Paul is laughing and paddling faster. His actions show that he is not concerned whether he lives or dies. The action of the dangerous waters roaring over the cliff resembles the life Paul has chose to live. Norman is found at the top of the hill after going over the cliff, his action show the viewer that he has distanced himself away from Paul and has chosen to go out into the world and live a safe life. Not only were shots and action used to show the different paths in life the boy's chose to take; mise en scene also played an important part in accomplishing this task. The mise en scene shows the brother's futures unfolding to the viewer in the first scene. The Mclain brothers are close, the viewer can tell because the brothers share the same friends and enjoy being together. The viewer can tell that Norman and Paul are both starting to rebel against their father, because they are both out drinking, going against their parents rules. In this first scene the brothers are out drinking with their friends. All the boys including Norman are sitting on the car. This shows the viewer that Norman likes to be part of the group. Paul is sitting on the ground with his back toward the viewer. The viewer does not even acknowledge Paul. The mise en scene portrays Paul
Sunday, November 24, 2019
The Feathered Dinosaurs of the Mesozoic Era
The Feathered Dinosaurs of the Mesozoic Era Part of the reason so many ordinary people doubt the evolutionary link between feathered dinosaurs and birds is because when they think of the word dinosaur, they picture enormous beasts like Brachiosaurus and Tyrannosaurus Rex, and when they think of the word bird, they picture harmless, rodent-sized pigeons and hummingbirds, or perhaps the occasional eagle or penguin. (See a gallery of feathered dinosaur pictures and profiles and an article explaining why birds arent dinosaur-sized.) Closer to the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, though, the visual referents are a lot different. For decades, paleontologists have been digging up small, birdlike theropods (the same family of two-legged, meat-eating dinosaurs that includes tyrannosaurs and raptors) bearing unmistakable evidence of feathers, wishbones, and other bits of avian anatomy. Unlike larger dinosaurs, these smaller theropods tend to be unusually well-preserved, and many such fossils have been discovered completely intact (which is more than can be said for the average sauropod). Types of Feathered Dinosaurs So many dinosaurs of the later Mesozoic Era sported feathers that its virtually impossible to pin down the exact definition of a true dino-bird. These include: Raptors. Despite what you saw in Jurassic Park, Velociraptor was almost certainly covered with feathers, as was the dinosaur it was modeled on, Deinonychus. At this point, the discovery of a provably non-feathered raptor would be major news! Ornithomimids. Bird mimic dinosaurs like Ornithomimus and Struthiomimus probably looked like giant ostriches, complete with feathersif not all over their bodies, at least on certain regions. Therizinosaurs. All of the dozen or so genera of this small family of bizarre, long-clawed, plant-eating theropods likely had feathers, though this has yet to be conclusively proven. Troodonts and oviraptorosaurs. Typified by, you guessed it, the North American Troodon and the central Asian Oviraptor, virtually all of the members of this theropod family seem to have been covered with feathers. Tyrannosaurs. Believe it or not, we have conclusive evidence that least some tyrannosaurs (like the recently discovered Yutyrannus) were featheredand the same may hold for the juveniles of Tyrannosaurus Rex. Avialan dinosaurs. Heres where paleontologists classify the feathered dinosaurs that dont fit in the above categories; the most famous avialan is Archaeopteryx. Further complicating matters, we now have evidence that at least some genera of ornithopods, plant-eating dinosaurs unrelated to modern birds, had primitive feathers as well! (For more on this subject, see Why Did Dinosaurs Have Feathers?) Which Feathered Dinosaurs Evolved Into Birds? What do all of these genera tell us about the evolution of prehistoric birds from dinosaurs? Well, for starters, its impossible to pin down a single missing link between these two types of animals. For a while, scientists believed the 150-million-year-old Archaeopteryx was the indisputable transitional form, but its still not clear if this was a true bird (as some experts claim) or a very small, and not very aerodynamic, theropod dinosaur. (In fact, a new study claims that the feathers of Archaeopteryx werent strong enough to sustain extended bursts of flight.) For more, see Was Archaeopteryx a Bird or a Dinosaur? The problem is, the subsequent discovery of other small, feathered dinosaurs that lived around the same time as Archaeopteryxsuch as Epidendrosaurus, Pedopenna and Xiaotingiahas muddied the picture considerably, and theres no ruling out the possibility that future paleontologists will unearth dino-birds dating to as far back as the Triassic period. In addition, its far from clear that all of these feathered theropods were closely related: evolution has a way of repeating its jokes, and feathers (and wishbones) may well have evolved multiple times. (For more on this subject, see How Did Feathered Dinosaurs Learn to Fly?) The Feathered Dinosaurs of Liaoning Every now and then, a treasure trove of fossils forever changes the publics perception of dinosaurs. Such was the case in the early 1990s, when researchers uncovered the rich deposits in Liaoning, a northeastern province of China. All of the fossils discovered hereincluding exceptionally well-preserved feathered theropods, accounting for over a dozen separate generadate from about 130 million years ago, making Liaoning a spectacular window into the early Cretaceous period. (You can recognize a Liaoning dino-bird from its name; witness the sino, meaning Chinese, in Sinornithosaurus, Sinosauropteryx and Sinovenator.) Since Liaonings fossil deposits represent a mere snapshot in the 165-million-year-old rule of the dinosaurs, their discovery raises the possibility that more dinosaurs were feathered than scientists have ever dreamedand that the evolution of dinosaurs into birds was not a one-time, non-repeatable, linear process. In fact, its very possible that dinosaurs evolved into what we would recognize as birds numerous times over the course of the Mesozoic Erawith only one branch surviving into the modern age and producing those pigeons, sparrows, penguins and eagles we all know and love.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
German Immigration to America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
German Immigration to America - Essay Example 370). This fact indicates that as neighbors, there is a high probability that they knew each other prior to undertaking the voyage. Estimating the average cost needs the cost of the fare multiplied by the quantity (number of people who undertook the voyage). Since the exact number of people were not available, it would be safe to approximate the quantity using the mean family size, which also represents â€Å"the mathematical average of all the terms†(Giles-Peter, 2005, par. 2) and therefore would appropriately estimate the average number of family members who undertook the voyage. It is important to study statistical information from the past because it provides crucial information that explains historical data, such as the number of Germans who migrated to the United States and the cost of undertaking such journey. It provides vast amounts of information relative to demographic factors, average family size, income level, and way of life, among others. Their willingness to journey to an unknown and unfamiliar place indicated that their way of life in Germany was difficult and they were looking forward to be the promise of a better life in
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
What is a network Discuss the advantages of using a network, and Essay
What is a network Discuss the advantages of using a network, and briefly explain the main types of networks - Essay Example Instead, all computers in a network can be connected to a single printer such that users can access it from their work stations. This helps to minimize costs, time wastage as well as protecting the machines from contracting computer viruses, which may be spread through the use of removable storage devices to transfer documents (Newman, 2010). There are various types of networks which include and not limited to; local area networks (LAN), wide area networks (WAN) and metropolitan area networks (MAN) (Wetherall, 2010). Computers and other hardware in a LAN are connected within a short geographical distance, for example a building, a hospital or a school, through the use of guided media i.e. cables. If numerous LANs are interconnected within a wide geographical area such as across continents then, they form a Wide Area Network. The internet is an example of a WAN as it facilitates connectivity between users throughout the world regardless of their geographical location. On the other hand MAN is an interconnection of several LANs within a geographical location smaller than that of WAN. This type of connectivity can be found within an area for example a city or a town (Wetherall,
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Research Method Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Research Method - Essay Example However, the Internet, on the other hand, introduces a new world for unethical behaviour. Whereas e-commerce has undergone extensive growth in last 10 years, consumers concerns about ethical issues continue to increase, as well. Even many businesses and consumers are revelling in e-commerce; business issues linked to online purchasing and selling become the negative side of the matter. E-Commerce is the capability of an organisation to have a lively online presence that allows the organisation to carry out its business electronically, basically having an electronic/online shop. Goods/services can be advertised, vended and paid for all electronically devoid of the need for the buying to be processed by an actual human being (Shivani and Grewal 167). Because of the vastness of online advertising, a website can be open to millions of individuals the world over for almost zero cost and with information being capable of changing almost instantly, the website can, at all times, be updated with all the newest products to match with clients’ demands (Berthon et al 261). The major advantage of E-Commerce is its ability to offer safe shopping transactions through the internet and besides instant authentication, as well as validation of credit card transactions (Shivani and Grewal 167). Ethics, in contrast, is the branch of philosophy, which studies what is right and also what is wrong. Ethical rules are regulations to follow in people interactions with others and in their actions, which impact others. They apply to everyone and are meant to attain fine results for individuals and situations, in general; not only for ourselves, and not only for a single situation (Berthon et al 261). Business ethics is involved with the several ethical questions, which managers must tackle as part of their day to day business decision-making (Shivani and Grewal 167). Acting ethically is normally practical since most of
Friday, November 15, 2019
Evolution Of Substance Abuse In Mauritius Criminology Essay
Evolution Of Substance Abuse In Mauritius Criminology Essay Substance abuse is a multi-facetted problem that plagues a whole society, irrespective of different age categories and social classes. The consequences and the amount of harm caused to the individual, the family and society are diverse. Mauritius, while being a small island of approximately 1.2 million [1] inhabitants only, far away from the leading powers of the global economy, and niched at the heart of the Indian Ocean has not been spared from this issue. According to the National Drug Control Masterplan 2004-2009 [2] , the age of initiation to substance abuse in Mauritius starts from as early as 11 years because of peer or media influence. The rationale of substance abuse is however not this simple. Sometimes, some people give in to the instinctive human behaviour which is trying to find the easiest escape from harsh realities and nuisances of daily life, and resort to substance abuse. Evolution of substance abuse in Mauritius Substance abuse may have become an alarming phenomenon of late, but drugs have been present in Mauritius for a far longer time. The use of drugs has been recorded to have started with as early as during the French colonisation [3] with illicit rum production by slaves. With the arrival of indentured labourers, Indians brought along with their culture and traditions, cannabis, while Chinese immigrants brought opium [4] . These drugs were mostly utilised in a socio-cultural circumstance, by adults without being a cause for serious concern. Mid-sixties brought with it the Hippie Culture [5] to Mauritian shores as well as new forms of drugs such as LSD [6] , Mandrax [7] and other hallucinogens which became synonymous to new highs to youngsters. The seventies caused an altogether different trend of substance abuse, as the situation changed drastically from its socio-cultural to a more significantly worrying use. A rudimentary form of heroin [8] known as Brown Sugar was introduced in Mauritius. Brown Sugar was smuggled through the airport, harbour and through postal packets. The Amsterdam Affair [9] that broke out in 1985 was the quintessence of the scope of the drugs problem in Mauritius. As an attempt to display its willingness to leave no stone unturned in the combat against drug trafficking, legislation was amended [10] and death penalty was introduced for proved traffickers. No drug trafficker have however been executed because of the thorny legal issues surrounding capital punishment. A sudden downward trend was observed in 1987 and continued until 1990 after which indicators revealed a slight increase in illicit trafficking and consumption [11] . In 2003, the White Lady [12] was a psychotropic drug opted by most drug users. Post 2005, Subutex [13] , which is normally used as treatment on those dependent on narcotic pain killers, and opiates, soon became the most sought-after drug in Mauritius.  Substance Abuse and Repercussions Social Consequences Significant social consequences include the disintegration of the family unit, with the emotional and psychological well-being of family members being upset. Substance abuse and delinquency go hand in hand; as sometimes dependency and withdrawal syndromes overcome reason and push addicts towards theft, violence and similar such acts to procure the financial means to obtain their required dosage. The 2009 World Drug Report [14] shows that number of drug-related crimes has increased by 18% from 2006 to 2007. Health Consequences Substance abuse affects the personal health of drugs addicts themselves. Withdrawal and apathy are a few of the psychological dysfunctions they might face. The impact of addiction can be far reaching. Cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, and lung disease can all be caused by drug abuse [15] . Because of needle sharing behaviour [16] , a well-established norm among IDUs as has been shown by the IDUs Respondent Driven Sampling [17] , which is explained by the increased costs and low financial means of IDUs as well as Police Services continuous stalking of IDUs in possession of drug paraphernalia, blood borne diseases such as AIDS or Hepatitis [18] are easily transmitted, repercussions of which is catastrophic both for the IDU and society at large. IDUs who get affected by such blood borne diseases will often through a domino effect, affect their sexual partners, while pregnant women who are IDUs run the risk of contaminating their unborn children with such. Injecting drug use is the cause for an increasing proportion of HIV infections in many parts of the world, Mauritius included. It is estimated that between 11 and 21 million people worldwide inject drugs, and of those, between 0.8 and 6.6 million are infected with HIV [19] . Financial Impacts Health services that have to be provided to drug addicts include treatment of diseases which may develop in drug addicts as a consequence of substance abuse, as well as costs of rehabilitation services, which is often overlooked by most persons. The cost of non-generic antiretroviral treatment per person per annum may amount up to $ 1500 [20] , averaging to about Rs 50, 000 based on current exchange rates. Financial consequences on the economy are grave, with the parallel running of a black economy with profits obtained from the illicit traffic, as well as with the effects of drugs abuse of members of the workforce which reduces productivity. Conventional Approaches to Substance abuse Mauritius has ratified the United Nations Drug Control Conventions [21] . It has also ratified the 2000 Convention on Trans-National Organized Crime [22] and is also signatory of both the African Union [23] and the SADC Drug Control Protocol. Existing legal frameworks that were used, and still are used to control drugs supply and demand reduction are: The Dangerous Drug Act 2000 [24] The Pharmacy Act 1983 [25] The Financial Intelligence and Anti Money Laundering Act 2002 [26] Drugs Demand Reduction Drugs demand reduction is one of the approach used to combat the substance abuse crisis at its core. Drug demand reduction refers to policies and programmes directed towards reducing the consumer demand for narcotic drug and psychotropic substances as covered by the three main International Drug Control Conventions, as mentioned above. The National Agency for Treatment and Rehabilitation of Substance Abusers (NATReSA) is a parastatal body under the aegis of the Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity and Reform Institutions which was set up by an Act of Parliament in 1996 [27] and it is responsible for all demand reduction activities in the country. By conducting a number of prevention activities in the community, schools and the workplace, NATReSA uses education as its main vehicular weapon to try to diminish the demand for drugs. It provides funding to a number of NGOs engaged in prevention, treatment and rehabilitation work. The National Prevention Unit set up by th e NATReSa in 2002 has set up a Demand Reduction Integrated Program, from which more than 25 regions have already benefitted till date. Supply Side Reduction As to supply side reduction, the law enforcement side is actively involved and a number of institutions operating under the aegis of different ministries are responsible for drug control activities. The Anti Drug Smuggling Unit (ADSU) [28] , the National Coast Guard and the Special Mobile Force are special units of the Mauritius Police Force, working under the command of the Commissioner of Police involved in drug control. The Passport and Immigration Office also operates under the supervision of the Commissioner of Police and has a role in the screening of passengers at the seaport and airport while Custom Investigation and Intelligence Unit plays a noteworthy role in the checking of containers and other luggage entering the country. The Pharmacy Section of the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life is responsible for the issuing of licenses for the import of licit narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. Finally, Mauritius Post Services work in close cooperation with the above units to exercise close control to guarantee that drugs do not enter the country through letters and postal packages and the Forest Department aids through its field work in forests, mountains and state lands, and is instrumental in detecting cannabis cultivation. According to the 2010 World Drug Report [29] , Mauritius is the country with the highest opiates consumption prevalence in the African continent with an estimate of 1.9 %. This demonstrates clearly that conventional approaches to the Mauritian drug problem have not met expectations in terms of efficiency in tackling it. Instead, new factors borne due to a rapidly changing society contributed to the rendering them inefficient opening up of airspaces which while increasing benefits from the tourism and travel industry has also increased the risks of drugs being brought into the country by foreigners, expansion of the offshore sector through which large sums of money transits through Mauritius, sources of which remain confidential to the offshore companies and the open secret being that sometimes, part of these monies go into the black economy, financing drug transactions and poverty and prostitution which are key contributory factors as well to the expansion of the Mauritian dru g market among others. The escalation of drug use became a cause for worry as the main vehicle for substance abuse being through injection, this implied a heightened risk of transmission of blood borne diseases [30] among the IDU population and hence a greater number of HIV positive and hepatitis cases amongst others. An altogether new approach was hence adopted to counter this eventuality, known as the harm reduction approach. The harm reduction which consists of needle exchange programs as well as methadone substitution therapy implied a completely different perspective, the core principle being admitting the existence of a substance abuse issue in a community, which often is stubbornly resisted by authorities, hence displaying the huge difficulty in the implementation of this method. Over the years, numerous observations have been made by journalists and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) representatives on the structural changes of the drug situation in Mauritius, the worrying dimensions of the issue of substance abuse and its relations with transmission of blood borne diseases. Harm reduction however, being a relatively new concept in Mauritius dating only back to 2006, remains a rather unexplored path. Hence, the purpose of this dissertation would be to bring focus on Needle Exchange Programs (NEPs) as they are carried out in the Mauritian context. While running through a general overview of the harm reduction approach, the rationale behind it will be examined along with implementation timeline of NEP in Mauritius. Policy aspects will be reviewed and an analysis of the legal backdrop of NEPs in Mauritius will be presented, which will consist of a study salient features of the existing laws and NEPs and eventually the NEP specific framework which is the HIV/AIDS Act 06. NEP in prisons, being a delicate and debatable issue, will be considered and the prospect of such in Mauritian prisons discussed. The dissertation will be concluded by evaluating the Mauritian NEP, and proposing recommendations of possible ways to gear more towards efficiency and best practice with regards to Mauritian laws and needle exchange. Preliminary Chapter: Understanding Harm Reduction The Basic Concept Harm reduction refers to policies, programmes and practices utilised and applied with the objective of diminishing risks associated with the use of drugs by substance abusers [31] . Subdivided into needle exchange programs and methadone substitution therapies, harm reduction is viewed as a far-reaching innovative approach to the problem of substance abuse and its related risks. The salient feature of this novel method is the radical shift in focus to the prevention of harm caused by substance abuse, rather than on the prevention of drug use itself. This entails recognising the existence of a substance abuse problem in society which in turn indicates the inability or sometimes even failure of concerned authorities in tackling the drug problem. This approach was often discussed in Mauritius after recognition of the threat of HIV as well as other blood borne diseases which were spreading through injecting drug use. (RSA()) [32] . Stakeholders including the National AIDS Secretariat [33] agreed that harm reduction does not undermine but instead complements approaches seeking to prevent or decrease drug consumption. It is based on the recognition that many people throughout the world continue to use drugs despite the best of efforts to prevent drug use. Rationale Behind Harm Reduction Harm Reduction and Human Rights The harm reduction approach to drugs is based on a strong pledge to public health and human rights. Harm reduction interventions have found support among numerous United Nations (UN) [34] human rights mechanisms, specifically in context of HIV prevention and the right to attain the highest achievable standard of health International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights [35]  (ICESCR) And Harm Reduction. The Committee on the Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights [36] (CESCR) has recommended [37] many times that States Parties scale up their harm reduction programmes in order to meet their obligations under Article 12 [38] of the ICESCR. In its Concluding Observations on Ukraine (2007), the Committee stated that it was gravely concerned atà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the limited access by drug users to substitution therapy, and recommended that the state party make drug substitution therapy and other HIV prevention services more accessible for drug users [39] . In 2009, the UN Human Rights Council [40] adopted a resolution on human rights and HIV/AIDS that unequivocally provided support to harm reduction programs, including needle exchange. The resolution reflected past Commitments [41] made at the General Assembly [42] in 2001 and again in 2006. In 2010, the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs [43] adopted a resolution more than ever, backing the far-reaching package of interventions for HIV prevention treatment and among injecting drug users. Both ECOSOC and the UNAIDS Programme Co-ordinating Board(will be explained in footnote) have also endorsed these interventions. Article 15.1.b ((will be laid out in footnote) guarantees the right of everyone to benefit from scientific progress and its applications. In the context of injecting driven HIV, this implies a right to benefit from evidence based programs that can prevent, treat and control HIV/AIDS and other drug related potential diseases. Harm reduction methods have been backed by extensive scientific evidence base indicative of their effectiveness at reducing injecting-related risks. Research Based Rationale Supply reduction has been used in Mauritius now, since many years and although being an expensive method to combat substance abuse, drug trafficking crimes and substance abuse is still well present in the Mauritian society. 2002, 2003 to 2004 mode of transmission of HIV and blood borne infections steadily shifted from heterosexual activities to injecting drug use.(annexed charts) The 2009 Injecting Drug User HIV surveillance survey was implemented by the AIDS Unit of the Mauritius Ministry of Health and Quality of Life (MOHQL). HIV prevalence is 47.4%. Hepatitis C prevalence is 97.3%. (Results of the survey will be annexed as table) Currently, injecting drug use comprises the bulk of HIV infections in Mauritius. Whereas in 2002 injecting drug use accounted for 14% of all new HIV infections in Mauritius, this percentage increased dramatically to 92% in 2005. [44] Although HIV prevalence among Injecting Drug Users appears to have decreased gradually to 73% in 2008, this percentage is still cause for worry. The use of non-sterile needles and syringes and other injecting drug equipment is an extremely efficient mode of HIV transmission and remains a key factor aggravating the HIV epidemic among drug users worldwide. Estimation of population size of IDUs in 2009 has been rounded off at 10000. High-risk injection drug use practices 61.2% of Injecting Drug Users reported injecting two to three times a day and 29.3% reported injecting with a previously used needle in the past month The Implementation of Harm Reduction In Mauritius Harm reduction implemented in Mauritius under two programs: Methadone Substitution Therapy and The Needle Exchange Program Methadone Substitution Therapy (MST) Methadone hydrochloride is an opioid (will be explained in footnote). Methadone is now primarily used today for the treatment of narcotic addiction. Methadones effects can last up to 24 hours, thereby given only once a day in heroin detoxification and maintenance programs for the treatment of people dependent on heroin and other opioids. (sources will be provided in footnote) Methadone is usually available as a liquid and drunk with fruit juice. MST works by reducing cravings and blocking highs from heroin. It does not provide the euphoric rush. The drug user under MST will no longer experience extreme highs and lows that results from the level of heroin in the blood. (source will provided in footnote). Ultimately, the patient remains physically dependent on the opioid, but is freed from the uncontrolled, compulsive, and disruptive behavior seen in heroin addicts. National Detoxification Centre For MST found at Cità © Barkly. Program may be residential (15 days) or day-care. Drug users are induced on methadone under medical supervision and doses consequently adjusted. 16 methadone dispensing points from which drug users, after having gone through initial induction receive their daily doses of methadone. Needle Exchange Program Forms part of harm reduction strategy and is funded by the Government through the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life and partially by international organisations such as the Global Fund. NGOs and Government through Ministry Of Health and Quality of life both carry out NEPs. The program offers a comprehensive package of services which include exchange of used needles, HIV counselling and testing, provision of condoms and alcohol swabs and referrals for rehabilitation services (where requested) as well as other HIV-related services. The Mauritian Needle Exchange Program Implementation of Needle Exchange Program In Mauritius Having recognised injecting drug use as the main vehicle of blood borne transmission, the aim behind carrying out needle exchange programs is to transmission of HIV and other viral infections (Hepatitis B  C) which travels through contaminated syringes and equipments. NEP protects the IDU, by ensuring provision of safe, clean and sterile injecting equipment, eliminating risk of transmission of HIV and blood borne infections through sharing. NEP protects not only the IDU but also IDUs sexual partner. Needle exchange started in 2006 by two NGOs- Ki Nu à ©tà © and Prevention Information et Lutte contre le Sida (PILS) on two sites Batterie Cassà © and Baie Du Tombeau (source will be cited in footnote) Adoption of HIV/AIDS Act in 2006 which provided legal framework for NEP following which November 2007 saw government through the Ministry of Health And Quality of Life endorse NEP in Mauritius through the official launching of the NEP in Mauritius. A third NGO started NEP on a new site at Tranquebar in November 2007 In 2008, MOHQL called for tenders for new NGOS willing to participate in NEP, with only one response and in February 2008 Idriss Goomany Centre (IGC) started Needle Exchange on a new site in Plaine Verte March 2008 saw some of the non-governmental organisations undertaking needle exchange till date regroup themselves under the aegis of one central organisation Collectif Urgence Toxida (CUT). CUT consists of Ki Nu Età ©, PILS and Rapid IGC joined CUT for a limited time period only. In April 2008 two new sites for needle exchange were put into operation by CUT. May 2008 : official kick off of government run NEP It is worth noting that Mauritius has pioneered government run needle exchange in Sub-Saharan Africa As of date- 35 sites officially operating for Government run NEP and 17 sites for NGOs run NEP Operation of the Mauritian Needle Exchange Program Two principal methods of operation, NGO run NEP and Government Run NEP NGOs: street based needle exchange. Usually, two members of the NGO visit a fixed spot in the locality the site, a certain number times per week (depending on the NGO in question) and have a number of syringes with them and an empty gallon. IDUs come to see them , bringing with them the used syringes which are disposed in the gallon and are given new sterile syringes by the members. IDUs are assigned a code when they visit the sites. It should be noted that this is not for identification purposes of the IDUs but rather for monitoring and reporting purposes (Number of syringes per IDUs, number of IDUs visiting each sitesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦). Disposal of the needles is made after closure of sites for the day, by dropping them off at regional hospitals, where they are burnt in the incinerators. MOHQL: Mobile NEP through two operational caravans. Two authorised health care assistants and one qualified nurse per caravan (identified by Ministry issed identification cards). Each caravan visit three sites daily, spending an average of one hour and a half to two hours on each site. Work in collaboration with peer leaders amongst IDUs who help facilitate smooth interacting between IDU crowds and the government staff. The Needle Exchange Program in Mauritius and Other Policy Measures Needle Exchange And Demand Reduction: Demand reduction, focuses on detoxification and management of withdrawal syndromes with the aim of long term abstinence. However, the results yielded are not the expected ones as detoxification succeeds in removing people from the drug scene in the short term but the relapse rates usually approach 100 per cent (Fact Sheet Supply Demand And Harm Reduction, Burnet Institute Centre For Harm Reduction). Needle Exchange And Methadone Substitution Therapy Contrasting costs of providing needle and costs of providing methadone Return rate of syringes; and treatment follow-up statistics and relapse rates for MST Efficiency of both harm reducting programs in the sense that they would still cost less even than provision of antiretroviral treatment to an HIV positive person (provision of non-generic anti-retroviral may approximate $15000) The Needle Exchange Program and Its Framework In Mauritius Adoption of the HIV/AIDS Act 2006 Needle exchange was carried out by NGOs even before the HIV/AIDS Act came into effect. As such, they faced a legal impediment in the sense that the practice of needle exchange was inconsistent with the provisions of existing laws which is the Dangerous Drugs Act at its section 34(c) which made possession of injecting equipment and drug paraphernalia a criminal offence. Following several committees of various stakeholders including the MOHQL itself, police officers, specially members of the ADSU and NGOs , it was agreed that there was a need for a framework to regulate the situation of NEPs. HIV/AIDS Act 2006 was then adopted in 2006 with general consensus by members of parliaments (comments of few members from Hansard will be included here and lengthier works will be attached) and came into effect in August 2007. Aims of HIV/AIDS Act 06 according to the act itself is to provide for measures for the prevention and containment of HIV and AIDS Analysis of this aim was a framework really required to provide for prevention measures which are done principally through education, information and sensitization, and containment which is already handled through supply-side reduction. This tends to lead to the conclusion that the true motive behind the HIV/AIDS Act was to provide a legal framework for the NEP Possession of Syringes and Needles and the HIV/AIDS Act 06 Article 2 of the International Convenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights also requires legislative reform in order to create a legal and policy environment conducive to the scale up of these services and the removal of barriers to access and coverage to improve accessibility. Hence in line with this, Section 16 of the HIV/AIDS Act deals with the Possession of syringes and needles in the context of NEP. It in fact through very explicit terms decriminalizes its possession in the circumstance of the NEP. This was crucial because : possession of a used needle and syringe may be used as circumstantial evidence to lay other drug-related charges. For this reason some clients may be reluctant to return used equipment to NEP site. fear of being arrested while in possession of drugs and/or injection equipment can lead IDUs to rush injections, skip safer injection techniques (e.g., hand and skin cleaning) and to feel so anxious that they cannot inject with accuracy. All of these consequences can increase the risk of injection-related problems such as infections and skin and soft-tissue damage However Section 34 (c) has still not yet been repealed. Questionned by NGOs as to whether this is a best practice. Needle Exchange: Health and Safety Under the HIV/AIDS Act 06 Handling of used syringes by personnel involved under the NEP compliance with Occupational Health and Safety Act Applicable only for Govt. Run NEPs Section 10 Risk Assessment By Employment (Will be showed in footnote) Is this carried out? Section 35 Cleanliness (Will be showed in footnote) Analysis of whether the caravans meet up with these requirements Section 37 Ventilation and Temperature (Will be showed in footnote) Analysis of whether the caravans meet up with these requirements Section 39 Sanitary Conveniences (Will be showed in footnote) Analysis of whether the caravans meet up with these requirements Section 40 Supply of drinking water (Will be showed in footnote) Analysis of whether the caravans meet up with these requirements Section 41 Washing Facilities (Will be showed in footnote)
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Clarkson Lumber Company Pro Forma Statement Essay
Assumptions. We build pro-forma statement mostly based on the assumptions given in the case. Other assumptions are following. At first, we assume that the tax rate is an average of tax rates for the past three years which is 20. 1%. We use this tax rate to calculate the provision for income taxes for following years. Next assumption is that we take Mr. Dadge’s approximation for the initial rate as the interest rate, 11%. Since Mr. Clarkson finished payment to Mr. Holtz in 1995, we assume that only the bank loan to Suburban National Bank and Northrup National Bank are the interest-bearing liabilities for 1996 through 1999. For account payable period, we calculated two numbers, 53. 62 days for 1995 and 54. 86 for the first quarter of 1996. We used the payable period for 1995 to calculate the accounts payables for the forecasted years because, as mentioned in the case, Mr. Clarkson’s business has some seasonality so hat the payable period for the only first quarter of 1996 would not fully reflect for a whole year. We decided not to include 2% discounts for early payment to the suppliers on our income statement because of the payable period. We also assume that Mr. Clarkson issued no new equities and paid no dividends during the forecasted years. Only source of the change in the net worth is the net income for the same period. New credit line. The new credit line of $750,000 would be sufficient only for 1996 and 1997. The bank loan would exceed the credit line to 858,000 and 1,109,000 for 1998 and 1999, according to our pro forma statement. Without the approval of the bank, Mr. Clarkson would not be able to expand his business at the current growth rate after 1998. With the assumption of sales growth rate of 25%, the external financing required has become double from $493,000 in 1996 to $1,109,000 in 1999. Since the new credit line is fixed at $750,000, Mr. Clarkson would have to find other ways of financing the operation such as issuing new equity.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Prerequisites of a good business plan Essay
     A business plan is essential for a new business; it gives an insight to opportunities, weaknesses, threats and possibilities. This thesis developed a business plan for an ethnic brand restaurant â€Å"The Indian village†. The first part of this thesis developed a method of analyzing important elements of launching a new business. The empirical part of thesis focused on how to turn a project idea into a project plan. The research part included the examination of activity in the area of Pakistani/Indian restaurant businesses mainly based in Helsinki and Stockholm. Interviews were conducted to investigate the existing successful business strategies; this study also introduced some personal ideas of innovations.      Finnish market has a great demand for exotic food. People are always eager to try something different. The food business is firstly considered a relatively smaller investment as compared to big businesses but it is also commonly viewed as being able to become successful and move forward depending on good strategy and market research. So in some ways the food business seems like a good investment. As generally viewed, before starting a new business, one must understand and be aware of conditions and the society he wants to operate within.       Being in Finland has allowed me to understand the conditions, demands and existence of different businesses. In order to explore the area of interest, which is the food business, required me to dine in different places. This has surely helped to observe various techniques of running such businesses.      Planning of a restaurant specializing in Indian/Pakistani cuisine urged me to develop a new business strategy of such an establishment. I tried to find the relevance of this business idea with the scientific business theory of how to start a new business. The start-up situation and the basic elements for any new business at the beginning are somewhat the same, but finding a relevant business theory for starting a new business especially in Indian/Pakistani restaurant was a challenge. Developing a business plan for a restaurant in a highly competitive environment can be difficult, but a solid plan of action can help figure it out. Working hard for a new business is good but hard work alone is not enough to attract customers. This is why a solid business plan is needed. 1.1 Background       The selection of this specific concept was inspired by a friend’s success in new business ventures. He developed a business strategy and then started working on it empirically. It boosted my motivation and personal interest in developing a small business. One driving force is my creativity which has always enticed for satisfaction by owning a business. The background behind this selection is driven by the rapid growth of ethnic food brands, and a broad interest in exotic tastes. Another fact is a widespread belief that many ethnic cuisines are somehow healthier. Successful business can be attributed with giving oneself a high self esteem 1.2 Aims and Objectives      A new business is a big job and it is necessary to have something that can help to manage the business. A business plan can act as a management tool that can help to focus on where we are and where we want to be in the future. Chances to go without a business plan, may not be so pleasant in the end. A business plan helps to guide all stages of business towards success. A widespread belief is that many ethnic cuisines are somehow healthier. This thesis has two objectives: 1) An effort to create a powerful brand attribute to today’s health-conscious customer market. 2) The second purpose behind this plan is an ambition, to be successful and to create a secure financial resource. The current situation with job opportunities does not seem so promising to me. In that case owning a successful business can be a good alternative. This strategy appeals to the development of an exotic restaurant across culture. The food business particularly sparked the interest because these days there are a variety of restaurants with numerous offers.       Many of them show no concern with providing food according to health standards. Being overweight is an illness which millions face each day. Some natural facts about our body cannot be changed but one way to change being overweight is starting to eat healthy food. I want to place customer convenience and comfort as the top priority. This plan is different and purely genuine, because I want to help people understand how to select healthy diets, and help changing their behavior towards nutritionally-positive food. A sensible food choice can make a huge difference to the quantity, the quality of calories, and sodium and fat consumed in a diet. So this business plan is a noble effort towards the well being of the human race and the creation of a healthy food culture, whereby people are aware of what they eat and how food can be consumed to affect their lives in a positive manner. Conceptual research †¢Analysis of existing Business Strategies through benchmarking method Empirical research †¢Critical Investigation of assumptions against facts. †¢Interviews and Surveys †¢Using the knowledge in own business plan Related experiences and views 1.3 Development process       The research process of this thesis consists of mainly three stages. The three stages are: first, second and third. All three stages are different yet combined with each other; the first stage emphasized the importance of having a business plan; with the help of conceptual research method of scientific theory. The conceptual part of this thesis is based on McDonald (2007), and Mellor (2009). The review of these business theories helped to take thorough, careful and comprehensive look at the most important facets of starting a new business, including the contexts in which they operate. It also enhanced the understanding to spot future trouble areas, and to identify opportunities. The synthesis of these strategies is depicted in figure 2 below. Capitalization on a bright idea the knowledge of existing business network Looking at your strategy Your abilities and skills. The conceptual part of research process. In the second stage of research process, qualit ative research method was used for data collection. A good business plan depends on understanding the customer needs. Therefore a business unit should be able to define the strategies which make restaurant, a place where people want to come and eat. The market research helped to narrow down elements like personal behaviours, stories, and organizational functioning of business. This research method also contributed to understanding the nature of different businesses. Benchmarking strategy of some selected restaurants emphasized on some important elements like location, arrangements, staff, food quality, related experiences with food business, skills, knowledge of facts, and experience of customers. It enhanced the understanding about some existing business units, and the way people perceive a particular food business. In the last phase quantitative research method was used with a questionnaire analysis. This research produced numerical data collected from fifty people including some customers from different restaurants. Research methods helped to get precise measurements which were helpful to compare different trends.       The empirical part of research process Definition of the last stage which includes, the information gathered through questionnaires and personal analysis. This information helped to measure the customer expectations and the stereotypes attached to some existing business units. Market analysis   Market planningBusiness goals and mission statementSWOT analysisRisk factorsProfilingCost strategiesLeadership strategies  The model of business plan      This chapter contains conceptual theory and strategic planning of the business plan. The business plan has mainly three purposes. First, it serves to develop a strategy and communicate it to the level of management. Second it serves as the justification of resources and budget. Third, it provides and instrument for monitoring ongoing progress and making corrections during the plans implementation. Figure 4 below depicts the key elements for a new business.      The essential elements of the approach to market plans as presented by McDonald (2007) 2.1 Market analysis     Market analysis helps to understand the competition in the market and prepares a strategy to position a new business in relation to its competitors. Without a proper analysis too often market strategies are set at too high level which leads to poor outcome. Market analysis helps selecting market segments, which helps providing products and service according to the customer expectation and demand. It provides an analysis of existing organizations, primary competitors, and key strategies to do it better and at a lower cost that customers prefer. Competitor product analysis helps to price the products, and defines the need if modern equipments are needed. Customer loyalty can be won by offering them consistent and reliable services. An entrepreneur measures his potential to introduce a broad range of product/services to keep existing customer groups attracted. New customers groups can be targeted by the additional categories provided. 2.1.1 Market Planning      Market planning is establishing an operational strategy to position a new business in the market. Market research determines the strategies that help to attract customers for new products. It helps to discover the attractions a new business can offer that others cannot. An entrepreneur can use its competitor’s business knowledge in own terms by conducting a market research. It is good to know the difference between own performance and others. All new businesses should develop some survival strategies for its operational ability during a start-up process where margins are narrow. In other words finding ways to do it better than others are doing. The observation of social behaviour, competitor’s strengths, weaknesses, and leadership and business skills helps to identify opportunities of growth. The questions below provide an insight to the market planning process especially at a start-up level. Customers: Who are my customers? How can I understand their needs and ensure their satisfaction? Competitors: How can I have an advantage over my competitor, or how I am going to do things differently? Company: At the start how can the company’s operate for its own survival and ensure its future strength? Before starting any new business, customer’s needs and business goals should be clearly determined. Customer knowledge is based on learning about their cultural norms, emotions, needs, feelings, wants, values and attitudes. It is worthwhile to know the customer’s point of view by looking at one’s own business strategy. 2.2 Business goals and mission statement      It is important to develop an understanding of products according to their profitability. A clear understanding of the profit generated by different products/services will help the both future services and products. Making a strategy is deciding how to best position the organization within its competitive environment in order to achieve profitability. The business unit should strive to arrange its objectives hieratically, from the most to the least important. A business unit should set realistic goals. The level should arise from opportunities and strengths, not from wishful thinking. A business unit must have strategic analysis of important elements. Strategic analysis is focusing down layer by layer to develop a clear understanding of market. It is referred to onion skin. Each layer must be peeled off and analyzed to examine its health before the core strategic business (SBU) is approached. EProfitability Market share Growth True business goals Business goals can be seen in these three categories. Profitability in a new business ensures growth and market share. Profitability refers to the potential of a venture to be financially successful. This may be assessed before entering into a new business or it may be used to analyze a venture. Although it may be found that one set of factors is not likely to be successful or has not been successful, it may not be necessary to abandon the venture. It may be feasible to change operational factors such as pricing or costs. 2.3 Swot analysis       Starting a new business is a complex process and that is why it is necessary to view the overall strategies in SBUs. Unless these SBUs are identified any planning will be generic and bland. Strategic planning must focus on each SBU to identify the actions and goals. A swot analysis is the process that enables a company to assess the present state of a business. Swot Analysis †¢Strengths †¢Weaknesses †¢Opportunities †¢Threats      Through market analysis, a clear segmentation of market, seeks to avoid a bland and unfocused approach to the market. A clear definition of the specific competitors and an understanding is needed to develop a customer group. SWOT is basically abbreviated from four words: strength, weaknesses opportunities and threats. The SWOT analysis should be conducted for each of the key product or market segments should be presented briefly and in an interesting way.      Customers cannot know about a new business unless they hear about it. Creating a brand image through advertising and promotional activities is very helpful. Figure 6 below describes the elements of Swot analysis. 2.4 Risk factors     A balanced evaluation of risk is very important. A leader has to be aware of these risks, threats and harmful elements which may affect the business. The knowledge of these risk factors helps a leader to prepare a prevention strategy. Mainly there are two types of risk factors. An entrepreneur is challenged by these factors which are Internal and external. They both are equally important and depend on each other. Internal factors are to be dealt with initially, but external factors can be learned with time by gaining market experience. 2.4.1 External      They are outside the influence of management, for example performance of the national economy, stability of the industry, competitor pricing, and Interest rates. The manager should know the parts of the environment to monitor, if the business is to achieve its goals. A business has to monitor key environment forces like demographic/economic, technological, political/legal and social/cultural, and environment factors like customers, competitors, and distribution channels. The manager should set up a market intelligent system to track trends and important developments. For each trend and development, management needs to identify the implied opportunities and threats. A major purpose of environment scanning is to discern new opportunities. Opportunities can be listed and classified according to their attractiveness and the success probability. Figure 7 below depicts some external risks. Political EU legislation, inspection priorities, changing patterns of employment, flexible workforce Economic 1. Interest rates changes 2. Cost of waste disposal 3. Need to cut waste 4. Insurance premiums 5. Tax incentives Social 1. Customer demands 2. Customer expectations 3. Growth in consumer awareness 4. Greater use of media 5. Competitors Technological 1. Improved equipment 2. Better guardian 3. Substitution of materials 4. Improved data collection 5. Licensing authorities       The risk factors and external risks, Risk management 10 principles by Jayne (2002) Internal some major internal risk factors are pricing, level of variables costs, and level of fixed costs, which are directly influenced by management. A wrong market analysis and, wrong cost strategy may lead business to jeopardy. It is important to know the demand of products, and how flexible one’s costs are (variable costs and fixed costs). Customers will definitely consider the relative cost of one’s competitors and prefer the best priced products and services available. Clear understanding of business objectives, through a proper planning, and a commitment will lead a business to success. Each business needs to evaluate its strengths and weaknesses periodically. Each factor should be rated as whether it is a major strength, a minor strength, a neutral factor, a minor weakness, or a major weakness. Figure 8 below depicts the internal risk factors a compa ny might face. Ethics and beliefs Culture of industry Presure of finances Change in processesBetter utilization of resourcesSickness and absence cost     Figure 8: The risk factors and the internal risks, Risk management 10 principles by Jayne (2002) Internal risk factors may develop a significant business risk for an investor. Some internal risks are mentioned in the figure 8 above, which can be noticed and corrected to improve the internal performance. 2.5 Profiling       Customers face a growing range of choices in the products and service these days. They are making their choice on the basis of their perception of quality, service, and value. Companies need to understand the determinants of customer value, and satisfaction.     Customers are satisfied when their expectations are met and delighted when their expectations are exceeded. Satisfied customers remain loyal longer, buy more, are less price sensitive, and talk favorably about the company. Profiling is a useful tool to create customer satisfaction. 2.5.1 Financial profiling      A manager should be well informed about the financial position and expenditures. The leader has to know if the finances and the financial information are relevant and accurate according to the market standards. The budget has to be well prepared and accurate, for future operational strategies. Before progressing any further, all necessary financing has to be assured. Initial goal is to establish a list of expenditures on a paper, for all the required financing and then to measure one’s own capacity and strength in accordance. 2.5.2 Product profiling       The most basic marketing tool is product, which stands for the company’s tangible offer to the market, including the product quality, design, features, and branding. Market penetration requires a good product presentation. The observation of competitor product is very important. The manager has to review the unique strengths of their own product against competitor’s, and has to know the market segment in which products serve the best. It is good to develop a product profile paper for each product. The product profile analyzes your products in terms of the concepts such as, the list of features a product offers to its customers and the benefits for a company in terms of profit. 2.5.3 Customer profiling       The main goal of customer profiling is to categorize the traits and characteristics of customers. This process helps to identify the reasons customers purchase products from one’s company and not from the competitors. Customer profiling does not mean to know each customer individually, but just to know the primary characteristics of good and bad customers. Strategic thinking about customer profiling can help business and lead it to a profitable territory. A company has to observe its customers who are sales and profit contributors, and customers who have profitable growth potential for the future. 1. Care and concern: the customer wants to feel that the organization, its employees and its operational system are devoted to solving his problems. 2. Spontaneity: contact employees demonstrate a willingness and readiness to actively approach customers and take care of their problems. 3. Problem solving: contact employees are skilled in taking care of their duties and perform according to standards. Moreover the rest of the organization including operational support employees and operational support systems are also trained and designed to give good service. 4. Recovery: if anything goes wrong, or something unexpected happens, there is someone who is prepared to make a special effort to handle the situation, Grà ¶nroos (2000) 2.5.4 Competitor profiling       This analysis relies on a sound understanding of customer perspectives and competitor performance. The competitor’s profile should be seen from a customer perspective by using the SBUs. In market analysis, we can define different market segments and customer groups that can be targeted. Measuring competitor’s performance and gaining clarity of own performance against competitors is useful. The aim to gain a competitor profile relies in knowing their strengths and weaknesses. This produces a source of competitive advantage. This strategy can help to create differentiation. 2.6 Cost strategy       †Pricing is an area with a tremendous potential for increasing profitability, but unfortunately, if managed badly, it can quickly bring a business to its knees. Pricing is both art and science†(Meldrum 2007). A new business may require delivering a relevant quality product or a service possibly at the lowest cost, and to develop a cost difference over the primary competitors for making it more attractive for new customers. Standardization of products is also an important part. Cost strategy also considers the cultural facts for product pricing. A question between either providing a differentiation approach to match the customer needs with good quality, and gain competitive advantage, or having low cost to gain profit margin and increase product volume that often leads to practice a mixed approach. The company has to decide what it wants to accomplish with a particular product. If the company has selected its target market and marketing posit ion, then pricing will be straight forward. Figure 9 below depicts the nature of competitive advantage, McDonald (2007). 2.6.1 Low cost products        Several circumstances might lead a firm to cut its price. One circumstance is if a company needs additional business and cannot generate it through increased sales efforts, product improvement or other measures. A company might face a price war, as competitors try to hold on to their market share. New business wants to ensure its customer group which it is the lowest cost producer with the best quality. This way one can win a greater volume of business through lower prices than competitors, and continue to be profitable. Prices also influence customer perceptions. In some markets high prices are seen as overcharging or taking advantage of customer. In other markets competitor with lower prices may have advantage, but a lower price can also damage the competitive position or the brand image. Brand image is associated with prices. 2.6.2 High costs products        Some products whose prices tend to remain constantly high or fixed, it is necessary to know the real demand of those products to set a fixed cost. Increasing number of companies’ base their price on the product’s perceived value. They see the buyer’s perception of value not the seller’s cost, as the key to pricing. A company develops a product concept for a particular target market with a planned quality and price. Then management estimates the volume, which hopes to sell at this price. The estimates set the demand capacity, investment and the unit cost. Management then figures out whether the product will yield a satisfactory profit at the planned price. If it does the company goes ahead with product development otherwise, the company drops the idea. A business without the lack of a real understanding of the profit generated by different activities and products without data and strategy becomes less logical and relies jus t on intuition and luck. 2.7 Leadership strategies        A new business at an early stage is generally considered fragile; where a leader and staff members are both new to each other, further it is not necessary that a good entrepreneur is also a good leader. In the beginning phase of management a leader might find it hard to understand his employees, so setting some guidelines might help the staff and the leader. The true leadership is like a big wise head which can direct an organization towards success. A strategic leadership can define the direction of an organization. A true leadership recognizes long-term and short-term goals and its objectives. It is also necessary for a leader to determine priorities, to direct team activities by using his inspirational leadership. According to Cameron (2008) a new leadership should have following strategies. (1) A focus on positively deviant performance, or successful performance that dramatically exceeds the norm in a positive direction; (2) An affirmative bias or an orientation toward, for example, strengths rather than weaknesses, optimism rather than pessimism, supportive rather than critical communication. (3) A focus on virtuousness and eudemonism, or on the best of the human condition and that which beings consider to be inherently good.       A leadership is responsible for other people and their performance. Responsibility and authority are defined as operating environment. The core concept of leadership is responsibility of other people and for the results they achieve in their work. A leadership should take actions based on ethicality, shared beliefs and value connected to the basic mission of an organization. The most important characteristic of excellent leadership is the creation and strengthening of a positive development attitude. Without a positive attitude there will be no permanent learning results. Figure 10 below describes the main characteristics of excellent leadership behaviour. Professional skills Inspirational motivation . See the big picture . Clear and challenging goals . Is fully dedicated and enthusiastic . Knows how to encourage and reward . Uses humor . Tries to see the positive side Own example Individualized Consideration . Is genuinely interested in people . Knows how to listen . Is easily approachable . Takes care of the followers . Is present and enjoys being with people . Knows the followers . Accepts that people are different Building trust and confidence . OBjectivity and fairness . Honestly . Is true to his word and promises . Can make decisions . Acts in consistent fashion . Bears his responsibility in all situations Intellectual stimulation . Delegates responsibility . Gives room and freedom of action . Does not leave anyone alone, acts as a sparring partner . Two-way feed back . Does not always have to agree . Encourages others to generate ideas . Admits his own mistakes 3.1 Starting a new business in Finland       The world economy has undergone a radical transformation in the last two decades. Geographical and cultural distances have shrunk significantly with the advent of jet airplanes, fax machines, and internet linkups. This shrinkage of distance has permitted companies to widen substantially their geographical markets as well as their supplier sources. Over the past few decades, Finland has become an entrepreneur-friendly country. It is apparent that this change will continue into the future since the opportunity for entrepreneurship has improved tremendously. Society, in Finland, gives successful entrepreneurs a high status. Finnish market has a great potential for new businesses, but still there are few who will take the risk. According to the Ministry of Trade and Industry Finland (2007) the task force set up has investigated the opportunities and methods to promote immigrant entrepreneurship. It is funded by the entrepreneurship policy programme. The task force’s mandate is linked to the Government’s new immigration policy programme and the endorsement of work-based immigration. The main purpose of the task force was to come up with measures to promote growth and opportunities for immigrant entrepreneurship. According to Boston Consulting Group, (4-2009) Scandinavia is considered amongst the most innovative regions of the world, while Denmark and Norway ranked impressive. This survey also ranked Japan as the most innovative country in the world. Nevertheless, according to this report, Finland and Sweden ranked in the top ten innovative countries. When it comes to the general perception of how difficult it is to start a small business, attitudes of Europeans and Americans are approximately similar. Most of them think that it is somewhat too difficult to start a business. 3.2 The analysis of current food culture       Kouvola despite being a small city and relatively less populated than the bigger cities, has a variety of food providers. Mainly, there are two types of restaurants, fast food and full meal. Fast food, in general appears to be more popular among the younger generation; unfortunately, most fast foods contain too many calories, salt, and cholesterol to be ingested daily or even once a week. Eating at fast food restaurants has increased and is linked to today’s obesity. According to health specialists, children between the ages of 7-12 should consume approximately 2200 calories per day, while adults should consume approximately 2000 calories per day, although exercise levels and current weight can affect these numbers.        The total of a single meal at a fast food restaurant could comprise almost a full day’s caloric intake. To observe the current food culture, it was necessary to record the number of calories and fat in different types of food, to make a list and to show the difference. Figure 11 below depicts the amount of calories and grams of fat packed in fast food: 3.2.1 Pakistani/Indian food culture       Djanhal and Halliday (2007), describe the history of Subcontinent as one of the oldest civilizations of the world, which has always had lots of diversity mainly because it has been occupied by so many different nations and religions. These nations ruled India for decades, mainly the Mughals and the Great Britain. India embraced all the different and cultural influences, and religious practices. Ceremonies of local traditions have made a contribution towards the evolution of cuisine and kept adding a rich taste to the food.       Another major influence in this development of Pak/Indian cookery was the establishment of the Mughal Empire starting in 1526. Arabic background of Mughals added lamb, beef, chicken and fish to the cuisine. The opulent tastes exhibited by such emperors as Hymayun, Akbar, Jahangir, Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb in art, architecture, music, dance, and jeweler was also extended to food. A style of cookery called Mughali’ evolved in Mughal court and even today it is very popular in Lahore/Pakistan as well as worldwide. Some widely known survivor recipes of court cookery are, for example, chicken tandoor a dish in which chicken is cooked at low temperatures in special ovens called â€Å" tandoor†, and murg musalam’ in which the whole chickens are roasted with special spices and ingredients. Shahi tukra, a dessert of sliced bread, milk, cream, sugar and saffron, is another left-over from the days of the Mughals. 3.2.2 A brief look at cookery in Pakistan       Djanhal and Halliday describe Pakistani cookery, as full of regional character, with each of the four provinces offering special dishes. â€Å"It is difficult to decide which of the almost endless catalogue of dishes from the subcontinent can be identified as specifically†Pakistani†(Djanhal and Halliday 2007) In Punjab, Mughlai cuisine uses tandoor (ovens). In Baluchistan, cooks use the Saji method of barbecuing whole lambs and stick bread in a deep pit. From the older times, use of spices, herbs, seeds, flavorings and seasonings have helped cooks transform rather ordinary foods into an exotic cuisine.       Some of the most commonly used spices in Pakistan today are chili powder, turmeric, garlic, paprika, black pepper, red pepper, cumin seed, bay leaf, coriander, cardamom, cloves, ginger, cinnamon saffron mace, nutmeg, poppy seeds, aniseed, almonds, pistachios, and yogurt. They are used in a wide range of pickles, chutneys, preserves, and sauces, together with curries of all descriptions and special recipes of meat, seafood, and vegetables, which gives Pakistani cooking much of its distinctive character. 3.3 Survey of two existing ethnic restaurants      Market research in this part included some interviews and surveys. It is good to know what is going on around helped the idea of establishing own business and to review the relative and essential elements. The empirical research part of this research contains surveys of two restaurants Namaskar, Helsinki, Finland Äkta Indisk & Pakistan mat in Stockholm (old city), Sweden Both of these restaurants are owned by immigrants. The main purpose of the survey was to know â€Å"how the owners got into this business†and observing their business strategies and study what they encountered while establishing their businesses. 3.3.1 Äkta Indisk & Pakistan Mat, Stockholm Sweden      Indian and Pakistani restaurant in the old city, Stockholm According to the owner of Äkta Indisk & Pakistan (2010) they have a satisfactory number of customers. Their regular customer list contains a large number of immigrants living in Sweden, including tourists and Swedish people. The owner as an immigrant, preferred to have his own business, it gave him self-esteem and less use of a foreign language. He is happy to help his compatriots in a foreign culture by giving them a job, and to participate in creating a good food culture. For a new business, being an immigrant and especially the start-up process was difficult at first but gradually it progressed. An ethnic-based brand is strength, according to the owner. He also has some regular Swedish customers that mean he has succeeded to develop a good taste across culture. The Standardization of food and menu. The restaurant menu is suitable for both vegetarian/non-vegetarian customers.       Chili is used reasonably in the most dishes but they also have hot chili dishes depending on customer requirements. The menu in figure 13 below depicts the standardization of food. Menu at Ätka Indisk & Pakistansk Mat, Stockholm Sweden Restaurant’s arrangements and atmosphere      The owner is fond of eastern culture so he made the arrangements in accordance.      Figure 14 below shows the statue at the entrance of the restaurant, holding an Indian flag. Welcoming statue at the entrance of Ätka Indisk & Pakistan Mat Secondly the name of the restaurant consists of both Pakistan and India. Karachi is a coastal city in Pakistan, Because India and Pakistan used to be one big country before the partition, there are similarities regarding food and culture. A cultural arrangement of musical instruments. These instruments made the restaurant look more atmospheric and gave a glimpse to the golden history of music, art and food. 3.3.2 Namaskaar Indian Express, Helsinki       â€Å"NAMASKAAR†Indian Express, Helsinki Namaskaar restaurant is located in Helsinki. The owner is a Pakistani. He has been living in Finland for more than ten years and owns two restaurants in Helsinki. On my visit I ordered different dishes to observe the menu and taste the difference. The menu contained vegetarian and non-vegetarian food, some different sort of jams, spicy pickles and cultural drinks. It was lunch time and the restaurant was full of customers so there was no room. I had to stand in a queue and wait for the turn. After the meal, I requested an interview and when the owner got to know about my links from Pakistan and Lahore, he became excited and it sparked his interest to know the opinion about his restaurant, food and the arrangements. About starting a new business across culture he told, that when he came to Finland the biggest challenge was the language, he could not communicate with people properly and he felt so helpless. H e had an inspiration from one of his family members for food business. He wanted to try it across culture, and he wanted to be successful within his limited language skills and education. He had to hire some staff from Pakistan, (mostly his family members) and some other employees that he found in Finland. He said Helsinki has become more multicultural and people are keen on having exotic food. He has many regular Finnish customers and tourists and also some Asian customers. He has never advertised his restaurant in any newspaper or magazines but according to him the best advertisement for food business is a good taste and a good quality which brings his customers back. Location is also very important to him; he would not like to move his restaurant to a new place. He said with time he has gained a reputation and has developed a taste of food, and even the tourists in Helsinki come again to his restaurants whenever they get an opportunity to come back. He is very pleased with the pr ogress of his business that three years ago he launched another branch also in Helsinki.      Figure 17 below shows the menu of Namaskaar restaurant. According to me the food was a bit too spicy, but the owner lets his customers choose a slightly spicy food. He has an idea about the standardization of food. He has reduced spices in the food but he would not like to turn a spicy dish into a sweet dish that it loses the original traditional taste, However, I was expecting it to be less spicy or perhaps bland so I was surprised that customers still liked it. The owner is very happy to promote his culture through traditional food across culture and has gained self esteem through a successful business. He has built a reality on his dreams, which was all based on a vision which he has made true as the result of his strenuous efforts. About the future challenges he thinks, there is a rich food culture in Helsinki and a tough competition, for there are many Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Spanish, Italian, and all kinds of international restaurants, so the quality has to be maintained perpetually to meet the customer’s expectations. 3.4 The questionnaire analysis        The last part of this paper is based on a quantitative-research method. The method of research was conducted by using a questionnaire to determine people’s behavior towards Pakistani/Indian food. The research was based on measurable data gathered through benchmarking strategy. Different customers were interviewed at Pakistani/Indian restaurants to ascertain their opinions. This research proved to be a source of much useful information, that I could use it for my own restaurant project. The aim of research was an evaluation of people’s attitude towards the opening of this new restaurant. These questions were selected to evaluate the new venture, and to know people’s inclination towards the food.       I developed a questionnaire and interviewed 50 people altogether. 1) Have you ever been to any Pakistani/Indian restaurant? The first question included respondents from Kymenlaakson area mainly Kouvola and Kotka, 64% of the respondents which is 33 people said that they have never visited any Pakistani or Indian restaurant. 17 respondents said that they have visited some Indian restaurants while visiting bigger cities like Helsinki, Lahti or Oulu. 46 respondents said they would love to try and they are interested in tasting it at least once, only 4 respondents are not very interested. Figure 18 below depicts the customer’s tendency towards Pak/Indian restaurants. Have you ever been to a Pakistani/Indian restaurant 2) What did you observe while you were there? The second question includes respondents who have experienced these restaurants and some customers were on the spot having a meal. Getting different opinions was worthwhile in improving own concept. According to 15% respondents, Indian and Pakistani restaurants are not very formal. They should serve in a formal way. 45% respondents consider it a non-vegetarian food. If they go to an Indian restaurant, they are not so sure about having the meat on the menu because Hindus are vegetarians and worship cows as one of their gods, and some Hindus do not even like to eat eggs, so people are not sure about the menu. About Pakistani restaurants 20% respondents think Muslims do not eat pork so it is maybe not wise to order a pork dish, because it may annoy them. Some respondents had an opinion that every restaurant has a different menu, so it is up to customers to choose. Y values in figure 19 below depict the customer tendency towards Pak/Indian food. The analysis of customer tendency towards Pakistani and Indian food. 3) What attracts you to select particularly an Indian Restaurant?       40% of the respondents consider Indian/Pakistani food healthy and they like the use of herbs and spices, 15% of the interviewees said that every restaurant has a different menu so they are interested in trying it at least once. 25% of the respondents like cultural decorations and the history. It is interesting for them to observe a different taste in a different cultural surrounding. 8% of the respondents are just concerned about food quality and arrangements and not brands. Figure 20 below depicts some customer attractions towards Pak/Indian restaurants. 4) Would you like to have an Indian restaurant in your area?       There is no Indian restaurant in Kymenlaakson area so 75% of the respondents are excited about having an Indian restaurant because they get a chance to visit some Indian restaurants only when they are in Helsinki or Lahti. 15% of respondents are satisfied with the existing number of ethnic restaurants in Kymenlaakson. 10% of the interviewees were not so keen on eastern food since they consider it fatty. Figure 21 below shows the customer attitude towards a new restaurant in Kymenlaakson area. Would you like to have an Indian restaurant in your area? 5) What are your customer expectations regarding a new Indian restaurant?       As can be seen in figure 22 below 38% of the respondents look forward to spicy food with a good vegetarian and a non-vegetarian menu. They also appreciate a good cultural environment. 15% of the Interviewees are concerned about courtesy and friendliness of staff and expect a good customer service. Nearly 26% of the interviewees are concerned about the price difference and would prefer a low price with a good food quality. 20% of the respondents look forward to a good buffet meal for a reasonable price. Figure 22 below shows the customers’ expectations.The customer expectations the above analysis draws a conclusion that there is certainly a room for Indian village restaurant. People would like to try different food, they seem curious about new taste and cultural atmosphere of a restaurant. There are some stereotypes associated with previous experiences, but there is always a way to do things better. I also learned that today; few customers are sati sfied with just getting something to eat. Rather, they have come to expect higher levels of dining experience. Finding ways to create the right kind of dining experience to match the customer expectations is a growing challenge for every operator. Good food is not the only thing customers are looking for today. When they go for lunch they want a break from their work environment. They want to purchase and consume their meals in a place that offers a sense of life and excitement. To have satisfied customers, an entrepreneur must meet customer expectations. This requires being aware of customer expectations, without this knowledge, it will be difficult or impossible to meet and exceed the expectations. If expectations are not met, the customer will perceive the performance as inadequate and actions as insufficient. The questionnaire analysis was based on five important questions to know customer’s basic expectations but later additional questions can be added to the list to dea l with particular issues depending on the product, service, company and situation. Summary and conclusions       This paper consists of three stages of starting a new business. All three stages are different but combined with each other; the first stage emphasized the importance of having a business plan; with the help of scientific theory. I, the author got to know that before we embark upon a new venture of starting a new business, it is wise to measure the health of the vision. The right vision will make the business plan alive and a reality. The first stage of this paper is about giving this vision a right direction, the form and the clarity according to the scientific theory. In the first part I learned that the right business strategy and tactics are important to make the vision come true. Different department develop the additional strategies, tactics, and systems to achieve their results and, ultimately the strategic objective of the company. I figured that vision alone is not enough for starting a business; there are basic factors which need to be observed before launching a new product.        The second stage was implemented by benchmarking method. I did some surveys and interviews to observe the basic departments of successful businesses like pricing, location, products and promotion. I analyzed the related additional strategies which boost businesses and the importance of basic strategies. The questionnaire analysis helped to understand the opportunities and the possibilities. I got to know the customer expectations and the social behavior towards this project. It was good to measure these possibilities, keeping in mind the customer expectations.       The third stage was implemented by scientific theory for Indian village restaurant, and described the basic elements of the concept. I analyzed the possibilities of market penetration, through the mission statement and goals, and discussed how the plan is so unique and genuine which so far no one is practicing. I also analyzed different elements like the standardization of food, the opportunities, strengths and weaknesses and defined the toolkit. I researched the ideas to create a good image, and how a good environment can participate in giving customers a sense of fulfillment and joy. This process needed a parallel study plan. First of all I had to analyze the scientific theory for starting a new business, and then to observe different ethnic restaurants and their environment food and location.       Paper supervisor provided his guidance, and instructions towards making it more progressive and professional. Writing this paper has also enhanced my personal and professional skills; I learned to examine the health of issues more scientifically and more professionally, I further would like to implement my business plan in practice and will try to put the best foot forward with the restaurant business. During research I dined in many good ethnic restaurants and figured that entrepreneurs base their food business on satisfying products which return a profit. I gained new knowledge and learned that many people may take food business as an easy task, and would not go through conventional scientific theories of starting up a new business, yet many of these entrepreneurs are fruitful and learn by experience but in that case chances of success are surely at risk. The scientific theory for entrepreneurship was really helpful to widen the understanding that even when entrepreneurs start a new business regardless of a proper scientific theory, it still applies for them.       I reach the following conclusions; firstly it is very important to have a business plan in order to understand the target market and the future of a business. A traditional business plan simply does not provide the results one deires . Every business strategy is different. A business plan based on a vision, enthusiasm and a purpose, requires a proper market research and planning. The success in the end relies on a good market research and a planning theory. Secondly by the analysis of current business trends in Finland I am positive about the progress of food business. I have seen different ethnic brand restaurants doing a successful job. This definitely sparks the interest and gives all the hopes and chances for survival to a new business. Thirdly many food providers show no concern with providing food according to the health standards, so this business plan is noble share towards the well being of human race. References Boston Consulting Group 2009. Annual report. Cameron Kim 2008. Positive Leadership: Strategies for Extraordinary Performance. City: Berrett-Koehler Publishing Limited. Dhanjal Beryl, Halliday Tony 2007. Insight Guides Pakistan, 3rd edition. City: Apa Publication GmbH & Co Publishing Limited. Fisher Alan, Chick Anne, Bifulco Antonia, Mellor Noah, & Mellor Robert 2009. Entrepreneurship for everyone, a student text book. London: Sage Publishing Limited. Grà ¶nroos Christian 2000. Service Management and Marketing: Customer Management in Service Competition, 3rd edition. John Wiley &Sons Publishing Limited. Immonen Jorman, Olander Ilkka 2007. The Ministry of Trade and Industry: Task Force for Promoting Immigrant Entrepreneurship. City: Edita Publishing Limited. Jeynes Jacqueline, 2002. Risk Management 10 Principles. City: Butterworth-Heinemann Publishing Limited. McDonald Malcolm 2007. Market plans: How to prepare them, how to use them, 6th edition. City: Elsevier Publishing Limited. Meldrum Mike, McDonald Malcolm 2007. Marketing in a Nutshell: Key concepts for non specialists. City: Butterworth-Heinemann Publishing Limited. Nissinen Vesa 2006: Deep Leadership. Talentu Publishing Limited. Source document
Friday, November 8, 2019
Bisman Singh Essays - Doubt, Films, Free Essays, Term Papers
Bisman Singh Essays - Doubt, Films, Free Essays, Term Papers Bisman Singh People who commit sins usually do not stay close to god throughout their lifetime. In the play Doubt by John Patrick Shanley, characters experience doubt because of what they believe. In the play sister Aloysius commented In the Pursuit of wrongdoing, one steps away from god. Of course there is a price which means that by doing things wrong, people have to pay a punishment and they weaken their relationship with god. By developing sinful characteristics, the four main characters step away from god and lose happiness. Mrs. Muller loses happiness and steps away from god as she accepts the inappropriate actions that may be happening between Father Flynn and her son. When sister Aloysius tells Mrs. Muller of what could be happening between Donald and Father Flynn, using the motif of vision, she responds saying, I prefer not to see it that way (46). This shows that Mrs. Muller, similarly to sister James does not want to be involved and does not want to see the wrong things that are happening. She accepts that her son is being molested when she said, Its just till June (50). By using euphemism, she told sister Aloysius Maybe what you dont know maybe is my son is that way (48) to imply that Donald may be homosexual. Mrs. Muller only wants for her son to be happy and get through the school year with support even if he is being molested. She said, This Priest. Puts out a hand to the boy. Does the man have his reasons? Yes. Everybody has their reasons. You have your reasons. But do I ask the man why hes go od to my son? No. I dont care why (49). This characterizes her as a bad mother because she does not care that her son may presumably be getting molested. She believes it is in his nature (48) to be homosexual. Mrs Muller steps away from god and ends up paying the price by having to deal with a homosexual son who has no one on his side. Sister James steps away from god as she resists opening he eyes and is indecisive between supporting Father Flynn and Sister Aloysius. Sister James is portrayed as a parallel character to Mrs. Muller as she does not want to see or be involved in all the change in the Parish. In the film, Sister James is shown to have shut the window, stopping the wind from blowing into the classroom. This is an example of pathetic fallacy, where the wind symbolizes how the actions of people are bringing change to the parish. When sister Aloysius explains her suspicions to sister James, sister James said, I think Im starting to understand you a little. But its so unsettling to look at things and people with suspicion. It feels as if Im less close to god (20). By supporting sister Aloysius in the suspicion that Father Flynn is doing something wrong, sister James feels less close to god. In the meeting with Father Flynn, sister James sugarcoats everything she says, supporting both Father Flynn and Siste r Aloysius. When sister Aloysius asks sister James if she wants sugar, sister James replies by saying Never! Not that there is anything wrong with that (28). Sister James does not want to know the truth about Father Flynn and tells Sister Aloysius, You just do not like him! You dont like that he uses a ballpoint pen. You dont like it that he takes three lumps of sugar in his tea. You dont like it that he likes Frosty the snowman. And youre letting that convince you of something terrible, just terrible! (35). Sister James steps away from god as she is indecisive about who to support and end sup paying a price by seeing the Father Flynn get Kicked out of the parish and sister Aloysius feel doubt about her accusation. Father Flynn steps away from god as he addresses what he sees as the wrongdoing of sister Aloysius or in the fact that he may presumably have sexual relations with Donald Muller. In his sermons Father Flynn uses Diction to imply that maybe he has done something wrong. He said, No one knows ive lost my
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
#FreelancerFriday #2 - Roberta Hall, Cover Designer
#FreelancerFriday #2 - Roberta Hall, Cover Designer #FreelancerFriday #2 - Roberta Hall, Cover Designer â€Å"Each book has its own specific story, its own specific mission and language that it uses. What’s on the cover is there to draw people in but it’s also there to back up the brand itself.†Roberta Hall is our first #FreelancerFriday designer interview. Roberta is a pretty jaw-dropping designer. Here she talks through the way she researches in preparation for a project, revealing a serious, studied respect for her art as helping express the message of the book it represents. Her commitment is impressive, and she’ll likely raise your expectations for your designer significantly.Enjoy.–REEDSY Have you always freelanced?ROBERTA HALL In college, I was very ambitious; I did about four different internships, then started working for several magazines.REEDSY Do you prefer working with freelance clients?ROBERTA HALL I think so. Freelance is good because you get to work with the people you want to work with, who really have the concept you’d like to help them develop.REEDSY Do you have any preferences when you’re choosing clients?ROBERTA HALL It’s more about about the project they want to do. My design is more creative than corporate, so I wouldn’t necessarily work with corporate brands, but I would still work with a film company to develop their branding or posters. It depends on the style of the company.REEDSY As a freelancer, how do you create art that has that kind of closeness to someone else’s project?ROBERTA HALL It’s a really interesting process. You have to do a lot of research to do it well. I like to work directly with the author because I want to get their concept out there of what they think the book expresses. With a movie poster you have a lot of things going on. You have to get photos from the film, you have to really know plot lines, and know secret little things that people won’t necessarily know about until they go see the movie; they won’t notice them until later.REEDSY Like where a poster is one thing before people see the movie and another thing for people who’ve already seen it.ROBERTA HALL Yeah; it tries to make clear the mystery that you have going into the film, but it doesn’t give away details.Working with a book means you don’t necessarily have photos, so you have to do even more research. Some people like to go out and take photos of things that reflect the characters in the book, other people look at different photography sites to see if they can find elements that will best convey the story of the book itself. Sometimes authors like to choose some of the photography as well. So, it’s an interesting process in itself. For example, for one of the book covers I’ve worked on, what I was sent was the cover art and I pretty much just worked typography around the cover art to best display the message that they were going for. Other books have an abstract meaning behind them, so in that case you might want to go with an illustrational style.REEDSY When you’re trying to get this sense of the book to work with, do you just use the manuscript?ROBERTA HALL I usually talk to the author. Even though I would love to read the book, I might not get the same message out of it that the author wants the cover to convey. The whole thing about a book cover is you want it to match not only what the author wants, but also to convey the message that the author’s trying to get out there. I might not necessarily see the book the same way the author does - which is good because if everyone saw the book the same way, there wouldn’t be as much to discuss.REEDSY You called your work more creative than corporate - how do you feel about the whole question of whether book covers are art or there to do a commercial job?ROBERTA HALL It’s more of a split. Some people view book covers as art and others view it just as ‘commercial art.’ What’s so interesting about that is that the artist will know that it’s art, will be able to explain the reasoning behind it, but then you could ask a regular person and they could say it’s just a book cover, it’s commercial, but either way, it *is* art. The packaging on a lot of the things that we buy is art - but people might not see it that way because they don’t necessarily see the detail that goes into it.What’s interesting is that designers will sometimes spend hours looking through typefaces for something that conveys a strong message, and can also be elegant at the same time. Even though it’s commercial art, I really believe that a solid book cover is the same thing as a solid poster. It’s more interesting. It make someone wants to pick the book up more. It drives you to look inside and see this worl d that the art has created for the viewer.REEDSY What can authors give you to help you work on a cover?ROBERTA HALL When someone sends me a pitch I like to do research and ask questions. The more information you can get the better the design will be. So if all you tell me is that you want an elegant book cover, to me 'elegant’ might mean a script font that has some floral design on there - but that might take away from the message of the book; that book might be about the 1920’s, and that floral script might be the complete opposite. It’s really about asking as many questions up front on the design of the book. When you ask these questions, your research will be more narrowed down and you’ll be able to isolate the things that come together.REEDSY When you’re researching in preparation for a design, what does that involve?ROBERTA HALL If someone asked me to do a poster about the Civil war, where I don’t know a lot of information about it, I’ll go back and I’ll research not only images but also text, the way people wrote back then, and even the way people talked, because that can influence different styles in design. And so I’ll spend hours trying to figure out this new style that will be illustrating what the author wants to go for and, honestly, what I want to go for too. The problem is that book covers are a lot like branding; if the book cover is designed incorrectly, in a way that doesn’t match the book, then the book is branded incorrectly.REEDSY How does you understand branding as it relates to book covers?ROBERTA HALL Each book has its own specific story, its own specific mission and language that it uses. What’s on the cover is there to draw people in but it’s also there to back up the brand itself. So by 'brand’ I mean anything, even the typeface of the book.So for example, I wouldn’t design a cover for a book about bullying with a script font; it would change the meaning of the word bullying, change the meaning of the whole book itself based on that script font. If you see a script font you’re going to think that’s kind of girly, or elegant; you’re not going to think of a book that’s about a strong moral message. You need to be consistent with the author’s mission of the book, as well as the book’s plot, because if not you’re going to throw a lot of people off who would have normally picked it up.REEDSY When you’ve worked with authors do they often have a very developed idea of a brand? Or can you help them work that out?ROBERTA HALL Initially, the way people write is also part of the brand, so I just try to give a visual image to that. I try to help them to define things that they’ve already said. The way we say things can often have visual imagery behind it. As a designer, working with images, it’s easier for us to see it than it is for a writer who spends most of their time working with words.REEDSY So once you’ve done progress with your research, what comes next?ROBERTA HALL After I’ve done research I put together mood boards, which could be anything from different fonts and different colours along with the different styles of fonts and the different photos that work together to emphasise the book’s message. Then you decide if it’s going to have a photo or an illustration. You work on that before you bring in the typography. The typography, even though it should be thought of continuously throughout, won’t be brought in until after the image has been developed. So the whole process goes through the different stages of design.A really good book cover, if you look at the image - if it has one, because sometimes the cover is made up just of words - if you look at the image and it emphasises the meaning without having any typography, you’re a step closer to having a finished book cover.REEDSY And so this brings you to this one, final version of a cover?ROBERTA HALL Often it’s more like drafts. What’s always interesting about design is that when designers are working they make mistakes, but it can end up actually working for them. Like, they’ll use the picture in a way they didn’t mean to, but it works better than their original plan. It’s like playing with the images, even when you had your original concept, it might not necessarily come out the way you want to. You keep working with it and you also keep working with different drafts and different ideas as well.Usually you want to come up with around four or five different ideas just for one book cover. One of your drafts or designs might show one aspect of the book, and another design completely different aspect. You’re trying to mould those together. You come up with multiple different ways of visually saying the same thing. They probably have similar colours and imagery, but one might split up the image to make it seem stronger, while the other could be softer. They could both have the same typography and the same feel, but be put together completely differently.After you have the initial image of how you want the book cover to look, you also have to back it up with the typography. For example if your design has a lot of movement in it you might choose one with colours you’ve already used. It’s better to use fewer colours than it is to overstimulate someone when they’re looking at the book cover. So if I’ve used red in the imagery, I’ll try to use red in the typography; if it’s a flowy book cover where there’s a lot of movement, I’m going to want my typography to have a lot of movement as well, to back up the message that’s already been stated with the image itself. The typography and the visual image have to interact a lot together. The way one image works with the typography is different to how another image works with the typography as well, so you’re goin g through all these different typefaces to find one that really works with the message and the brand of the book.REEDSY Are there projects you won’t take on? Any genres, maybe?ROBERTA HALL I like to know a lot about the book. The bottom line is if I don’t find the book interesting, I’m not going to design it in an interesting way. If I’m interested and passionate about the book itself, I’ll do everything possible to have that brand be shown through visually.But I don’t have any preferences about genre. I believe that each book has its own story, and each book brings something new to the story. If I said no to all romance books, I could be turning down a lot of interesting projects. If I say no to a whole bunch of science-fiction books I’d be shoving a lot of projects away when I might actually be interested and the designs would be really good. So as far as different genres of books, I like to keep an open mind. I’d rather not limit myself.What you have to do as a designer, when you’re working with any project, is look at new images and new inspirations. Often I’m on Pinterest and I’ll see new ways t o use different mages and different designs and things that’ll push me. If a designer is kept to themselves for a long time, they’ll start repeating the same steps without realising it. They’ll keep designing similar styles when they should be pushing harder, be researching more, be looking at different designs and and architecture and the outside environment, looking around the world to get more inspiration to really push it a little bit further. Each time it’s a challenge, and you want it to be a challenge. If it’s easy you’re not pushing yourself hard enough. You could have made that book cover, that you thought was easy, better. You can make everything better.
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