Monday, January 14, 2019
Healthy Living Report Essay
Healthy nutriment Campaign report 1. stress research to the geld To find the way cerebrate to my radical subject area and target do us to decent some(prenominal) sequences and wrangle almost social issues among students and young peck. It do my group to think a lot what base for drift would be kindle to us m balance working for this, and similarly what would be interesting for some some former(a) large number especi e realy for students in Middlesex University. First of all, anyone in my group pay attention on un undivided solid nourishment and ingredients which make daily food able to be fresh for long term and all the same dangerous.My group decided to place doing lam tricky food and we all fell into research on dangerous ingredients in popular supermarkets food. As we published in our Wiki pageboy Unhealthy substitutes used in food production had to be our campaign stage. (Wiki, ResearchS08G1). From long list of various chemicals and acids which are u sed in food our group made a decision to focus on Aspartame the most. Aspartame is sentimental sweetener which is 200 times sweeter than sugar and comm sole(prenominal) used in food industry.In the inter mesh is non difficult to find many articles and discussions nigh it, some state claim that it is very dangerous to worlds health because of its force to cause cancer, nerve disorders, birth defects and other healthy imbalances. From the other side of enamour, probably from the business side, some people are ready to prove that aspartame is not so bad, the right issue forth of it in food is not dangerous and it is cheaper to use in food industry than sugar.However, this sweetener is widely used and found in drinks such(prenominal)(prenominal) as diet coke, energy drinks and even some juice. In the get together States aspartame is regulated by FDA Food and Drug Administration which has set the ADI (acceptable daily intake) for aspartame 50mg/kg and similarly in the European U nion by European Food Safety Authority ADI is 40mg/kg. (American malignant neoplastic disease Society, Learn About Cancer 2011). Well, when the national administration has set the secure quantity of this sweetener it became permissible to use it in food widely.Due to that my group decided that in that location are no argues with food industry and during our campaign it is hard to transfigure sweeteners usage in nourishment and we made another decision to tack campaign topic and target substantially. Every one of us is adjoin by bright adverts and slogans to be eco-friendly, to eat healthy food, to avoid put away food, to choose food without any preservatives and so on. My group and I excessively decided to join in those who are providing healthy living style.We scratchinged to do another research linked to it, to search what vitamins human need to convalesce healthy organism after winter and which fruit and vegetables wipe out respectable vitamins, minerals and antioxidan ts. Also very important issue that UK is on the leading put in regards to obese citizens in Europe (Wiki, ResearchS08G1). Regarding to new-made York Times (2010, The reality is Fat) in almost half of developed countries, one out of every two people is overweight or obese. In the figure is understandably visible that England was and lead be second nation after fall in States which has overweight, till 2020 it can reach 70 per cent limitThese facts made us to take care for obese issue in joined Kingdom. As a united group of different countries two Lithuanians, finale and two English we see our target to start asserting students nigh this growing problem by providing healthy eating habits and healthy sustenance style including exercises and view of it. 2. Process of campaign planning Firstly, we had chosen to slide by the campaign round tricky food and e finically aspartame but as I mentioned in the first part of report, during the research we found facts that aspartame is ratified sweetener and the right amount of it is not dangerous to humans health.With our campaign we would be having too less force and evidence in order to avoid this sweetener use in food industry. Regarding to this, we unexpended the idea about tricky food and during much than two meetings we were discussing about many topics which could be interesting and worthy to pay attention. It was not motiveless part of planning our campaign because we all understood that to find the topic with strong target and serious attitude it is difficult.We mentioned points such as how we could include more people to our police squad, how we could represent information for them and for our university, should we stay only in university or shall we go pass on inform people about issue in our living areas, in the social websites, etc. how we could do our take and what to do so as to attract an attention. We were sure that we will make leaf permits with useful information, that we will set up fa cebook page for our campaign and we will do our effect in the university. In our meeting we had not have one person as a chairperson, we all were equivalent and we all were suggesting our ideas. My idea was to look deeper how we are living, what are ours daily diet, daily social function are we healthy teeming or should we change something in our lives. go suggesting the topic Healthy living I also had an idea to wage hike the charity fund. Even more, to visit children schools or other meeting places and inform them about our campaign and targets. Unfortunately, I had not got any assent from my squad members for this activeness. However, I sent some emails to charities such as British rosy Cross and Save the Children.I informed them about our campaign and targets, mentioned that we would want to do our campaign as a charity. While giving healthy food (fruit or veg) in university my team could intoxicate some share for one of the charities and later we could collaborat e by doing volunteering jobs or events providing healthy living. I have got an answer from British red Cross, they were interesting in our action and targets. Unfortunately, I had got that answer too late because we were already doing our campaign on ourselves without any outside organizations. 3. Work as a groupFrom my view at this point I am quite happy while working with my group. As in every team work we face with some advantages and disadvantages but the final result was nice. The best times and truly strong team work were when all group members were attending the meetings. Sure, it had slip by only few times, however, those meetings were pretty good. We had never have any argues or complaints, our discussions were always polite and with respect to each other. We always listened to each others ideas and discussed them together with giving some agreements or reasoned rejections. ordinarily our meetings were with three attended group members. Nevertheless, we were able to con sider what would be the near step, what research we had to do until next meeting and all jobs or duties were treat between every team member equally. Even more, if we were having enough throw in the towel time after meeting, some of us were going to library to do research together or to write down the minutes into the wiki page. For more questions or advice we were chatting online, by sending emails we arranged for the next meeting.On the other hand, this low attendance made some difficulties to organize all team work, it always takes time to text messages to inform other members about further actions. Because everyone has jobs it was difficult to find right times in order to meet all together, some group members were paying more attention for their jobs than to studies and especially for this campaign. Due to these issues our campaign was small and weak, its background were just two people who pay more attention to every organizing step. 4. Your action I economic value my action in the group as big part of altogether campaign.The background and topic of Healthy living was my idea suggested in the group meeting. I came with the wide idea of it and I had some plans how to reach the chief(prenominal) aim. As I mentioned above, I offered to do a campaign as a charity while providing fruit or vegetables for students we can collect donation for a charity, later collaborate with that organization and hope for getting some substitute. Personally I always like to communicate with organizations such as charities or other athletic supporter centres, I have preliminary experience by searching the support for some events that is why I feel free and confident while asking others to promote my plans.This time I had asked some charities but unfortunately I have not got any help from them. First of all, I think I had to echo them straight away and reject sending emails and waiting for answers, second , I think I had to let them go through more about my action, abou t our campaign, purpose and all details so as to make them interesting enough to support us. Finally, if I would be able to have enough force to influence others I would have asked other my group members to help me and to pay more attention on our campaign because I matte too weak to take this huge part alone.Anyway, at the end of March and beginning of April I was communicating with Community Fundraiser from British Red Cross. She replay to my email a bit too late than I was expected but it is always nice to let other communities know about my actions and attitude. I can be brave to say that I was that person in my group who was the most enthusiastic about campaign planning and actions. It was not difficult to take care and organize the event during which we were giving free apples, apple shaped stickers and leaflets with interesting information about fruit.In order to get apples each of us asked local shops to support us by giving some apples. I am living Hendon, so here I found many local shops where I am shopping almost every day and I visited them with my special request. First of all, while talking to the manager of the shop I let him know who I am and what I am doing, later I asked him to support our campaign and in the same way I made him sure that he is making big help not only for my group but also for some students who maybe will start thinking more about healthy life style.Some shops rejected my request but I did not give up and went ahead. Finally, I found one shop near to the Hendon Central Station which was very helpful and polite. People who are working there wished me luck and even know they look at me as at friendly shopper. 5. sustenance other campaigns Our group was working alone without any collaborate with other campaigns from our module. As we all got the topic food almost all campaigns were linked to healthy products.Some of them had chosen specifically one product (energy drink, dispose food hamburgers, etc. ) and they run campaign s in order to change people attitude and inform them how dangerous it is. Differently, we had not chosen any products we looked into whole lifestyle which includes food, exercises and attitude. I really appreciate other people job, how they did their campaigns, how they had equal their ideas and what targets they had. Only one thing what I might to change could be the way how they did their events.Most of all campaigns were too silent, working only on social websites such as Facebook or Twitter, I would rather do it loudly in the centre of our university. References Wiki, S08G1 Healthy Living, research 2012 online, http//mcs1000campaigns. middlesex. wikispaces. net/ResearchS08G1 American Cancer Society, Learn about cancer 2011. online, http//www. cancer. org/Cancer/CancerCauses/OtherCarcinogens/AtHome/aspartame The New York Times, The World is Fat 2012, online, http//economix. blogs. nytimes. com/2010/09/23/the-world-is-fat/
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