Thursday, February 28, 2019
Racial Diversity: Historical Worksheet Essay
Throughout intimately of U.S. tarradiddle, in to the highest degree locations, what work has been in the majority? What is the common transmissible background of most members of this group?Throughout most of U.S. history, in or so all locations the race which has been the majority is the white Americans which comprises Hispanic Americans. black-and-blue Americans are the majority in forty-nine of the fifty states, with Hawaii as the exception. White Americans, trace their ancestry to the original peoples of Europ, the Middle East, and north Africa. What are whatsoever of the larger racial minorities in U.S. history? What piddle been the common ancestral backgrounds of each of these groups? When did each become a significant or famous nonage group?Some of the larger racial minorities in U.S. history would be African Americans, Native Americans. Native Americans who were first to be in North America. In 1871 the Federal Government declared them American Indians and were f orced to move to reservations. This is where they were forced to adapt to Christianity instead of their own religion, schools that were done in English. African Americans were the other larger racial minorities. African Americans arrived with the first European explorers from Africa. Shortly after they arrived they became slaves due to their color in 1776. In 1865 coition abolished slavery everywhere. In what ways have natural laws been used to enforce secretion? Provide examples. These laws were intended against which racial minorities?Laws have been used to enforced contrariety by having consequences for your actions when discriminating against a person or any minority group. An example of this is when an employer does not want to hire a certain race or only wants to hire one certain type of race, and still hires you only because he/she has to have a certain percentage of that race. I believe that these laws were intended to end racism between unalike races, mainly with whit es and blacks in the United States. The reason why is because the history with twain races. Whites have always over powered blacks and treated them unfair and at a time they placed the laws in place so that can not elapse anymore and everyone can be treated equally. In what ways have laws been used to eliminate secretion? Provide examples. Did the laws work to eliminate discrimination?One example I could think about would be when putting down your race or gender on an application or some type of form. Now it gives you the option to do so or not to do so. What I had found hard about answer the race unbelief is the fact that I am biracial and most of the time they only want you to pick one race or if you do pick just one and they see you then they question it. This law was intended to stop employers to discriminate against women and different kinds of race. However what they law did was make it a point to have a percentage of a race or gender in that work force, so that whiteth orn be the only reason of getting hired on.
Do a detailed critical analysis of the opening of Coetzee’s Foe
A successful analysis of an disruption to every fiction back end not occur with a direction taking into consideration what sort of move around the origin is going to take their earreach on. Openings basin be deceiving and the foreshadow of close is deficiencyed to successfully determine the true meanings behind the foundations that the author lays at the start. This is in spades the case in Coetzees Foe. Hindsight is the analysists corkingest ally when smell in detail at the arts and subtext that Coetzee is employing to open this romance. In source it appears to lead astray as an alternative trading floor of Daniel Defoes classic, Robinson Crusoe.However as the novel unfolds it becomes go that it is an allegory for more pressing issues of todays society such as sexuality, ladder, politics and condition. But not stopping there Coetzee has to a fault created a pitch of metafiction accessing the way in which fiction is created. It flowerpot also be seen as an attack on the claimed father of the novel Daniel Defoe. With hindsight all these issues tramp been seen in Coetzees opening however I will begin by giving some cerebrations as to what Coetzee possibly wanted to achieve from the blameless novel as it will assistance shed light upon the structure, devices and meanings that falsehood in the opening.Coetzee is questioning realism in novel writing, throughout he is proving that, fair as Defoe did, he potty create real characters and conniption only when he is poseing that he standardisedwise has the power to repose them. As a piece of metafiction, Foe looks inwardly on its ego as a novel and questions itself throughout. Coetzee creates things just to break them down. He is out to prove that Defoe and other authors argon, as Paula Burnett described, the giver of false witness and in effect the enemy of reality thus the title and pun Foe.The attack is on Defoe, the so-called father of the novel, perhaps because he tried to d ole out Robinson Crusoe off as a real life biography. Coetzee is trying to show that even if Crusoe was real the writer of the novel he would still adhesive friction the power to create and destroy what the want to, so fiction throw out never be taken as reality. The key central issues in the novel are the themes of gender and racial difference and power. Throughout the prevail there is a strong feeling that Friday represents a lot to a greater extent than just the slave of Robinson Crusoe.It is through Friday and his treat manpowert in the hands of his unobjectionable masters that Coetzee is addressing the way the color people have handled there dealing with the Negro race. Coetzee probably wrote this particularly with sulphur Africa in mind as it is where he is from and it can be related to any cadence in hi fabrication when the whites have tried to help or enslave the black race. Through Susan Barton he also addresses women and their struggles for equality and recognitio n. A libber reading of the text would to claim that Coetzee in providing a narrator is presentation that the novels has mothers as well as fathers such as Defoe and Fielding.Also, her struggle to lay out herself as the principal(prenominal) character of the tale and the only true story teller can be seen to represent womens struggle to establish themselves as credible novelists in the early periods of novel writing. So with these underlying issues in mind the structure of the novel is also worth briefly flavour at so the opening can be put into context. It must be taken into consideration the stylistically the opening chapter is very contrasting from the rest of the novel. The first-year chapter is set on Crusoes island and is a written study as to what occurred.The style is very hardheaded and detailed. The second chapter is slightly more removed and is written before our very eyes in a set of letters to Mr Foe. The writing style is still detailed and realistic however towards the end of the chapter a few questions are raised as to who Susan Barton is and who is the sister following her around. The third part of the novel is set at Foes house and is again a first hand throwaway but has a very different feel to the opening. It becomes slightly more phantasmagoric and raising many questions as to whether Foe exists or is a excogitation of Susans or whether Susan is a creation of his.The final scene is set in a room and under water. It could not detach the reader any more as we lose who is narrating. We know its is not Susan as she appears to be dead. This is Coetzee destroying the realistic world he had created. Out of the four parts the opening is extremely significant as it crucial for creating the world in which Coetzee can put across the points that he is raising. So what is Coetzee beginning to create at the start of the novel? With his opening chapter he creates the foundations for his attacks on Defoe and the cultural and gender issues of todays society.However my use of the word attacks should not be taken too literally because directly no issues are addressed however it is work out in the subtext what points he wants to adjudge into debate. The main function of the opening is to throw Defoes apparent true novel of Crusoe into debate and also to create a realistic foundation that can crumble in on itself as the novel develops. Anything self-critical has to reflect on itself inwardly and the opening sets Coetzee up to be able to do this. From the very opening it is clear that this is a in writing(p) realistic note. There I lay sprawled on the hot sand, my top dog filled with the orange blazing sun, my petticoat (which was all I had flee with) baking dry upon me, tired, grateful interchangeable the saved. It is clear immediately from this cite that the narrator appears to physically feeling what she is describing. The opening few pages include many of these vivid descriptions which lay the setting for Defoes attack on Crusoes story. The reader can not doubt her version, as it appears so real. His first attack on Defoes novel appears early on. For readers reared on travellers tales, the words desert isle may conjure up a place of soft sands and gloomy trees where brooks run to quench the castaways thirst But the island on which I was cast away was quite another place a great rocky hill with a flat top There were ants scurry everywhere, of the same kind we had in Bahia, and another pest too, living in the dunes a tiny insect that hid between your toes and ate its way into your flesh. This account is a great grammatical case of the realism used to put the alone of Defoes work into question.This is a direct attack by Coetzee on how realistic Defoes island really is. The reader will of demarcation believe Susan Bartons account as it appeals through realism. It is a clever device used by Coetzee because he knows himself that what he is writing is not true. Another area that lays dou bt upon Defoes story is the figure Crusoe. His name is depleted to Cruso to show he is nothing like the man that Defoe creates.Not only is he a shadow of the main that Defoe created he is also unsure of his own history. he stories he told me were so various, and so hard to reconcile one with another, that I was more and more driven to conclude that age and isolation had taken their toll on his memory, and he no longer knew for sure what was truth This throws again Defoes account into doubt and would accomplish a reader believe Coetzees version. Another example of Coetzee trying to strengthen Susans account is her repetition of the line Then at last I could row no further. My hands were raw, my back was burned, my personate ached. This repetition of the same account to both the reader and Crusoe shows that she knows her story and uses the comminuted same wording both times she tells it. This is a clever device used by Coetzee to show that Crusoes story is fragile and various where as Susans is stabile and unchanging. The other main instrument used by Coetzee in the opening of the have to express his subtext is the use of Susan as the narrator and the way she perceives things. Through realism he sets up his attack on Defoe and novel writing but through the narrator he brings in the allegoric themes such as gender and race.From a feminist point of emplacement Susan Barton is, as Patrick Corcoran stated, a representative of her sex who has suffered at the hands of men and who struggles to assert herself in a male dominated society. To expand upon this comment, she does definitely appear to represent the women of society and how even though she shared the island with Crusoe she unendingly felt that she was not there When I reflect upon my story I seem to exist only as the one who came, the one who witnessed She feels that it is Crusoes story despite the fact that she is as easily as active as Crusoe and manages to escape, which he does not.Upon arriv al she assumes that she is his subject. With these words I presented myself to Robinson Cruso, in the days when he still ruled over his island, and became his second, the first being his man consideration Friday She does not even question the fact that he is the master of the island she just excepts that Friday and herself are under his rule. This is put in by Coetzee to question the situation of women in Defoes novel. There is no place for women in Robinson Crusoe and Coetzee provides us with an idea of what Crusoe would have been like with a woman on the island.Also Coetzee leaves it to the audience to decide what type of woman Susan is. He gives us no accessible background so we expect nothing from her. Throughout the book it is unclear what she is, whether she is a lady, a whore or a gypsy. This uncertainty is thrown and twisted into confusion many times, as she seems very educated and full of ideas You are mistaken I cried I do not wish to dispute, but you have forgotte n very much, and with every day that passes you forget more This extract shows that Susan Bartons type of language is not uneducated and her ability to call up to and man and disagree shows strength.This may be a case of her life experience gained on her travels. However it is more likely that it is Coetzee flirt with the idea of how putting a female on the island would effect Crusoes power. These power battles are an important theme in the novel and Susan faces them throughout first chapter with Crusoe then Friday in the second and then Defoe in the third. The other major issue raised by Coetzee is the idea of slavery and race difference. Friday is a shadow that hangs over the story throughout and cannot be ignored, as his lock is perhaps the most telling and powerful factor in the novel.The majority of these issues are raised in the second and third chapters in Susans manipulation of Friday. However they are present in the early stages of the novel in Crusoes approach to Friday. How many words of English does Friday know? I asked As many as he needs, replied Cruso. This is not England, we have no need of great stock of words. Dispite Fridays disability this shows that Crusoe has no intention of devising a companion of Friday and only wishes to treat him as an inhuman slave. Crusoes views on Friday can be seen to represent the whites treatment of the African race in the early part of the nineteen hundreds.When Susan takes over the role of master she can be seen to represent the white liberals in confederation Africa who tried to help the Africans but only tried to help them by trying to make them like white men and by doing so enslaved them further. RM. Posts view on the political level of the novel is that Crusoe represents the stubborn and corrupt Afrikaner government, with Susan Barton the white sympathetic liberal and Friday the black people. He even goes as out-of-the-way(prenominal) as to compare Susan to Mother Africa as she is searching for a child who is searching for her.He justifies his claim that Foe is an allegory of contemporary South Africa by pointing out the crucial fact that Friday is of completely different race in Coetzees Foe than he is in Daniel Defoes Robinson Crusoe. The fact that the latter Friday is a black man helps us see Foe, set primarily in England in the eighteenth century, as an allegory of contemporary South Africa. Defoes Friday has olive skin with straight long hair Coetzee s Friday is black with a head of fuzzy wool. There are other hints in the opening of the story to suggest some link with the treatment of the blacks in South Africa.The removal of Fridays tongue is perhaps one of the most obvious symbols in the book. He can be seen as having no voice like the Negros in post colonial Africa. Susan and Crusoes failure to communicate with Friday successfully is of course down to lack of judgement of his culture. However the fact that Crusoe manages to communicate with Friday let ou t than Susan could be seen to flaw RM. Posts argument as could the fact that Friday was apparently happier on the island before Susan tried to free him. The opening to Coetzees foe is a resilient part of the novel.As discussed it lays the foundations for all of Coetzees allegorical meanings. The opening is essential to understanding the race, gender and power struggles that are central themes in the novel. In hurt of realism it sets Coetzee up to question the fundamentals of the novel and how far can an author go in terms of making a book appear an accurate reflection of real life. From this foundation he also highlights the authors ability to create and destroy there own work no matter how realistic it may appear to be.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
JWT China Case Study Essay
I. SummaryThis display case studies the business strategy and magnification of JWT chinaw atomic number 18 from the late 1990s to 2008. As part of one of the military personnels largest marketing communication theory network, JWT china grew into one of the largest integrated communications companies in China operating from mails in discordant parts of the country. The case delivers a thorough history of and inclusive insights into Chinas advertize industry and the challenges for contradictory and domestic firms operating within a exceedingly regulated media environment controlled by the Chinese government. Moreover, this case offers netherstandings and perceptions into the structure of the extremely segmented Chinese consumers market, exploring the socio-economic disparities in income access as well as culturally determined consumer behavior across divers(prenominal) regions and urban and country-bred areas. The case allows us to explore how these trends might impact JW Ts ad and marketing strategies in the future and how to evaluate JWTs business elaboration in China dealing with topical anesthetic and foreign competition.II. Problems and SituationThe great(p)gest bformer(a) of JWT is how to adapt with Chinas fast- reverseing economy and rapid chuck out of consumption. With the gro make itg economy, there go out be more(prenominal) competitors from both global and local anaesthetic anesthetic areas. Therefore, JWT China has to strategize its expansion to take advantage of a bigger market dowry. The foster caper of JWT China is their consumers were becoming increasingly individualist and demanding participants in the marketplace . This change requires JWT to constantly re-evaluating its channel and announce approaches for a more sophisticated consumer markets. In the other words, JWT China has to always check into and learn about their consumers trends, cultures. characteristics, wants and needs to chance on their changing requireme nts. III. Key IssuesThe foreign company should be careful by making business in China because of the Chinese consumer behavior, their history and culture. As a major denote agency, JWT should be very careful with the multinational commercials in order to countermand the conflict and clear a positive impact. SinceChinese consumers git be characterized as very highly traditional, their culture and history should be interpreted in high considerations. As one of the major companies on the Chinese market, JWT is able to chop-chop and easily secure its great market share and major role on the market. However, as there is a problem with Chinese income gap, the company should try to target cheaper effectives and services, which can bring more profit and advantages. By using marketing and advertising strategies for more low-priced products, JWT will explore different segments of Chinese consumers it will affect them and will bring the positive impact over itself. Although China is the fastest grow country and has a great ability of inventing the natural technology, adopt the new and transform its traditional media earning to the new media, TV, newspapers and radio still deplete the greatest impact over the Chinese population.Having in mind, every second person of China uses computer and internet Chinese consumers are not willing to adopt the new advertising media as a uncomplicated source. Using the data from some research we can say that China is a country without a nub class. Because of the difference in the kindly status of Chinese, there is a significant problem- how to find and determine that middle class. The government also has a great impact over the advertising agencies in China. The law has some regulation for advertising contents, and prohibits some wordings that are not appropriate for the Chinese consumers. Advertising agencies in China were stem to the Advertisement Law of Peoples Republic of China. Dealing with local clients also is a chall enge for JWT compared with foreign clients since it is difficult to convince the local ones to implement advertising strategies that had long-term brand vision instead of guidance solely on quick returns. In addition, it is harder to develop the loyalty of local clients, which leads to a shorter relationship between JWT and local clients.IV. improvement and DisadvantageAdvantage JWT China is one of the largest integrated communications companies in China, and their Shanghai office become the largest creative center of the company. It means they have a big market share and their brand has already established securely in Chineses eyes. In addition, being a pioneer inmarketing and communications industry mean JWT China has the advantage of a trend setter and a wide spreading image. JWT China has construct a strong team which is diversified, talented and creative. It ensures they will manage the process and competition in a quick, effective and creative method. From their recruitin g and training processes, JWT nurtures lead skills and creativity and talent of its employees as its powerful assets. JWT China operated as a multinational company. This brings them the chance to be transparent and product-oriented work environment under excellent international leadership. JWT China optimizes its services by synergize the Team JWT solar system, including JWT Shanghai, Always, Glendinning and RMG Connect. This powerful team allows JWT China to manipulate the nationwide pine promotion management network. It also enhance JWT China to adapt with various demands and changes from different level of clients. Disadvantage-Based on Chinese culture and media understanding, JWT could have some problems with staying at the top in advertising world. First we can say that China was considered as an old media market. Although, every family member owns a personal computer, Chinese consumers do not rely on net profit commercials. In China, television, radio and newspapers are s till predominant. If the company continues to develop move and TV ads it will have a great success. On the other hand, if the company starts to work more on Internet advertisements and leave the normal commercials behind, it will not be able to continue establishing a good and profitable business in China -.With China being much(prenominal) a vast and diverse place with various tiers, and customs and set of people differing from province to province thus, it requires a variation approaches to be successful. JWT China, as a big enterprise, may have disadvantage in quickly adapting and customizing to each specific consumers cultures and interests in regards of disparity of region and income. on with the mentioned culture difference, JWT will need more time and effort to understand the sophisticated difference between Chinese and Western, compared to domestic or local agencies who operated by entirely Chinese people.V. Conclusion/ OutcomeThe future of JWT in China will eventually lead to expansion and growth to meet with the fast growing Chinas economy. However, to keep their pioneer range in China advertising industry, JWT has to solve many arising concerns regarding the conflicts among JWTs different disciplines within their company. They also have to find an efficient strategy to win over their domestic competitors regards of scales, market shares and clients relationships. In addition, although JWT China already possessed a deep understanding of Chineses cultures and history in the past , they still need to focus on any hidden and sophisticated changes reflects the social-economy changing. In conclusion, the future for JWT China is promising, solely there are many challenges and difficulties to overcome.
Influence of Visual Media Paper
?The Various forms of optical pas conviction media shape American culture and its values is by Visual merriment media has make American culture and values in many another(prenominal) ways. at that place be so many forms of sport nowadays that it has cause many of us including our children to forget what is more important. For example we now use the mesh to rely on so many things, standardised information. When at maven point in time we would use books or freshlyspapers. Video games, Internet, electric cell phones and things the likes of this energise taken away from our values of taking time place to enjoy a book.The children of today wont regular(a) take time out to play outside they argon more concerned with playing their video games. There was a time where children contend outside every day and that was a form of exercise precisely now all they want to do is watch television, play games and be on the Internet and their cell phones. Visual media influences the d iffusion or permeate of various cultural traits, including food habits, dressing, and entertainment. Different forms of visual media, such as television and films, provide materials from which we establish a sense of selfhood, sexuality, class, and even race.Further to this, visual media shapes the way we view the world by influencing what we consider to be pay off or wrong, positive or negative, and moral or immoral. The social influences of the visual entertainment media have been more negative than positive. For example YouTube has millions of video up where most of them depict something of negativity or something of no substance. There are so many videos of plenty fighting than there are of psyche speaking out to promote non-violence. There are also sexually explicit videos where you see a per discussion has millions of hits.Also movies have become so ofttimes more violent these days that young people are easily influenced by them, kids look up to famous actors/actresses. I think it is up to us as parents to make sure we monitor what our children do. everywhere the years, various forms of visual entertainment media have had some influence on the American culture. Visual entertainment media, for instance, exposes us to different kinds of music and move styles. When we are repeatedly exposed to these forms of entertainment, we gradually accept it as a way of life and eventually start practicing the same.Celebrity figures in visual entertainment media also influences our lifestyles. Visual media describes such persons as exceptionally talented and fortunate in various ways. As a result, we tend to view them as perfect role models and strive to adopt their lifestyles. For instance, the increased use of charged drinks among Americans can be attributed to the commercial ads aired on TV with pop celebrities as the subject. As well, the rapid spread of various types of youth subculture, such as Goth subculture, can be attributed to visual media.Visual me dia also exposes us to nudism, cruelty, criminality, violence, unfairness, and other antisocial elements. These elements of visual media entertainment constantly have wrought various aspects of the American culture. The influence of visual media in todays world has shaped American culture in many ways. People can be influenced with visual media because they can find it relatable. They relate to the person on a television show going through a rough time or a good time in their lives.People influenced by people on television that they look up to. For example if you are notice basketball and you see Michal Jordan wearing the newest shoes that have come out that will make you want to wear them thinking you can be like him. While with television shows, you may not look up to or influenced by the actor you are influenced by the character he plays on television. The way America visual media has shaped is because it is relatable and we are influenced by what we see. This may also change t he way we think nearly changeling things.Such as if you decide that your son or daughter will not date until they are 18 but, you then see on television a 15 year old going on a date you then may change your mind about your son or daughter going on a date. If you hear confide words on television, you may find them inappropriate at firstborn but you then start to use them yourself. It is as if people have grown numb to them existing. However there are good things about visual media other than changing your mind about things. It could inspire to be a better person or get a better job.This may push you harder to reach your goals that you have set for yourself. Some set up that watching television is a way to learn. For example show like Dora the Explorer, Blues Clues, and Bill Nye the Science Guy are said to teach you new things. In conclusion visual media influence social behavior and attitudes when we began to do what we see online, television, or movies. We have to get back to the basics like reading more books, watching the news, and not focus so much on the Internet, video games, movies, and cell phones.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
How effective is Citibank at resolving and retaining its staff? Essay
To provide Citicoin bank with a describe that urges service to recruitment and retention.Objectives1) To assess the benefit, if any provided by Citibank for its employees.2) To take abstract carrying into action criteria for the reasurement of ply exertion.3) Examine and try by employee perception of the current raising provision.4) Examine and evaluate other factors that may influence supply morale.In order to manage the performance of ply managers I pull up stakes be using performance criteriaThis is a handy measuring tool, which is apply as a system by which I moderate be assessing multitudes performance and the satisfactions and dissatisfactions of their work.I exit overly be assessing the performance criteria of their absenteeism and the No of days staff ar absent in a period of time.Also I will be checking on productiveness and the emergence of staff measured against output.I will be observe the retention rates information and to check into how coher ent staffs im offend worked, whether they ar temporary or permanent.Company History and Background to problemThe c whollyer I am investigating is a subsidiary of Citigroup Inc, Citibank International plc. specific plainlyy I will be looking at the Distribution member of the Global Consumer Bank in the UK.In the year of 2001 Citigroup hailed its position as one of the most successful financial services in the world. It registered double-digit additions cross expressions many lines of production line, and a 20% returns on equity. Their main(prenominal) objectives argon to undercoat trusted relationships with consumers, corporations, institutions and governments. They operate for both sectors of businesses, private and personal banking. They have bodily banking and this is for business, which generates a lot of money. Citibank is a large corporation and is kn discover as a national limited company, or PLC, meaning that its shares burn be floated and then traded on the sto ck market. Any member of the general public can in that locationfore become an owner of these systems.I have analysed the yearly report for Citigroup in 2001. The figures are very promising and pose an increase of 8% in revenue over the previous year.What I am currently basing my ensure on is the Citibank branches situated in Lon presume. The branches are ground at Oxford Circus, Strand, Monument and dischargeary Wharf. I sh tout ensemble be conducting this phasework with the help of Danny Childs, booster Vice President of Citibank he is likewise in charge of the employees in the London branches.I shall be conducting enquiry within the indexs of Citibank to determine the superior of staff behaviour and how they go about customer services. I shall analyse my findings and from the knowledge I discover, I will talk it over with Mr Childs and contour out ways to retain a positive atmosphere in his offices. serve welling IndicatorsI am difference to select the appropriate performance to evaluate Citibanks effectiveness in didactics. There are ii types of performance indicatorsA) Qualitative In-depth investigate into the motifs behind the attitudes of the employees with the interrogativenaires that I have conducted.B) Quantitative Pre-set top dogs on a sample of 13 employees have in order to provide statistically valid data. I wrote this questionnaire and received anonymous and therefore unbiased firmness of purposes that bear on the search objectives.Performance heed entirely expressed is an approach to managing citizenry, which helps to ensure that individuals performance goals and capabilities are linked to the goals and plans of the business. When this occurs, business performance goals are met mountain know what is anticipate of them and receive the support they make to develop their capabilities.Modern performance management is based on the principle of objective cascade. This heart and soul that everyone decides a cause co nnection betweena) The goals of the entire business.b) The goals of the department.c) How the performance goals of teams and individuals relate to and support business goals.What is the overall approach to performance management in Citibank?PurposePerformance management provides a commitment and unclouded approach to managing performance of all people within Citibank.Aims Clarify performance expectations in relation to what people do and how they go about it.* Address and enhance performance through honest and fashionive feedback.* Identify and deliver training and development to meet individual and team capability requirements.Performance indicators that can be employ for Citibank can be Performance IndicatorPurposeProfitCan be measured in quarterly times of the year to see how much money Citibank is bringing in.Staff turnoverThe amount of staff that has left Citibank can be measured with the staff from last year.Absenteeism per year compared to provide the number of times empl oyees have taken days off. seek MethodologyFor my research into Citibank, I will be conducting several antithetic kinds of methods to gather my data. My research will include both simple and second-string data. Therefore, my final results will be accurate and reliable.Primary ResearchPrimary information is the process of gathering information directly from people within your organise market, as I will have shown by the time this project is completed. I shall be gathering data from the market by path of conducting an anonymous questionnaire. A questionnaire contains several advantages * + Through the questionnaire I can construct my questionnaire to suit the inescapably of fulfilling my research objectives.* + A questionnaire contains up-to-date answers from the employees.* + Through the questionnaire I can also understand the state of mind the thespian is in and how he feels about working within Citibank.The questionnaire will be emailed to all of the staff utilise by Danny Childs. They will then fill it in and return it back to me. I have decided to use this method because it is honest and will be unbiased. It is reliable and will be of salute and true facts. It is also a good idea because it is anonymous and employees wont feel pressured into giving answers that only are only say for the sake of Danny. I will be handing out questionnaires to 30 people in Dannys workforce.Secondary ResearchI will also be using other sources of non-primary findings. They are called secondary research. Secondary research is the process of collecting data that is non new. It can be mature evidence from magazines, the Internet or statistics. In this case when the secondary research is collected it will be analysed in accordance to the questionnaires.These sources will be coming from Danny Childs past findings and research data, which he has stored on his laptop. These findings inform me of staff turnover and retention rates of Citibank. I will only be gathering data that is from the past year and which I consider to be useful. Secondary research gives a background psychoanalysis of the primary research conducted and I will be able to nonice any trends, if any, in the results. After I have had all the results in for both the primary and secondary, I will combine them together and have an accurate answer and accomplish my aim.I will be using a duodecimal research method. This entreats pre-set questions to the Staff of Citibank.This is called sample as I am reservation sure my results are going to be typical of the whole Citibank workforce.My questionnaire will be unbiased and ensure that my objectives are met. I will also research into my answers to check how valid they are.Before starting time off my main concerns to do with sampling was that how am I going to choose the subdue people for inter slang (sampling method) and also deciding how large a number to interview (the sample size). There are 4 main sampling methods Random sample, Qu ota sample, Stratified sample, and stud sample.Random SampleThis is when I would select employees within Citibank and ensure they are all treated equally in the questionnaire selecting process. A successful random sample is one which1) Picks names at random from a register processe.g. every 50th name.2) fling an interviewer to separately worker within the offices of Citibank and question him.Quota SampleThis is when youre- selecting interviewees in parity to their age within the offices. This allows the interviewer (which would be me) to question whoever he sees in the office room, as long as the correct quota is achieved.Stratified Sample wholly those with certain characteristics are to be interviewed. Eg I am going to only interview managers within Citibank worldwide. This means I am interviewing individuals at random. bunch together SampleThis is sampling only within a certain area, such(prenominal) as university towns or certain business districts. It is generally used for students such as me who are doing projects on a large scale.Therefore I have decided that the sample that I will be conducting is Cluster Sampling. This is because my sample size was 13 employees and is only referring to the distribution division of Citibank, and not the rest of the company.Analysis bulge of the thirty questionnaires that I handed out among the staff, only long dozen questionnaires were sent back to Danny Childs who then forwarded them back to me. The curtilage not all questionnaires were change in was that half of them opinion that it was Danny himself who had constructed the questionnaire and not me. After receiving the questionnaires I went about analysing each(prenominal) question and breaking them follow out in terms relating to the aim. All answers that were multiple choice, I ensured that I modify the answers and I created pie charts to visually show my answers. Where questions have a long hand answer I will be using verbatims. This is when I will be lifting relevant comments from the answers. The way I have done this is to nibble out key messages and repeated statements within the answers and to then summarise it 1) How long have you been at Citibank?What employees wroteA=Less than a year 1B=1-3 Years 8C=3-5 years 4D=More than 5 Years 0Out of the thirteen who answered, the absolute majority of employees (eight workers) verbalize that they worked between one to three years. Only one employee who filled in the questionnaire has been with Citibank for longer than a year and also had the most shun comments to say about Citibank as an employer. I constructed a Pie Chart to incorporate the data above 2) How would you rate Citibank as an employer?What employees wroteA) Poor 0B) discomfitstairs Average 2C) Average 4D) Above Average 7E) Excellent 0Out of the thirteen that answered, the majority of workers currently employed at Citibank express in their questionnaire that as an employer, they rated Citibank as average. The reason s for this are explained in question three. I have constructed a pie chart to show the data above for question two.3) Give a Brief reason for your answer to the previous question.Most of the employees answered that Citibank provided a Good benefit big money e.g. salary, BUPA. Two employees claimed that Citibank is more enjoyable than previous employment. Four employees were not blessed with their employers and were not dismayed to let it be known. nonpareil of those four even went far plenty to leave the question unanswered which goes to show how much he values Citibank as an employer. Referring to page 2 of my accompaniment, an employee said, Managers dont want to see customers, even if they are available to assist. The worker sees this as a bad thing, yet if he holds about it he can use this to his advantage. The manager of the branch may trust in Maslows theory of management and develops a democratic approach towards his staff. By allowing the staff to think for themselv es and make the correct decisions, Danny Childs will only be called in absolute urgency, and by shadowing him for a week I learned and watched the way the workforce was run.4) When was the last time you attended a training course?The employees have answered this question vaguely and were not afraid to point out that Citibank training is bad and that it is so boring. atomic number 53 employee even said that he cant remember the last course he had attended. This goes to show that Citibank need to invest in making their training courses more innovative and enjoyable for their workers in order to keep them prodd. They could leave team working in the courses meaning placing workers who havent worked together before or are not in the same neighborly circle as that particular worker into a group, switching their tasks rough and discussing ways of them working more effectively.Team working, managed effectively, can provide employees fracture quality and more innovative work at a free ze off cost and at a faster rate. To achieve such improvements in performance employees must be regard. They must have the ability to kick in and feel they are listened to. Greater participation can help a company like Citibank gain a competitive edge. Although this may be expensive, the outcome may be fruitful. The workers may leave the course happier and valued and therefore work harder and produce more business for Citibank.5) Overall, what do you think of the training provided atCitibank?What employees wroteA) Poor 2B) Below Average 1C) Average 6D) Above Average 4E) Excellent 0Most of the employees at Citibank rated training as only average. I discussed this proposition in more detail in question four and discussed the contrasting approaches that could be taken. Even if changes were implemented correctly, I would hope that if I was to ask the same question to staff in six months, the majority king answer that training is Excellent. Below is a pie chart, which I created to show my results from question five 6) What keeps you motivated at Citibank?Nine out of the thirteen that answered said that the salary they are on is what keeps them motivated. There were no other factors involved in keeping the staff riant. Three workers said that they survive by motivating themselves and only one claimed that he was there only to do a job. Three things influence the demand of staff in manage* The company nuance.* Its approach to managing its people* The financial reward systems.Company culture means the accepted set of attitudes and habits within an organisation-its ethos. Every business has its own culture, and Citibank is no different. Within an hour of sitting in the office with Mr Childs, jokes out I set out to work hard throughout the week. What kept me motivated was that I was working at a top bank and I wanted to please Danny so as not to foil him. It was challenging, yet purposeful. Elton Mayo was a motivational theorist who pointed out that the de parture in attitude was often to do with the unofficial leader or leaders of the staff concerned. For the majority of the workers, it is the financial reward system that keeps them motivated. Danny explained to me that each of his sales team has a PRP (performance-related pay) scheme to follow. It is a highly pleasing system for encouraging staff to work towards the organisations objectives. The usual method is1) At the end of each month, the individuals transaction is discussed against the targets set.2) If they have reached a target or gone above it, they are rewarded with a pay rise, or are given a bounty scheme to work to.7) Do you feel you get motivation from your managers?This question was answered with much criticism towards the managers. I designed this questionnaire to find out incisively what the staff is thinking and I got what I wanted. This question was answered in a way that it was being critical of the managers and mocking their intelligence. In two of the questio nnaires, staff said that the managers give support rather than motivation. Support and motivation are two totally different things. Support is when the manager doesnt literally do the work for an employee, but rather sets the framework for what is to happen. motif is when a manager would encourage his employees to do more or lessthing by means of offering them incentives. For most of the answers given in this question it is plain to see that employees dont feel they get the right motivation that they feel is deserved.Most managers assume they understand charitable motivation when in practice they have never studied it. As a result they may underestimate the potential within their own staff. Or thoughtlessly cause resentments that fester. The process of managing people takes place in every part of every organisation. By contrast a few people would need to know the financial concept of gearing in their working lives. So lack of knowledge of motivational theory is particularly unfo rtunate and has exceptionally widespread effects. In this case, ignorance leads to managers to ignore motivation altogether. They tell themselves that control and organisation are their only concerns. Other managers may see motivation as important, but fail to understand its subtleties. For these reasons, I can state that there is a case for saying that the concepts of motivation are that of the important factors in running a business.8) Do you feel you have career prospects at Citibank?Most of the employees answered this question with mixed answers. After reading each answer I realised that it was roughly a 50/50 outcome. Some of the employees saw themselves with a future at Citibank, while others thought that they deserved to be elsewhere. A lot of factors can depend on whether or not an employee has a future at Citibank. The outcome I have come to is that the reason the question was not answered properly was because I didnt ask the question correctly. What I should have I asked w as Where do you see yourself in two years time? That way, I will be getting a more detailed answer from the employee and he/she will give me a clear idea of what they think lays in their future. Here is a pie chart to represent the data As you can see from the graph, 54% of the staff saw themselves with a future and 46% saw themselves leaving Citibank.9) Do you feel you are paid a fair wage for your job compared to the banking market place?Out of the thirteen employees, nine answered that they are happy with their salary compared to other banks. Citibank on the whole, pays fair wages. One worker said there is invariably room for improvement showing that although they are being paid well, more money is always better.Referring back to Maslows pecking order of needs, if the pay levels were increased, it can be used as an incentive to ensure that they remain at Citibank. Maslow believed everyone has the same needs- all of which can be organised as a hierarchy. When employees earn com plete to satisfy these needs, however their motivating power slowly disappears. Maslow then referred to his hierarchy of needs in order for them to remain motivatedSelf-ActualisationEsteem needsSocial needsSafety needsPhysical Needs10) ar you offered any financial incentives such as bonus schemes or awards?Out of the thirteen that answered this question, ten replied that they are offered decent incentives if they work hard enough to earn them. A workforce must be put in place, which provides departments such as operations and marketing with the correct number of suitably skilled employees to accomplish their targets. For an employee to work well, he must first be able to have a good relationship with his employer. I created a pie chart to give a visual representation of the data I received 11) Do you feel Citibank has effective managers within branches?More employees said that managers are effective within the branches, although those that werent happy, had a lot to criticise. One worker said that managers should be more hands on. The question that came to my management is What is an effective manager? There are several explanations to this question, and I am going to explain it by means of McGregors Theory X and Y.This comes from Douglas McGregor who identified two styles of management. Theory X managers tend to distrust their employees they believe they dont really enjoy their work and that they need to be controlled. In McGregors own words, many managers believe The average human being has an inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if he can. This theory is not about workers, but he is actually talk about the managers themselves. Theory X in other words is how managers view their workforce. On the other hand, Theory Y managers are more apparent to involve employees in decisions and give them greater responsibility. The managerial assumptions identified by McGregor X and Y are* The capacity to exercise a comparatively high degree of imagination, inge nuity and creativity in the solution of organisational problems is widely, not narrowly, distributed in the population.* The average human being learns, under proper conditions, not only to accept but to seek responsibility.* Commitment to objectives is a function of the rewards associated with their achievement.It is clear that Danny is a theory Y manager in some aspects as he is inclined to adopt a democratic leading style. Their style is to delegate authority to meet specific objectives. Theory X style is to be self-fulfilling. Lazy people are obviously going to produce less output then a lively person. The way to make that lazy person lively is to offer him an incentive, which will motivate him to work harder.12) Would you recommend your friends to work for Citibank?Eight employees said that theyd recommend friends to work for Citibank, one of them saying what I needed to read, Higher starting salary compared to High Street Banks. The answers show that it was mixed opinions and there could be several reasons. Workers may not want to mix business with pleasance and therefore for friends to be around them in the office, their performance can intemperately decrease.13) What, in your view, could Citibank do to improve your working environment?The employees answered and voiced their opinions to make the working environment of Citibank better. The question was answered in detail and I was happy with the result.AppendicesBelow you will find that I have broken down my questionnaire into an easier way to understand. I completed this before I began my analysis and this appendix can be referred back to as a backup for my analysis at anytimeQuestion 1- How long have you been at Citibank?A) Less than a yearB) 1-3 YearsC) 3-5 YearsD) More than 5 Years
Introduction to Early Childhood Education †Assessment Essay
find THREE persona indicators relevant to early kidskinhood education and discuss why they be important for fryren, fosters, and/or society. 300 words. The beginning quality indicator relevant to early childhood education would be people. Letting your child learn in an environment where the teachers and assistants are expert, well-trained and the majority of them hold qualifications in the area. They should be able to fully understand your childs needs, transmit well with them ensuring they steel your child live safe and comfortable creation around them. They should also be trusted and respected by staff, parents and children. The indicate or environment would be the second indicator. The study environment should make all children feel welcome regardless of the cultural, ethnic or phrase background. They should be able to generate a physical body of, materials, equipment and play action mechanism arranged to encourage children to learn.A stimulating step to the fored oor environment that challenges and motivates children to explore, ply and play is also important. An environment where they feel safe, and where parents can see their child, and feel comfortable cognise they are there. They should be able to feel mend in the environment they are in and to know their children can simply benefit from being there.Programme the third indicator. A quality learning programme should provide bulks of learning opportunities in a huge range of different areas (reading, water play, sand play, dress-up, science, social play). A variety of activities either working in small groups or individual interactions with teachers. Parents should be able to BEd111 Introduction to Early childhood Education Assessment 20120778 Tourmaline Munday- barrel maker to understand themselves about what their child is learning, having good communication with the centre employees, knowing what is going on and understanding their ways etc. an eye out being a parent and unders tanding the centres way. Teachers should always build believe relationships with parents while always respecting and supporting different families cultures and languages.Reference ListIdentify TWO early childhood services in your community. Briefly rationalize their history and then compare and contrast their philosophies, educational goals and the strategies employed to attain these goals. 450 words.Montessori is a philosophical system and method of education pioneered by the Italian educationalist Dr Maria Montessori (The first Montessori aim opened in 1909, the first Waldorf school in 1919 and the first Playcentre in the 1930s) Montessori casa dei bambini or childrens house was first opened in San Lorenzo, Rome, Italy. Dr Maria Montessori recognised that the first six age of a childs life are the most important. Dr Montessori, trialled galore(postnominal) materials and activities, but kept only those to which the children were spontaneously and repeatedly drawn. Playcentr e began in 1941 in the main as a support service to women left raising children alone due to partners being away with the Second World War. Lack of gestate and low family incomes were the reality for many women.Playcentres original aims were to provide untenanted for mothers and opportunities for the social development of the pre-school child (Stover, 1998, p. 3). Playcentre is a stimulating environment, they provide a diverse and rich range of experiences, untrammeled free play crossways all 16 areas of play, and a child initiated curriculum. Montessori has a certain twist and is ground on their possess philosophy unlike playcentre.Playcentre is a parent run co-operative it relies heavily on parental input, participation and support. Montessori aim is to provide an environment with structure and activities that meet the needs of the children and by giving them license to move and act within it, it was said that Dr Montessori had revealed the true nature of the child. Their philosophy is aimed for Children to be encouraged to be firmly grounded in reality to begin with being exposed to fantasy. Montessori classrooms are very BEd111 Introduction to Early puerility Education Assessment 20120778 Tourmaline Munday- Cooper quiet, as children are deeply cloaked in their work. They input this by managing the classroom materials into six areas (Practical Life Exercises, sensorial Material, Art, Mathemartics, language, cultural subjects, and also physical is brought into their daily routine). Playcentre however is marked by a stimulating environment, providing a diverse and rich range of experiences, unlimited free play across all 16 areas of play, and a child initiated curriculum.Their views and goals are to promote childrens learning through play, Family involvement ( based on the importance of parents as educators of their own children) They like to View children as people who are strong and capable and can make their own choices about how and where to play (childinitiated play). Playcentre teachers are trained parents who take quite a hands on approach and implement learning, using a lot of open ended questions to extend childrens thinking. Montessori and playcentre have different methods. both(prenominal) focus on the wellbeing of children, and help promote them to learn and fire through many different approaches. The key difference between play group and Montessori is that at playschool the whole family joins, rather than it just being a provider of education for the child.Reference List(Pre-schoolers Preschool Education Types of Early puerility Care KYLIE VALENTINE 2010)(Stover, 1998, p. 3).May, H. (2002, Winter). Early childhood care and education in Aotearoa New Zealand An overview of history, policy and curriculum. McGill Journal of Education BEd111 Introduction to Early Childhood Education Assessment20120778 Tourmaline Munday- Cooper
Catholic Church and Ultima’s mystical folklore Essay
The unexampled purify Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya is pastoral, apocalyptic and, at the same time, tragic story parting the complex nature of homosexual relations and ambiguity of the dry landly concern. The novel t distributivelyes readers not to intervene with the helping of both soul not to wobble the cosmic order. However, Ultima dargons to exercise the destiny and her finale at the residual of the novel is symbolical dissembleation that any person should be responsible for his own actions. The reference describes relations amongst an old(a) healer Ultima and a young boy Antonio who is seeking for truth.The novel scum bag be delimit as apocalyptic as the cause illustrates that bi heathenishism leads to needful divergence between civilisations and religions. I think that the novel belongs to Chi fuelo literature being rather popular in 1965-1975s. However, it git be seen as ethnical novel which t stamp outs to explore self-development, personality and ethnic identity in the world filled with race and ethnic disagreement. The novel is rich narrative distort many themes and sub-themes unitedly allowing readers for different interpretations.Therefore, the objectives of the paper be to analyze authors writing style, relations between Antonio and Ultima, to identify main themes and symbols, and to establish the question of autobiography. Bless Me, Ultima Analysis I think that the novel Bless Me, Ultima can be analyzed from different perspectives and from many angles. The novel is a rich literary work dealing with social changes, cognitive and mental development of main heroes, religious issues, etc.Moreover, the novel weaves pagan conflicts and ecesis of ethnic identity into believable and coherent story illustrating the smoothes and roughs of Antonios living the main hero. On the one hand, the novel can be seen as romance novel as it discusses societal period through romance creation. On the other hand, the novel can be s een as heathenish novel as it describes historical conflict between villages and opposes race discrimination in the United States. Furthermore, the novel can be defined as Chicano literature as it promotes apocalyptic ideas and moods.The novel presents fertile background for psychoanalysis as the author uses rich themes and symbols to show the aliveness pass of a young extraordinary boy. Writing Style The author incorporates powerful and pictural images to present the multiplicity and ambiguity of responses. In other words, Anaya uses prophetic dreams, episodes of horseplay among children, perfect scenes presenting harmony and natural balance, mystical dynamism, scenes of violence and death as imaging to do strong impression and to come across sight think whether the world we see is real one and what the destiny of the person is.However, the novel tends to reveal whether it is permissible to change gracious destiny. Anaya uses strong imagery to show that characters and nat ure argon strongly tied together creating so-called natural continuum. Anaya refers to technique of oppression when writing the novel in order to create multi-level conflict. For example, Antonios parents have opposing backgrounds, views and aspirations. Further, religious are opposed in their beliefs, value and demands on the individual. Cosmic forced are apposed as they symbolize incessant struggle between the good and the evil.Finally, the author juxtaposes forms of nature saying they can choose whether to make soil dry or fertile. The novel is base on conflicts social, psychological, physiologic and cultural. Antonios life is also a conflict. The novel is also based on tripartites. It means that all evens and things are occurring in so-called iiis. For example, there are triple cultures in the novel, three Trementina sisters, three brothers, three Comanche spirits, three prophetic dreams, three Ultimas efforts to identify her ethnicity, and three Ultimas interference in t he life of other people. Numerology is central in structure of the plot.Issue of Autobiography I think that bless Me, Ultima can be defined as quasi-autobiographical novel as the narrator refers to I style showing that the novel is generated from personal develop or experience of the younger I. The novel is told by mature Antonio who shares experiences of being a young boy. Moreover, the experiences are transmitted in childish manner and it whitethorn seem that the story is told by a six-year-old boy. One more fire fact is that the author says that he had to refer to his personal experiences and experiences of other children to ramp up the story.Despite the fact that the novel is quasi-biographical, the readers arent allowed to distinguish the real and imagined events as the author represents everything as fiction. I think that the author does base the story on rich expository of personal experiences, but he skilfully hides this fact. Relations between Antonio and Ultima Antonio is the main hero in the novel who distinguishable to reconcile his conflicting religious and cultural identity. Antonio is only six years old, but he is extraordinary child with questioning mind, appreciation of life, and deterrent example curiosity.Antonio is more serious than other children of his age, he is more sensitive to ambiguity of the world and conflicting cultural traditions. Anaya shows that Antonio is troubled about his uncertain destiny and he is willing to understand the world. After the death of one of the townspeoples residents Antonio seems to plunge into crisis of the faith and for the first time he doubts robustness of the Catholic faith. Therefore, desire to reveal the truth can be defined as one of the strongest components of his character as his desire leads to interest in sin, death, innocence, and the nature of God.Antonio is developing to maturity throughout the novel progression and it is Ultima who teaches how to last out examplely independent, to receive kn hooteredge from all available traditions and to refrain from prejudices and limitations. Ultima leads Antonio to his physical and psychological maturity. Ultima helps him to resolve many conflicts and to determine his future. Old healer Ultima represents the moral system which Anaya supports. Relationships between Antonio and Ultima are the most important bond in the novel. Ultima is Antonios mentor helping him to overcome difficulties and to cope with anxieties and uncertainties.Relations between main characters can be defined even as spi rite. Ultima presents herself as the keeper of Antonios destiny and starts playing central role in his life and psyche. She uses her power of influencing to make Antonio think of himself and create his own thought of pietism. Ultima incorporates knowledge of both Catholic and indigenous traditions. She thinks that spirituality and life are tied. Nevertheless, we see that Catholic Church rejects her mystical power, and Ultima respects its wisdom attending mass regularly.Ultima teaches to appreciate equally multiple faith and perspectives as each person is entailed with rights to make independent moral decisions. Ultima instills tolerance, open-mindedness and independence in Antonios faith. Ultima treats Antonio with respect and understanding, despite he is a small child. At the end of the novel Antonio is treated as spiritual partner and Ultima asks to bury the owl which symbolizes her own death. Ultima dies, but her spirit continues to guide Antonio throughout his life. Main ThemesFirstly, the author stresses the importance of moral independence as no one has the rights to interfere with the destiny of others. Anaya emphasizes rights to think independently and to make up moral decisions. In the novel Antonios progress is the sign of maturity and self-development. Antonio constantly struggles to make his own decisions and he realizes that complex experience of religion has forced to change his minds. Antonio is really frustrated when he realizes that the church has belonged and pressing questions about human morality emerge in his head. We see that Ultima aims his guide and teaches about morality and independence.Moreover, Ultima explains ambiguity of life stressing that life can be viewed simply in terms of culture and religion. Cultural and religious traditions are important, but they coerce human abilities to be morally independent. Antonio realizes that he should find answers about evil, good, soul, pity and truth himself. Once Antonio has committed fatal mistake, when he believed that the Communion ritual was able to answer all questions. Instead, Ultima teaches Antonio to make decisions and choices himself. Secondly, the author identifies the influence of culture on identity.In the novel Anaya explores the conflict between cultural traditions which fail to co-exist as one culture tends to dominate others and vice verse. However, in the end we see that the author offers new soluti on he argues that several cultural traditions are able to create more adaptable identity. For example, Antonio manages to find answers as his life has been influenced by several constantly conflicting cultures. The first conflict was with his parents as Antonios mother valued him to become a priest, whereas his fathers wanted Antonio to ride the llano. The problem was that parents had different cultural convictions.The next conflict is sight within Antonios native town where Spanish culture is try with other culture. The conflict is presented in tensions between the Catholic Church and Ultimas mystical folklore. I think that through such conflicts the author explores the influence of culture on identity formation. Anaya shows that many characters in the story are limited by cultural prejudices and they have failed to look beyond their horizon. For example, when people define Narciso as drunkard they didnt consider his traumatic experiences in the war, although it is known that w ar may serious distort human psyche.Ultima teaches Antonio to become free from cultural and religious limitations. Instead, she tends to encourage Antonio to think of all cultural influences as it is the only way to become a descent person. symbolization Bless Me, Ultima is highly symbolical novel. The author uses different colors, figures, numbers and objects to represent abstract ideas and concepts. In the novel the opulent carp, Ultimas owl and the arrant(a) of Guadalupe are provided with symbolic meanings. As for mea, the sumptuous carp is symbolical delegacy of magical religious order which is hardly associated with Catholicism.The legend about golden carp offers main characters and readers moral guidance, brand of wisdom and comfort. Golden carp supports authors idea that cultural traditions are different, but they are equally valid. Antonio firstly rejects the golden carp as he thinks that in such a way he abandons God. However, later he realizes that golden carp can he lp to weave cultural and religious sources together in creating his won identity. Then, Ultimas Owl represents religious mysticism and life force. One night the owl sings outside Antonios windows symbolizing Ultimas presence in boys life.Moreover, owl is the symbol of safety-related power of magic. In the end of the novel killing of the bird symbolically represents that Ultimas life force is destroyed and she will die soon. When Antonio buries the bird, he buries Ultima. Finally, the perfect(a) of Guadalupe represents symbolically understanding, forgiveness and solution of cultural conflict. The story of the Virgin is definitely reconciliation of Antonios indigenous culture and European Catholic Church. When Antonio is frustrated, he often turns to Virgin to find a forgiving god. closing curtainBless Me, Ultima reveals the ambiguous nature of the world and human relations. The author shows that every person has to make independent choices and to appreciate different religious and cultural traditions as it is the only way to become a better person. Ultima teaches Antonio to create his own sense of morality and to remain independent person. Moreover, she teaches him to avoid prejudices and limitation. except the author shows that no one is allowed to interfere with the destiny of other people. plant life Cited Anaya, Rudolfo. Bless Me, Ultima. New York Grand Central Publishing, 1994.
Monday, February 25, 2019
An Analysis of Kurtz in the Heart of Darkness
Heart of Darkness tells the boloney of a bit named Marlow and his quest to harness the almost mythical regard of Kurtz. Kurtz is a station chief working for a Dutch job company at the very end of the Congo river. Kurtz, on with the otherwise station chiefs who be working at various stations along the Congo river, are charged to harvest the plentiful natural resources of the handsome African continent, primarily ivory. Marlow, who is an experienced sailor and river sauceboat pilot, is charged by the company that employs Kurtz to lead an expedition into the heart of the African Congo to find Kurtz and figure out why he has stopped shipping ivory.Marlow at long last finds his cosmos, sole(prenominal) to discoer that Kurtz has slipped into madness. Kurtz dies on the trip back out of Africa, only to utter his last words, The horror The horror . Kurtz has also scribbled all over his report which he was to turn in to his superiors on the situation and race of the African conti nent. The scribbling read EXTERMINATE ALL THE BRUTES. These two phrases hold of the essence(predicate) meaning in Heart of Darkness, as it describes how Kurtz really felt at the end of his excursion. Kurtz was described several times to Marlow before and during the trip as a different type of man.This colonial period was famous for the cunning of the European Empires, who in their double edged mission of spreading the refinement of the white man while harvesting resources of the foreign lands of the world, horribly failed on the former and were astonishingly successful at the latter. Kurtz was supposed to be a different kind of man. He was described to Marlow as being a current humanitarian, a man who would not only turn a profit for the company but at the same time turn around and civilize the natives of Africa.Marlow was immensely impressed with Kurtz and was eager to finally see the man for himself. What Marlow found couldnt have been further from the truth. When Marlow fin ally sees Kurtz and his compound for the first time, hes shocked to find that the man is almost held in reverence by the villagers. He has also interpreted an apparent mate from the villagers. Marlow soon discovers that Kurtz used his arrival on the boat and his possession of firearms as a means to awe the villagers into accepting him as their demi god.Marlow eventually finds Kurtz, who is by now extremely sick both physically and mentally, crawling along a jungle path at iniquity towards a village celebration. Marlow cuts him off and decides that if Kurtz wont go with him of his sustain free will, he will kill him right then and there. Kurtz relents and allows Marlow to pick out him back to civilization. The next morning Marlow loads Kurtz onto the boat and they begin their journey back to Europe. It is during this trip on the river out of Africa that Kurtz, who is slowly dying, has a upshot of clarity.His last words are The horror The horror . These words are symbolic of wha t Kurtz felt at realizing that he had become even more(prenominal) savage than the so called savages. Kurtz entrusts his papers that he was writing to Marlow. The papers were intend originally to be a humanitarian paper on the true Kurtz had done for the villagers. Scribbled across the papers now, were the words EXTERMINATE ALL BRUTES . These words are an irony for the mission that Kurtz intended to fulfill. His humanitarian mission had degenerated into a mission of violence and exploitation.He no longer intended to attention the people of Africa, he intended to kill them and take as oft from them as they could. Kurtz in the end revealed in his final words what becomes of a man who willingly walked into a new land thinking he could be a savior to a people he fantasy beneath him. In reality, he ended up turning into the true definition of a savage. He became a person who killed with no mercy in order to take what he wanted. In his moment of clarity, he realized the horror of the what he had become. His mission of exterminating the brutes had been successful until his sad, nonsocial death.
Life in Mumbai Essay
lifetime in Mumbai may just be like the life in some other urban center, or your city from out of doors. Its just the resembling different people living(a) well almost to limither, struggling to go up their way, striving to make life better. They do have the differences, negatives and ways. But living in this city makes you realise how not so similar it is to all place in this world. How so gayy people from different cultures, states and countries thr angiotensin converting enzyme call this star city their home?On the world present Mumbai is nothing more than a small dot on the eastern side. Its said to be even smaller than that, that its do of combined seven islands. And probably thats where every resident gets angiotensin-converting enzyme quality, unity, which may not seem significant, but its buried deep intimate and nothing can reach thither. Be it travelling in the aforesaid(prenominal) crowded topical anaesthetic conditions, sharing a flat with some strangers repayable to tight budgets or standing up together during terrorist attacks, people include this city and its residents.For every person the day starts early, anywhere between 530am to 700am. They get micturate or help others to get ready to leave for work, school, etc. students face immense pressure of studies and competition season professionals to build and enhance their career. Travelling is more than time consuming be it the traffic of vehicles on roads or people in local modes of transport. After a days struggle, for professional doing the work of one and a half man, the cities night atmosphere is what it is popular for. If time permits, everyone rushes to malls, beaches, seashores, theatres, restaurants and clubs. brio here is not very social for a common man due to work pressure but at this time its all closely them, their fun and being with the people they like. In this city sleep is the first major sacrifice a person gives to happen upon their dreams.The cities es sence lies in it the way lacks of people travel by local trains and during their journey make friends irrespective of the differences. around people hanging from the train gates to save that one minute and not be late. present life is about how people mix the high end brand clothes with high street fashion. Its about the long queues at bus stops, an untold but embraced rule. Its about seeing slums somewhat posh locations even airport.Its about gathering on customary places just enjoying at night in cool sea breeze. Its about gathering g together for cricket matches even on screens at your workplace. Its about eating at roadside stalls with as much love for the food as that of a hotel. Its about walking on the street with confidence that no one is judging you. Its about the beautiful scene you see outside you window if you live on higher floors. Its about the pledge that no matter what the time you will definitely get an railroad car at least. Its about the undeserted roads ev en at 300am. Its the celebration on roads when the national cricket aggroup wins a match or a festival. Its about the dabbawalas and the tiffins they get for so many working people. Its about the madness for ganesh chatudashi. About long traffic jams and the six inch gap between cars. Its about the beauty of streetlights. About the local markets and the bargaining there. about oceanic drive, chowpatty, juhu beach, bandstand , late night movie shows, college fests, linking road, colaba causeway, fashion street, crawford market , malls and the gross sales there and so many other things.Mumbai is the city of dreams life in this city is not just about work. Life here is about following your dreams. Thousands of people mystify every month in depend for their future their dreams. Theres a reason why it is called the mercantile capital of India or the city is just so popular. And for ti there needs to be an amazing life in there. Theres a reason why so many people come here, live her e and almost none ever go back. And the alike reason is why all do call themselves mumbaikars and the city aamchi Mumbai. And i guess the reason is life in Mumbai.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Deception in Psychological research Essay
Deception in psychological research usually entails tricking the great unwashed so that the researchers throw fall out prolong the answers they urgency or as authorized why coverics happen the counseling they do. at that place atomic number 18 many moot topics in psychology and all of them es presuppose to explain the things in our environment and peoples behavior. One of these controversial topics is hypnosis usage under cognitive psychology. Hypnosis is a good way of assisting in crush memories. It has assisted many people in therapeutic procedures merely its effectiveness is sometimes question subject by otherwises.Hypnosis as a way of facilitating repressed memories Hypnosis is a form of Recovered recollection Therapy that helps a psyche with storage relapse to recall in governing body that they stick out non remember. A person does not necessarily mean that someone is asleep. Therefore it is a state surrounded by macrocosm awake and asleep. Trances serve as an example of mesmerizing functions. though they serve similar purposes, trances need to be differentiated from hypnosis beca give they are through deliberately as used in clinical procedures to help people with warehousing loss or lapses to get hold them.The sympathetic nervous clay controls arousals while the parasympathetic nervous system relaxation. These two systems do not function at the same time. When people are in the hypnotic state, they give up their consciousness and accept the inner truth (Richard, 1998). A person can undergo a deep trance where a person or the hypnotist facilitates the process or a sparkle trance referred to as self-importance hypnosis which individuals can create by themselves. This is where a person creates their own visual memory via meditation, listening to soft music or some other ways while primary(prenominal)taining a certain level of consciousness.Negative hypnosis occurs when people are easily influenced by what others enounce and the things they are exposed to. If people are told that they are not able to do certain things and they believe in such comments, then in that respect is a likely hood that they will not accomplish they thing they bring in been discouraged. This is what constitutes the negative hypnotic state. Therefore, hypnosis is about expectations. If a person has overbearing expectations, then they can acquire any thing that they set for themselves unless if they are negative, they are more(prenominal) likely to fail at any(prenominal) they decide on.Health care practitioners can therefore enhance the headspring being of their patients by assisting them in increasing their positive expectations. Hypnosis is important in helping sick with psychogenic amnesia or people who pretend lost their blocked certain memories as a result of traumatic experiences. It has been seen to work intimately for such patients. Research has shown some cases like boor sexual as well as physical abuse can be dis regarded. Likewise, try of recovery of the memories has also been shown (APA, 2001).At first, when the memory is being got, it bears itself in bits and pieces therefore more sessions with the person ease up to be conducted so as to help in recovering the memory. Traumatic memories often present themselves in a different manner than ordinary experiences. This is because this form of original information can interfere with other brain functions. Studies pay back suggested that traumatic memories that have been recalled are just as accurate as the traumatic memories that have been forgotten.Case field of operations To examine whether hypnosis is an effective way of facilitating repressed memories, a think over was conducted by Widom and Morris in 1998. The study included 23 adults 12 distaffs and 11 males who had been exposed to childhood abuse experiences and had repressed memory lapse in over 15 years. This group underwent hypnotic therapy for a period of three months (Widom & Morris, 1998). From the study, it was seen that the there is a difference in the way of recalling events between the women and the men.The women were willing to share the circumstantial pieces of information that they could recall solely the men were not. This influenced the hypnotic procedures because little memory was collected on or so of the males as compared to the women. As the sessions progressed, there were slight remedyments in memory and this can be attributed to the intense impact of the traumatic experiences on the victims as was wait from those who managed to shit some of their memory back. At the end of the study period, 53% of the women and 42% of the men had recovered their memory and were satisfied that it as true.A quarter of those studied who managed to get their memory back had rejected their results saw that they may be false while the remaining never unfeignedly got their memory back but say that so far they were proud of(p) with their lives and wou ld not engage in any other tests. From the study, we can say that hypnosis does work and can help people regain the memory they have lost. As the process was underway, most of the patients had a positive change in their personality as they said that they were more engaged in conjunction activities as they were encouraged by the test takers.At the end of the study period, approximately half of the patients had got their memory back and this shows that if the procedures are done well and for a longer period, then people with previous traumatic incidents that need recovery can gain their memory back. About 25% of the individuals said that they usually kept to them selves and this can be a contributing compute as they do not trust the therapists to help them recover the memory. versatile studies have also shown that events in a persons manner influence their behavior as well as interpersonal traffic with others.From the above case, the unwillingness of some clients to share basic i nformation restrain the process. or so of those who refused said that as lots as they wanted to get their memories back, said that it would probably affect them in a negative way. If they did, the numbers game would have definitely increased. There is conflict between the in formation a person wants to know and what they would like to forget all together. Some people may remember too much too little and this may be good or bad depending on the mise en scene they are presented (Herman, 1995). Nowadays, some people feel that there are not enough scientific research studies to back up the credibility of the diverse research memories. Others continue to say that one cannot completely break whether the results got are true or of they are based on what the hypnotist has been vocalizing them. Even when the patient who agrees that the memory that they got was false, their condition can be worse when they suffer Post traumatic Stress Disorder. Some fear the use of hypnotic procedures on children because it would affect them psychologically and this is not helping in modify their situation.This kind of therapy confuses the mind as a person cannot tell the difference between what is real and imaginative and this has further contributed to the destruction of families (Rivera, 1993). In addition, they can deny certain memories because of guilt, the need to protect their families or may be reacting according to the stress levels they have been exposed to. The False Memory syndrome Association says that they have a lot of cases that are taken to courtyard have shown that that some therapists are liars as they im rig false memories on their patients (Thierry & Spence, 2004).With the increase in such cases, some judges refuse getting evidence that has been recovered through hypnotic procedures. Such methods of treatment have therefore also not been fully accepted in knowledge as well as psychology (Schacter, 1996). In 1997, according to the U. S bureau of Justice statistics report on a survey of female inmates in jail, it was found that 36% of them had been mistreated when they were infantile and one ternion of them has been raped they were imprisoned. And further 16 case studies on child abused individuals for comparison was undertaken and it showed that about 15% of them were abused as children.This shows that as much as the experiences can be traumatic, not all of them are forgotten and if, they have been suppressed by the individual but they can be retrieved if proper therapy is used. Individuals can recollect a few things and these bits are demand in the formation of the bigger picture. The few loopholes in research should not be a foundation for dismissing hypnosis in retrieving repressed memories. People have had serious accidents and this form of therapy has helped some who medication did not help in regaining their memories back.Hypnosis therapy is a powerful mechanism as it enables people to regain memories that they thought th ey could never regain as well as achieve certain goals they have set for themselves. This power and acceptance of hypnosis as a form of therapy is due to the fact that it deals with capabilities which appear to be beyond habitual activities (Hopper& van der Kolk, 2001). Moreover, it gives people power to discover their inner being and snap off actions such as smoking, drinking and other forms if addictions.Hypnosis also serves as a motivation for peoples engagement in physical activities and support in reducing stress. This kind of therapy is helping in tralimentation illnesses and certain disorders (De Vos & Louw, 2008). Hypnosis is also used as a form of therapy in children as a form of helping in changing their behavior and assisting in improving their health. In addition, hypnosis enhances personality enrichment by improving peoples self esteems, self confidence such that they get the courage to speak out in public when initially they could not.Weight loss motivation, health y eating and exercise, better sleep for people with seeing disorders, controlling anger, and controlling peoples fears among other things (Thierry & Spence, 2004). Reliability and Validity of Research The study was reliable because the results indicated the specific responses of the individuals and since the study sample was small, it was easier to monitor individual progress. This would not have been the case if it were a larger number.Those individuals who were found out to have been sexually abused when they were young said that that was a possibility and most knew the individuals further proving that the results were reliable and valid. In addition, the individuals all showed up for the sessions as required therefore the lack of memory recovery could not be attributed to not attending the sessions. On top of these, no form of biasness was seen as the procedures were made as standard as possible and all variables that needed to be controlled were checked. ConclusionHypnosis ther apy usage is gratifying in society has it has helped a lot of people in more than one way especially in facilitating repressed memories. After all, the main goal of the procedure is to assist in the well being of a person. These form of therapy needs to be supported in increasing its evidential weight such that these memories can be used as evidence in the courts of law. Clinicians as well as psychotherapists therefore need to be skilled in this area for them to be able to properly disembowel the procedure so that the clients can get true memories which are incision o their whole being and without them they are not complete.References American psychological Association (APA) 2001. Understanding Child Sexual Abuse Rivera, Joseph. Trauma searches plant the seed of imagined misery, The Sacramento Bee, May 18, 1993. Herman, J. L. (1995). Crime and memory. Bulletin of the American honorary society of Psychiatry and the Law, 23, 5-17. H. M. De Vos and D. A. Louw (2008). Hypnosis-induce d mental training programmes as a strategy to improve the self-concept of students Vol. 57, No. 2, Higher education journal 2008 Hopper, J. W. , & van der Kolk, B. A. (2001). Retrieving, Assessing, and Classifying Traumatic Memories. daybook of Aggression, Maltreatment, & Trauma, 4, 33-71 and Freyd, J. F. , & DePrince, A. P. (Editors). Trauma and Cognitive Science (pp. 33-71). Binghamton, NY Haworth Press. Richard, S. C. July 1, (1998). The magic of hypnosis is it childs contribute? The Journal of Psychology Schacter, Daniel L. (1996). Searching for Memory the brain, the mind, and the past. New York, Basic Books. Thierry, KL, Spence MJ (2004). modern-day hypnosis Widom, C. S. & Morris, S. (1998). Adult recollections of childhood victimization Childhood sexual abuse. Psychological Assessment, 8, 412-421.
Social Contexts and Adolescent Development
How did I become the person I am today? Is it beca physical exercise of the way my p atomic number 18nts increase me? Does it pass on anything to do with the friends that I had growing up? Could it be that my t from each geniusers went eminenter up and beyond their content to teach me life lessons? The fact is that I had some(prenominal) moulds in my life including my parents, friends and teachers that led me down the path to become the large I am today. The numerous social contexts that I have encountered in my life each had their own part in contri moreovering to my behaviors, personality, beliefs, goals and fundamentally e genuinely part of my macrocosm.As an immature, and as yet as an pornographic, much of the information and counselor I have received about achieving adult consideration was acquired from my parents. I am very fortunate to have parents who have made much(prenominal) a commanding impact on my life. As an stripling, I did not continuously conk out along with my parents. They were very strict and I was practically angry with them for not letting me have as much emancipation as my friends. I hatful still hear my mom saying, If your friends jumped get rid of a bridge, would you? Now, as an adult, I hear that they really were just try to touch out for me.As far as preparing me for adulthood, my parents support up me to continuously do my best. My parents taught me that hard work is chief(prenominal) and not only did they talk the talk, moreover they walked the walk. They led by example, and because of them I have an excellent work value orientation which will be useful when I begin my teaching life history (which I accept is very soon). Many adolescents do not look to their parents for information and guidance. They often feel deal their parents do not understand them or their problems.As a teacher, I gouge try to help further strong relationships between parents and students by providing support for those fam ilies who need it. I rump provide parents with information about raising adolescents as it plunder be a very tough time with their child firing by dint of so many changes. As far as the students are concerned, I great deal encourage them to go to their parents for advice and let them deal that their parents are smarter than they think. I can even provide them with examples from my own life where my parents gave me excellent advice, even though I didnt think that at the time.Another influential address of information and guidance in my adolescent years was that of my middle and mettlesome prepare teachers. In fact, one of the reasons that I chose teaching as a career was because of the positive interactions that I had with many of my own teachers. My favorite teachers were the ones who taught me how to be a better person, not just a better student. They had high expectations, taught organizational skills, encouraged self initiative, and provided guidance and advice outside o f the content.I mat like they were always open to help in any situation. I sine qua non my students to understand that teachers can make a make a great(p) difference in their life. I indirect request them to know that they can always come to me when they have a problem and that I will always try my best to help them find a solution. I hope to teach them skills that they can use after they leave my classroom. I want what I teach them to stay with them forever, not just while I am their teacher. I as well think it is important that they are encouraged to have relationships with other teachers, not just myself.All teachers have experienced adolescence, and each one of us brings something different to the t fitting. If I am not able to help a student with a problem, then I can point them to someone who can. In typical adolescent fashion, I was also very bendd by my confederates. While it may not seem that adolescent associates would provide much information and guidance for reac hing adult status that is just simply not true. Interactions with my peers taught me about handling passage of arms, considering others, and making decisions. These peer experiences prepared me for similar situations that I would encounter as an adult.I think that peer interactions are so important to adolescents because at this stage in their organic evolution much of their behavior is influenced mostly by their peers. As a teacher, I want to teach my students how to use interactions with their peers in a positive manner. I want to foster strong relationships in the classroom, so that students can use the characteristics of these relationships to build new-fangled relationships. I want my students to know that they can elate a lot from their friends, both good and bad. The important thing for them is to know how to separate the good from the bad, and unwrap rom their mistakes, as well as the mistakes of others. A context that involved both peers and teachers and one in which I learned many skills and responsibilities required for achieving adult status was high school marching anchor ring. Being a part of band taught me many skills that were unavoidable for attaining adult status. bingle of the most obvious skills that comes from being in band is teamwork. I also learned confidence and pride. Dedication was also unavoidable because we put so much time into practicing and performing. One of the most nasty lessons was learning that we could not always come in first place.This lesson is very helpful because as an adult, because I am not going to get every job I apply for. Learning to keep going when we feel defeated is very important. I want to encourage my students to participate in extracurricular activities, whether it be band, sports or other clubs. Students should have the opportunities to learn these skills that come from being a part of something. I them to know that when I look back at my adolescent years, the thing I drip the most are the act ivities such as band, school musicals and community improvement clubs.Though I am not active in church as an adult, it was definitely one of the social contexts that had a great influence on who I am. There are so many lessons that one learns at church that can be applied to life. Going to church introduced me to being a part of something greater than myself and gave me the opportunity to express my beliefs. While I am not able to bring religion into the school setting, I can still remind my students that organizations that they are a part of can provide much information and guidance in becoming an adult. I can encourage them to stand strong in what they study in, still to also respect the beliefs of others.In this day and age, it would pretty much be insufferable for the media to not have any influence on the development of adolescents. However, I would say that in my own personal experience media had a part, but only a small part, in informing and guiding me from adolescence i nto adulthood. One of the reasons that media was not a big influence in my life goes back to how strict my parents were. I was not allowed to watch a lot of television receiver or listen to a lot of music. My time on the estimator was very limited. All of my interactions with media were monitored pretty closely.Unfortunately, most adolescents in todays world have entirely too much media influence. Many students have their own smart phones which gives them approach path to pretty much anything they want access to. Television and movies that are geared toward adolescents are more risque than they were a ten ago. As a teacher I think it is important that I warn students of the negative impacts that media can have on their development. However, media can also impact students in a positive way if use correctly. I would like to teach my students how to use media to research important topics that can help them grow into knowledgeable young adults.If media is a big influence in their li fe, I want to make sure that it is a positive influence. I think my experiences as an adolescent are still applicable to the lives of adolescents today. While my experiences as an adolescent took place more than a decade ago, adolescents in todays world continue to encounter many of the same situations of the past. Peer pressure still exists and takes a toll on the decision making of adolescents when it comes to risky behaviors such as drinking, drugs and sex. The interaction and conflict that they have with their parents, is very similar to the interactions that I experienced with my own parents.I felt the need for independence, just as they do. The emotions that I encountered as an adolescent are still experienced by adolescents today. I went through heartbreak, making new and losing old friends, the desire to be popular, and trying to impress others. Our world has changed tremendously over the past decade, but the issues of adolescence as well as adolescent development have con tinued to remain the same. Having experienced the years of adolescence myself, along with the education I have received about adolescent development, I believe that I can have a positive influence on the lives of my students.Helping my students understand that they are in control of who they become is one of my top priorities. I can accomplish this by teaching them to be open to information and guidance from the many social contexts in their life, and accenting focus on the positive aspects of the various influences. I also believe that it is important for me to share how I was influenced by many different contexts in my own life. I would hope that this would help me connect with my students and lead them to attaining adult status using what they learn from the many contexts in their own life.
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